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If you were starting again?

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jeztone2jeztone2 Frets: 2161
I just renewed my home insurance & this got me asking the question. If they were all stolen. After you got the cheque. What guitars would you buy again and what guitars would you change?

For me it was 50/50 of my six electrics. So the ones I’d buy again in a heartbeat would be be.

Feline Tabby T type
PRS Custom 22
Fender Kotzen Tele

The guitars I’d change would be.

My Les Paul for a newish PRS McCarty.

My Yamaha SG1000 for a Yamaha SA2000/21/2200.

Finally my Ibanez RG560 for a Fender American Special Strat that I’d use as a modding platform. 

What about everyone else? Would you buy the same again or mix it up? 
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  • I think the difficulty is that im always lusting after the next one.  Ive tried a lot of guitars and there are 12 or 13 dotted around the house.

    I like strats, so Id have to replace that.  It like a good tele.

    Id probably have a PRS simply because I haven't tried one of those and that will also cover double coil guitars.

    Id quite like a bass as well just because of the occasional times when it feels great to play one.

    4 would probably cover it for me. 

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  • skunkwerxskunkwerx Frets: 7024
    I have an Ltd Phoenix, which I love so I’d get that again. 

    My Ltd CTM I’d also get again.

    My Fender Tele professional I would probably change for a Jaguar or Jazzmaster of the same Usa build just to try one really. 

    Pedals and amps might be similar tbh but maybe sacrifice some to get fewer but better ones of the rest.

    If Esp made E-ii versions of what I have I’d go for those and pay the extra but theres nowt in the line that matches exactly.. or they have pissing satin necks lol
    The only easy day, was yesterday...
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  • TTBZTTBZ Frets: 3000
    I've thought about this before :) I'd definitely swap my SG for a Les Paul or PRS and not look back. Amp-wise I'm pretty happy with my Mini Jubilee combo still but I'd probably swap it for a head. Or maybe just get a DSL20HR and pocket the cash difference.
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  • I’d definitely get a Tele Deluxe of some sort after my NGD this week. I’d probably also get a 335-type guitar, but not an Epi that I’ve got, maybe something a bit higher up the food chain. I’d also really like a Novo, but I doubt the insurance would cover that!
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  • StevepageStevepage Frets: 3167
    I probably wouldn’t bother with a proper amp again. I’d go for a Helix Floor and get an frfr speaker.

    for guitars, that would be difficult. I’d either go for the Warmoth route again and get something just like my current Warmoth or I’d get a Prs CE22 like I’ve had in the past.
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  • TINMAN82TINMAN82 Frets: 1847
    I’d replace my CS ‘61 strat with something as close as possible. 

    I’d probably replace my Comins archtop with exactly the same model too.

    I could be tempted to replace my tobacco burst R8 for a dirty lemon R9 with a slightly thinner neck and ideally a few ounces lighter. Whether I’d prefer it, not sure.

    My Martin 00028ec is the least played guitar I own (and most expensive when bought new). I’d have to think carefully about that one.
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  • Excellent question. 

    Of mine, 3 spring immediately to mind that I'd want to replace very quickly: 
    - Strat. Mine is a bitsa from the bones of what was originally my first guitar back in 2000. It's irreplaceable, but I'd go and find a really phenomenal strat very quickly.
    - P bass. I've only had it 18 months or so but I love it and wouldn't be without it now
    - Atkin Forty Seven - it's simply one of the best acoustics I've ever played and I'd be after another. Not necessarily exactly the same model, but as close to the quality and vibe as I could get.

    After that I'd want something fully hollow with a bigsby, something HH (probably SG or CS336 again but not necessarily), and something offset (I have a jazzmaster and I'm building a Jag so who knows). 
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • I’d probably get a Blackmachine. Then play the thing forever. 

    Then an axe fx III, power amp, flat speaker and a good pair of headphones. 

    Then I’d be the guy that plays one guitar for everything. 

    If I had to get an amp, I’d probably get another Mesa Mark 1. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • I could probably replace mine fairly easily except for my The Paul Deluxe. If I couldn't get another of those I'd possibly go for a Special or maybe an SG. The problem then could be P90s v Humbucklers. I'd love to try some vintage hot P90s, but then Humchuggers are always good.
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  • I have some items that aren't in production any more so I'd have a hard time swapping like for like.
    Then my classical is made from contraband wood, so if have to get a different one.

    I think I'd go to 2 electrics (from 4). The first would definitely by a jazzmaster, the second would be some sort of 345 thing 
    The Martin and the classical would both get the closest like for like I could manage.

    The amp... Fingers crossed on eBay and the same with some of my pedals.

    The Bigsby was the first successful design of what is now called a whammy bar or tremolo arm, although vibrato is the technically correct term for the musical effect it produces. In standard usage, tremolo is a rapid fluctuation of the volume of a note, while vibrato is a fluctuation in pitch. The origin of this nonstandard usage of the term by electric guitarists is attributed to Leo Fender, who also used the term “vibrato” to refer to what is really a tremolo effect.
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  • DrBobDrBob Frets: 3042
    If it all went I think that for the amount of time I actually spend playing anymore I probably only need 1 guitar, an HSS Strat and as the best one of those I ever played was my old Tyler Studio Elite Hollow HD I’d probably get one of those.

