Biyang compressor

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PauloPaulo Frets: 65
Is anyone using this? I have had the Tonefancier version a few months and it is really impressive. It's only a two knobs but you really don't need more as it sounds good throughout the whole sweep of the two controls. There is hardly any noise and it goes from a subtle limiting effect to a full on squish. I have just ordered the Baby Boom too version as one was going cheap on Ebay. I have about six comps now, none really high end Boss, Digitech, line 6 etc but this one is the outstanding one for me.
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  • I have one if these on my board and I really like it. Great pedal.
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  • Fortheloveofguitar;326707" said:
    I have one if these on my board and I really like it. Great pedal.
    Edit : mine is the red two knob baby boom version
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  • equalsqlequalsql Frets: 6264
    Great pedals when they work.. but the only make of pedal I've ever bought that has died on me.
    My Baby Boom reverb shuffled of its mortal coil and it appears that this has happened to quite a few other players. I therefore avoid all Biyang products nowadays  :(
    (pronounced: equal-sequel)   "I suffered for my art.. now it's your turn"
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  • Dave_McDave_Mc Frets: 2414
    equalsql said:
    Great pedals when they work..
    Yeah. I had a few and they died (including replacements, one of which was funky out of the box). I think the muff I have (which was a replacement) still works. But yeah. Maybe I got unlucky but if mine were anything to go by the failure rate was something like 80% (or 100% if you don't count replacements, not sure which is worse, the fact that all the originals died or that even one of the replacements did too).
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Mines still going strong and my baby boom reverb too:)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Fortheloveofguitar;327148" said:
    Mines still going strong and my baby boom reverb too:)
    Edit : probably jinxed myself now

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  • PauloPaulo Frets: 65
    Shame about the reports of these pedals failing. I have the Baby Boom Mad Driver too and it's OK, but I had to loosen everything off and centre the board as the input was cutting out. Seems OK now though. The sound seems to outweigh the build quality. The tonefancier compressor which I also own seems to be more sturdier built, but that's prob down to the chassis, I'm not sure how the innards will hold up. I ill be interested to see the difference between the two inside as the TF is twice the size as the Baby Boom comp (which I have been playing around with and sounds fantastic!)
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  • I've got the tone fancier compressor as well. Originally got as I wanted to see why everyone else with a Rickenbacker 12 string used a compressor (which it can do) but it gets more use as a clean boost now. Seems reliable enough so far. Only thing I don't like is the migraine inducing LED. :)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • PauloPaulo Frets: 65
    Yeah I'm thinking of getting some super strong sunglasses or a welders mask to block out that excessive led.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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