Flashback / Alter Ego Tips

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monquixotemonquixote Frets: 17918
in FX tFB Trader
I've just got an Alter Ego and it's got far too many features and modes for someone with my simple brain especially as I don't tend to use masses of delay. 

So hints and tips, what settings and tone prints do you use?

I was thinking about using my TP slot for the tri chorus setting as I don't have one on my board.

Is it worth getting into Tone Print editing or has all the good stuff been captured in the downloadable patches?
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  • Drew_TNBDDrew_TNBD Frets: 22445
    I'm using the SPACE, the 2290, and Steven Wilsons' toneprint. The toneprint editor is cool, but quite limited in the range of tones you can get - which is actually one of its pluses!! Takes 4 minutes to dial in the tone you want. Save to a slot. Done.
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  • digitalscreamdigitalscream Frets: 27094
    Drew, it's a bit different when you've got the X4 and therefore a bunch of empty slots to play with ;) On the standard pedal, you have to be a lot more selective.

    I keep the TriChorus in the TP slot on mine, but I can't remember the last time I used it. My favourite setting is with everything pointing north on the MOD mode. The modulation on the repeats gives it a nice sparkle for cleans, and a slightly different flavour in solos (it's less noticeable with gain). All I tend to do is vary the mix level a bit for each song through our set, although I could just leave it and I doubt anybody would really notice.
    <space for hire>
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  • Drew_TNBDDrew_TNBD Frets: 22445
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  • chrisj1602chrisj1602 Frets: 4075
    I got a flashback then upgraded to an X4 and I still didn't scratch the surface of the first one I had. There's so many good sounds on there.
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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 17918
    tFB Trader
    I've been having a bit of a play with it today. 

    At first I was thinking perhaps I'd made a mistake as it doesn't sound as present and dynamic as the Aqua Puss I had previously, but I'm learning to appreciate how it blends a little more and takes some of the edge off the sound. 

    The silver on yellow is completely useless, unless visibility is really good it's completely unreadable. 

    The 2290 setting is a really good basic digital delay so I can see myself using that. 
    The DMM setting is nice and is essentially a slightly darker version of the Mod preset which I like so I think both of those are going to be figuring quite heavily in my playing.
    Having a dedicated slap mode is always good. 

    So far I've not really got on with the special Echorec preset which is so hyped by PGS. It sounds like a bit of a guitar shop / bedroom sound and too over the top to use in practical situations. Could be wrong and maybe I need to dial it in better.

    The only Toneprint i've tried so far is the Tri chorus toneprint which seems like a useful thing to have in the back pocket.

    Cautiously pleased with it so far, but much more playing to be done before I really understand it.
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  • chrisj1602chrisj1602 Frets: 4075
    And then there's the tone print editor...
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  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16423
    This reminded me of the tri chorus, tried it before and didn't like it, just tried it again and meh. :( Had I bought a chorus pedal and that was the sound it would go back. It's vague chorus sound, vague chorus sound, 1980's Mexican jazz fusion wobbly agh. Having said that as I currently under utilising my x4 it has gone in a toneprint slot and as there is no other modulation on the board it will probably get used.
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16423
    edited July 2014
    Oh, whilst I'm here. I've never had a single Flashback but I had a Hardwire delay. For me that was several delays in one for home use ( in my case basically making noises that upset the dog) and one delay live - you either need delay types that will be okay with exactly the same settings or you have to fiddle about ( ooh err, etc) too much between songs.
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • ragingbenragingben Frets: 107
    EricTheWeary;304899" said:
    Oh, whilst I'm here. I've never had a single Flashback but I had a Hardwire delay. For me that was several delays in one for home use ( in my case basically making noises that upset the dog) and one delay live - you either need delay types that will be okay with exactly the same settings or you have to fiddle about ( ooh err, etc) too much between songs.
    This. I wanted a flashback but ended up with a DL-8, I use most of the modes sat at home, but live either use the analog or straight up digital modes only. I used to faff around but now I just set and forget, more forget really. I just find in a live situation I rarely remember to kick it on (more of a delay for solos kinda guy), and wouldn't really be able to tell the difference between modes after a few songs anyway once my ears are shot.
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  • Im interested in a flashback for some reverse delay. Can anyone tell me if the maximum delay time also applies to the reverse delay aspects? So if i set the delay time to 7 seconds (for example) can i play in a 7 second phrase and have it repeated back to me backwards as a complete thing, or will it be sub divided?

