John Petrucci appreciation thread

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BucketBucket Frets: 7752
edited July 2014 in Music
People who know me from MusicRadar may remember that I am a bit of a John Petrucci fan, and after listening to the whole of Dream Theater's "Awake" earlier I thought I'd post something here, to see if there are any other fans. I think he's just a superb guitarist in pretty well every sense - technically he's all but untouchable, yet he has a really developed sense of melody and his solos are very well-constructed. He's a great songwriter and also has a tone to die for. And he does play like he means it - I understand it's not to everyone's taste, but people who assert that he's "soulless" or emotionally disconnected are just wrong IMO.

Obviously he's a shredder of truly epic skill, but I think comparisons can also be drawn with players like Steve Lukather and Neal Schon.

3:00 here is a good example of his early style - clear 1980s rock influence:

This clip from 1993 is just stunning, particularly from about 2 minutes:

This is from 1997, the solo at 6:25 displays a lot of Allan Holdsworth influence, very cool:

This is from 2003, and the album that was my introduction to Dream Theater. The solo at 3:50 blew my mind, I'd never heard anyone play that fast before and it still gets me going today... it's not just the speed, it's the energy with which it's delivered. It screams.

This is from 2009, and it's utterly marvellous - about 30 seconds in is a really nice, melodic solo, then the song develops and develops from there into a 19-minute epic with some brilliant musical moments. Then at 17:00, another solo, based on the theme that was introduced in the first solo, but taken to new heights. That last solo really reminds me of Neal Schon, except even better. Superb.

Not to mention that he can riff with the best of them too - Awake and Train of Thought are stuffed with great downtuned metal riffs.

So there we are. Surely I can't be the only fan of this full-on guitar genius?
- "I'm going to write a very stiff letter. A VERY stiff letter. On cardboard."
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  • DeijavooDeijavoo Frets: 3299

    I am really not into Dream Theatre however totally appreciate Petrucci's skills and technique. Anyways I laugh as I watched Rock Discipline for the first time in years tonight and was gonna post an "appreciation" thread. Bit drunk and forgot though.
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  • hubobuloushubobulous Frets: 2372
    I love Images and Words and Awake, but that's really it. His playing is unreal and I agree that it's not lacking feel.

    However, my brother and I saw DT live at Hammersmith a few years ago and unfortunately it was one of the dullest gigs we've been to. Stunning performance by the whole band, but was too 'clinical' if you know what I mean.

    But, he's a great player and seems like a cool human being which is what it's all about :-)
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  • vizviz Frets: 10778
    I love his solos on cd 2 of 6 degrees. Beautiful.
    Roland said: Scales are primarily a tool for categorising knowledge, not a rule for what can or cannot be played.
    Supportact said: [my style is] probably more an accumulation of limitations and bad habits than a 'style'.
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  • KebabkidKebabkid Frets: 3354
    edited July 2014

    I, too, like "Images and Words" and loved the track "Pull me under" but that's about it. I appreciate him as a player and he definitely stands out. I also like the "Steve Morse" type picking thing that he does but you've mentioned a couple of other guys here (Schon and Lukather, and let's not forget Huff) who I prefer. For middle ground i.e. someone who melds flash, melody and technical ability with the percussive pump of Nuno, check out Pete Lesperance of Harem Scarem and here's a slower piece of his but you might like their first album and Mood Swings.

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  • OctahedronOctahedron Frets: 400
    John Petrucci is great. I love Dream Theater. This makes me laugh every time...

    Music the great communicator, use two sticks to make it in the nature - a music reviews blog:
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  • ElxElx Frets: 412
    Yeah, I'm a fan, but he's a nerd. All of them are :) I like Images and Words, A Change of Seasons and Awake. The rest leaves me cold, not as melodic as it used to be. It's actually laughable when they try to make it uber heavy...being nerds that they are, it simply doesn't work. Like on Train of Thought. It's comical.

    But as I said, I love him as a player, I've analysed and learned majority of his I&W solos and they are simply great. I keep coming back to that album, it defined the genre. 

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  • jonevejoneve Frets: 1492
    Kebabkid said:

    I, too, like "Images and Words" and loved the track "Pull me under" but that's about it. I appreciate him as a player and he definitely stands out. I also like the "Steve Morse" type picking thing that he does but you've mentioned a couple of other guys here (Schon and Lukather, and let's not forget Huff) who I prefer. For middle ground i.e. someone who melds flash, melody and technical ability with the percussive pump of Nuno, check out Pete Lesperance of Harem Scarem and here's a slower piece of his but you might like their first album and Mood Swings.

    You dick. I'm going to have to listen to Mood Swings (and weight of the world) now. 

    Ok, that's not a bad thing. But I agree with everything you say about Pete Lesperance (and Harem Scarem).

    Oh, I love Petrucci too. His work on Scenes from a Memory (still) blows me away. 