    As for amps? This Cornell Vintage Brown 10 I’ve just picked up is pretty perfect. Great drive sound at a volume that’s useable at home and it’s got reverb too. So only really need a tuner and I’m fine
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  • Jimbro66Jimbro66 Frets: 2478
    Hmmm, the biggest losses would be firstly my Schecter Tele that I've owned for 39 years and is really special to me. I'd probably replace that with a Fender custom shop Tele as being nearest in overall quality and sound. The other is my Atkin OM28 Retrospective which is not only a fabulous acoustic but was bought for me as a very special present so has great sentimental value. I'd definitely replace that with another Atkin, either another OM or perhaps an LG style.

    My two Gretsch Jets might be replaced with one Jet and perhaps a Setzer 6120. I'm not sure if I'd replace my Gibbo 335 as I rarely play it any more. My hybrid Fender/Gretsch Tele partscaster probably wouldn't be replaced at all.
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  • OffsetOffset Frets: 13897
    I've got 10 electrics and I'll admit there's only one of them I wouldn't get again, and that is nothing to do with the quality of the instrument.  It's the Cort G-300 and it's a cracking guitar - but I bought it to scratch an itch I discovered I didn't have.  Superstrats just ain't for me I guess.  Just glad I didn't lash out something more expensive (like a Suhr Pete Thorn); the Cort was a cheaper way of dipping my toe in that particular puddle.   Not sure I'll shift it because it was only £749 new.  I'd still recommend it to someone looking for that style of guitar however.
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  • Dave_McDave_Mc Frets: 2460
    Big problem is current pricing- most of my gear I've bought when prices were a lot more attractive. Just because I liked something at the price it cost when I bought it doesn't mean I'd like it at the price it would cost me to buy it now!

    So I'd have to have a think about it. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • That’s a very interesting question.

    My first thought was - arrggghhh - they are perfect, so would deffo need to try and seek out replacements.

    Second thought is that guitars have their own character, so it is pointless trying to replace like for like - as they will inevitably be different, and possibly a disappointment.

    Reckon I would try and bide my time, waiting for the right (and recommended) ones to come up on tFB classifieds. Point being, I got to play a Strat today that was a specification I had believed didn’t work for me - boy, it was a well seasoned and great guitar, brilliantly set up - and played beautifully.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • Hmm...good question. Well I'd definitely have to get a new strat of some sort, as that's my no.1. I'd probably get like a Mexican one as I had to make do with a Squier Affinity when I was younger. I still use that guitar today and no amount amount of money can replace the sentimental attachment I have with it. Or maybe I would get another Affinity and mod it up like I did.

    I'd get the same Les Paul studio, as its light and sounds great with its current set of mods. The backup for that is an LTD EC-50 which has been discontinued so I couldn't buy that again anyway, so I'd probably go for an EC-256. It was a mate's as well who just gave it to me as a modding project thing. My other Les Paul I'd buy again, though it'll cost more than it did in 2012. My Tele I may not...I don't play it much so its kinda one in the collection where if it was stolen its kinda doing me a favour! And I wouldn't get another Les Paul Junior.

    I'm still paying off my D28 so I'd still have to pay it off it was stolen....haha. The Takamine EG321 I wouldn't replace, I didn't really want it in the first place. And the last one, my Tanglewood TW28 has the same sentimental value as my Strat. No amount of money can buy the years back.
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  • Dave_Mc said:
    Big problem is current pricing- most of my gear I've bought when prices were a lot more attractive. Just because I liked something at the price it cost when I bought it doesn't mean I'd like it at the price it would cost me to buy it now!

    So I'd have to have a think about it. 
    This ^^ My Fylde Alchemist cost about £1500 when I bought it ,it’s now £4,500 new,and myEggle Berlin isn’t available new, so really don’t want to think about it
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  • Danny1969Danny1969 Frets: 10968
    Although I have 7 guitars they all cost less than £250 a piece and I could still replace them for that as they are all unfashionable guitars or partscasters 
    I would be pissed if someone stole my lead bag though as everything in it is custom made and not available off the shelf 
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  • Dave_McDave_Mc Frets: 2460
    Dave_Mc said:
    Big problem is current pricing- most of my gear I've bought when prices were a lot more attractive. Just because I liked something at the price it cost when I bought it doesn't mean I'd like it at the price it would cost me to buy it now!

    So I'd have to have a think about it. 
    This ^^ My Fylde Alchemist cost about £1500 when I bought it ,it’s now £4,500 new,and myEggle Berlin isn’t available new, so really don’t want to think about it
    Yeah there's definitely some stuff which would be a pain to get again. I imagine I would try to get some similar stuff to what I currently have, but I doubt I'd try to replace everything "like for like". But obviously much easier if it's not stolen and I don't have to (touch wood! :D )!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Dave_Mc said:
    Dave_Mc said:
    Big problem is current pricing- most of my gear I've bought when prices were a lot more attractive. Just because I liked something at the price it cost when I bought it doesn't mean I'd like it at the price it would cost me to buy it now!

    So I'd have to have a think about it. 
    This ^^ My Fylde Alchemist cost about £1500 when I bought it ,it’s now £4,500 new,and myEggle Berlin isn’t available new, so really don’t want to think about it
    Yeah there's definitely some stuff which would be a pain to get again. I imagine I would try to get some similar stuff to what I currently have, but I doubt I'd try to replace everything "like for like". But obviously much easier if it's not stolen and I don't have to (touch wood! :D )!

    When I got back into playing guitar a few years back, an Eggle Berlin was the first guitar I saught out as was always my biggest regret selling. The resale prices recently on them have been ridiculous too!

    Another was a 70's Les Paul 'The Paul' Made from Walnut, but I've never bothered replacing her as their prices now are silly for what they are...and also weigh a tonne!
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