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  • chrisj1602chrisj1602 Frets: 4075
    aswefallintostatic;306227" said:
    Im interested in a flashback for some reverse delay. Can anyone tell me if the maximum delay time also applies to the reverse delay aspects? So if i set the delay time to 7 seconds (for example) can i play in a 7 second phrase and have it repeated back to me backwards as a complete thing, or will it be sub divided?

    I'm not sure about that, but the Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai has a function where you play a part with the button held down and when you release it, it plays it back in reverse.
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  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16423
    The max delay time is 7 seconds but it says depends on the mode, so I don't know if its that long in Reverse. In theory you can have the reversed signal only as well. I've only tried Reverse briefly and made some faux psychedelic noises with it but that was about it.
    If there isn't an answer sooner if I get to plug in over the weekend I'll see what it does. I have never tried the ring mod toneprint, not that sure why I want to but I keep meaning to give that a go.
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • not_the_djnot_the_dj Frets: 7306

    So far I've not really got on with the special Echorec preset which is so hyped by PGS. It sounds like a bit of a guitar shop / bedroom sound and too over the top to use in practical situations. Could be wrong and maybe I need to dial it in better.

    Have you tired it with a fuzz pedal before it? For me that's really where it's at with the Echorec setting. With a clean sound I agree it's over the top, and yes it is the worse coloured pedal I've every owned.
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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 17918
    tFB Trader

    So far I've not really got on with the special Echorec preset which is so hyped by PGS. It sounds like a bit of a guitar shop / bedroom sound and too over the top to use in practical situations. Could be wrong and maybe I need to dial it in better.

    Have you tired it with a fuzz pedal before it? For me that's really where it's at with the Echorec setting. With a clean sound I agree it's over the top, and yes it is the worse coloured pedal I've every owned.
    No I don't haven't got any on my board ATM. 
    What fuzz did you use? 
    I've got a green muff I could try it with.
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  • not_the_djnot_the_dj Frets: 7306

    So far I've not really got on with the special Echorec preset which is so hyped by PGS. It sounds like a bit of a guitar shop / bedroom sound and too over the top to use in practical situations. Could be wrong and maybe I need to dial it in better.

    Have you tired it with a fuzz pedal before it? For me that's really where it's at with the Echorec setting. With a clean sound I agree it's over the top, and yes it is the worse coloured pedal I've every owned.
    No I don't haven't got any on my board ATM. 
    What fuzz did you use? 
    I've got a green muff I could try it with.
    MXR Hendrix Fuzz Face (that's the only fuzz I've got). 
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  • The max delay time is 7 seconds but it says depends on the mode, so I don't know if its that long in Reverse. In theory you can have the reversed signal only as well. I've only tried Reverse briefly and made some faux psychedelic noises with it but that was about it.
    If there isn't an answer sooner if I get to plug in over the weekend I'll see what it does. I have never tried the ring mod toneprint, not that sure why I want to but I keep meaning to give that a go.
    Thanks man! I would be interested to hear how you get on. I downloaded the editor but it turns out you cant actually edit anything without plugging in a pedal...
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  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16423
    edited July 2014
    Had ten minutes with the x4 making odd noises. If you whack delay time to max, feedback to min and level to max in reverse mode you can get what you played backwards. So, I played an ascending scale and got a descending scale out the amp. I reckon there is about 5 or 6 seconds delay. Quite hard to do without getting random scratches coming back at you though ( well it is if you are me ).
    Tried the ring mod print. Err, interesting. Quite easy to adjust it into squealing feedback.

    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • Check out this petrucci toneprint
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