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  • jonevejoneve Frets: 1492
    edited July 2014
    Weight of the World isn't on Spotify. I haz a sad :( 

    EDIT: There is, however, a re-recorded version of Mood Swings. Hooray :D 
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  • bazxkrbazxkr Frets: 619
    Big fan of Petrucci too...have 2 x JP6s but strangely they sound nothing like his & I can't figure out why LOL

    Saw DT at Wembley in Feb 14...awesome but were clinical as has been said...Petrucci is an astonishing technician...buit I do prefer much more improvisation & going off into off the cuff jams and such like as Deep Purple used to do when the mood took them

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  • BidleyBidley Frets: 2954
    I'm another who loves Images & Words and Awake. I found everything they did since to be incredibly difficult to get into, I should really spin them again. But yeah, Big Johnny Pet is a great guitarist, lots of soul to go with the technique.
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  • beed84beed84 Frets: 2450
    edited July 2014
    Massive fan of Petrucci here.  I really admire his approach to the guitar and his overall inventiveness.  His technique his pretty much flawless, although I think he was at his peak around 2004.  When I watch him play on live at Budokan, there's something a bit 'Zen' about his playing. It's almost like a he was this enlightened guitarist where anything was possible! Not to say he's a bad player now, mind!

    I've seen him live 3 times now and he delivered each time.  I love pretty much all the DT stuff pre Mike Portnoy's departure.  To me, there isn't any direction in the songs; the last album failed miserably where melody is concerned, and for some reason they've abandon the progressive style for heaviness, which is a big shame compared to the epicness of Scenes From A Memory, Images and Words, and Octavarium.

    The stuff on Liquid Tension Experiment is amazing too.

    If there was one player that I wish could play like, it would be him.

    I'm not a show off by any means, but here's a drawing I did out of my appreciation for him:

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  • firks91firks91 Frets: 104
    Im also a big fan Petrucci and DT. theyre all spectacular musicians, i love pretty much every song theyve composed. 

    Petrucci's style is great, hes one of my favourite players along with guthrie and bonamasaa, but i do prefer Petrucci's playing and his tone back in the earlier days, for the most part. 

    i basically feel the same as beed84, nowadays i feel like he's a bit more about the heavy riffs with his 7 string, which is awesome but, i dont know... i guess i just miss his old train of thought (no pun intended) on writing. i enjoy DT's new stuff, but its just not the same as pre mangini although they were sort of heading in this musical direction in the last few years with Portnoy anyhow. i think the loss of his influence has turbo'd their gradual mutation of style, if you know what i mean. All that said though he/they still know how to write emotive music, theres just a lack of their classic progressiveness. 

    Liquid tension stuff is also awesome and his solo album is great too. 
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  • vizviz Frets: 10778
    edited July 2014
    bazxkr said:
    Big fan of Petrucci too...have 2 x JP6s but strangely they sound nothing like his & I can't figure out why LOL

    Saw DT at Wembley in Feb 14...awesome but were clinical as has been said...Petrucci is an astonishing technician...buit I do prefer much more improvisation & going off into off the cuff jams and such like as Deep Purple used to do when the mood took them

    Yep it was good, astonishing even, but not that moving. Here's a clip. It was all a bit samey like this, I felt.
    Roland said: Scales are primarily a tool for categorising knowledge, not a rule for what can or cannot be played.
    Supportact said: [my style is] probably more an accumulation of limitations and bad habits than a 'style'.
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  • KebabkidKebabkid Frets: 3354
    edited July 2014
    joneve said:
    You dick. I'm going to have to listen to Mood Swings (and weight of the world) now. 

    Err...glad to have been of service (I think) ;)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • beed84beed84 Frets: 2450
    Kebabkid said:
    joneve said:
    You dick. I'm going to have to listen to Mood Swings (and weight of the world) now. 

    Err...glad to have been of service (I think) ;)
    Yeah, what a dick.  I'm gonna have to listen to it as well!
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  • AdjiAdji Frets: 146
    tFB Trader
    Big DT fan and quite the Petrucci fan, he isn't my favourite however. I'm kinda 50/50 with him, either love what he does or hate what  he does. No doubt he is a monster.

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  • BucketBucket Frets: 7752
    Good to see some fans on here!

    If you like Petrucci, check this guy out too - he plays guitar with DT singer James Labrie when he does his solo stuff.

    Fantastic player, I'd bet he's very influenced by Petrucci.
    - "I'm going to write a very stiff letter. A VERY stiff letter. On cardboard."
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  • TPReggieTPReggie Frets: 22
    JP is phenominal and I have seen him live several times with DT - to be honest the first time I went I was determined to prove there was some trick involved and that he couldn't actually play that fast, lol. 

    I was proved wrong and most of that show I probably had my jaw on the floor. 

    What I love about him is the way he can be so technical and blazing fast, and still come up with gorgeous leads with carefully picked notes that really sing. Most guys are one or the other - he can pull off both with equal skill. 

    I second the guy above too, James Labrie's guitar player for solo work, he is another etrucci really, even tone is similar, awesome player. 
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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28355
    I was a massive DT fan for many years, and he was in my top 3 guitarists. I much preferred them when they were more melodic though. I loved all the albums up to octavarium, but didn't really engage with any after that. I continued to buy them, but couldn't get into them. Their last album is the first I didn't bother buying. Saw them live 5 times over the years, very good! The JP forum was my main Internet hangout for over a decade, but I quit when MP left the band and everyone went into douche mode.
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  • Is this the typical Dream Theater fan? 

    Only kidding lol... I bought and sold "Awake" three times before I attuned myself to them. I find this to be their best album, followed by Metropolis then 6 degrees. Don't listen to them much nowadays, though. My top (guitar) bands are G N' R, Van Halen and Extreme. 
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