Cold weather shut down

What's Hot

  I've had to close my workshop down while this cold weather is with us. I am doing some work, but glueing up wood is a no no with these low temperatures, Titebond doesn't like it cold, and if it gets anywhere near freezing point it's no good anymore. I also don't like working on necks when it's this cold, Rosewood and Maple in particular can do funny things when it's really cold.

 I've decided to finish off some guitars ready for sale in the near future. I have at least 6 TC’c nearly finished, the necks are complete it's just the bodies that need some work on them. These were going to be in last year’s November's Black Friday sale, which I didn't have because I was too busy with customers work.

     5 of the bodies that need finishing. there going to be 3 “F” hole TC’s and a few black guards.

Your life will improve when you realise it’s better to be alone than chase people who do not really care about you. Saying YES to happiness means learning to say NO to things and people that stress you out.

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  • WezVWezV Frets: 16999
    It's a good point about titebond original I don't think most will realise.   

    If its over 2 years old it needs to be thrown.  Check the production codes if unsure.. but allowing for distribution times, it's best not to keep it for more than a year

    If you let it get too cold it needs to be thrown away.

    If it dries chalky in any way  throw it away.

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  • bengabenga Frets: 19
    I have neither the experience or the skill to do justice to one of your creations, but every time I see your work I get ideas :)  <3
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  • Thanks for the heads-up on the Titebond! Last night I went out to my garage and found residue around the cap had gone a bit chalky. "I wonder it that means it's gone off...?" I thought.... New bottle ordered!
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  • I rescued my Titebond from the garage last night as well. I suspect I was too late as well.  Think I'll just get some new and keep it indoors
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  • Is there any point in buying Titebond 2 or Ultimate, or is the Original just as good? I have a very old bottle of original that I’d best replace I think ...
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 16999
    edited February 2021
    No, they are made for different purposes rather than being better glues.   Titebond original is still the best of the range for most uses on guitars.   

    If you were looking for a weather proof glue or different functions like that then it would be worth considering some of the other glues, but they do prevent future repairs and both leave more noticeable glue lines on light woods.... although they will all work, not like the guitar will fall apart
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  • DrBobDrBob Frets: 3023
    Aaahhnnd thats my bottle of Titebond going in the bin, Just been out to the shed  guitar workshop and it would appear to have got so cold that its blown the lacquer on one of the bodies that was out there.

    Sad face...
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  • RolandRoland Frets: 8860
    My workshop has a chest freezer which keeps the temperature above freezing. It stops condensation forming on the machine tools. The Titebond still lives in the house though.

    It’s still too cold to work out there, even with a 2kW heater running. Yesterday I did a rewire on the kitchen table.
    Tree recycler, and guitarist with
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  • JalapenoJalapeno Frets: 6424
    I've a LP in the garage awaiting a re-wire - it's flaking nicely ! ;)
    Imagine something sharp and witty here ......

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