Pickup advice

Hoping someone may be able to offer some steering.

A few months ago I replaced the stock MP90 pickups in my Mustang 90 (I fancied something a little thinner with better definition). So got some Creamery Sonic Sixes - which are a lot brighter with greater clarity and grit.

But - they are maybe too bright, so much so that the low E and A strings sound quite ‘clicky’. Rolling off the treble helps, however unfortunately also then removes the bite. 

Is this something that can be significantly adjusted via pole/pickup height or tone pot value - or just the case that I cannot smooth out the bass end without also losing the treble (meaning this is simply ‘the way they are’) ?

Would be interested on anyone’s thoughts (if at all !!).
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  • FunkfingersFunkfingers Frets: 14795
    Q1) What is the resistance value of the volume pot?
    Q2) What magnet formulation was in the Fender MP90 pickups?
    Q3) The Sonic Six is offered in three different versions. Which do you have?

    The construction of the Sonic Six means that it is likely to sound much more like a Fat Stratocaster or those Fender AmPro Jazzmaster pickups (that are built nothing like proper Jazzmaster ones) than any P90.
    You say, atom bomb. I say, tin of corned beef.
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  • Many thanks for your reply @Funkfingers. As far as I am aware, details are as follows - 

    Q1) The volume pot is a CTS EP 4985 - 250k (I like the linear functionality)
    Q1) The tone pot is a CTS 1909 250k (I want to return this to logarithm)

    Q2) I am sorry, however I do not know the type of magnets in the stock MP90s

    Q3) I believe these were custom wound to 7.5k on the bridge and 6.8k on the neck

    Yes, I was keen to have the pickups in the fatter Stratocaster vein, and they really work in the Mustang - it is just the low end that is a little brighter than I would like - hence I am looking to find if I can tone down the treble on the bass side without losing the lovely overall treble clarity (if that makes sense ?). The problem (if you could even call it that - as these are still great pickups) exists more on the bridge than the neck.
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  • FunkfingersFunkfingers Frets: 14795
    250k pots make sense with your Creamery pickups. 500k would be the norm with P90s. 

    IMO, it speaks volumes that Fender does not offer MP-90 pickups as an aftermarket part. Specs for them are shrouded in mystery. Probably, nothing to boast about.

    Q4) What strings are you using? (Gauge and wrap material.)
    Q5) Do you have any machined from solid bridge saddles to try instead of the bent steel ones?
    You say, atom bomb. I say, tin of corned beef.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Q4) It is strung with a set of Ernie Ball 10s
    Q5) Nope 

    One possibility is that once I change the tone pot back to log, that I will have more control to roll back a little bit without removing too much bite. I am not sure why it was "upgraded" to linear, but it doesn't work for me (the volume yes, but the tone no).

    On my original question - would adjusting pole pieces or pickup angles have much affect ? Of course I could try this myself, albeit at a risk I completely scramble what may be sensitive settings beyond my retrieval.
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