What did you record on the mighty Tascam 246?

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  • I definitely find that computers are a totally creativity free zone for me. Fine for recording finished stuff but no good for writing.

    Limited hardware is so much more fun.
    That last sentence is gospel.
    'Vot eva happened to the Transylvanian Tvist?'
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  • I had an Amstrad thing. Really bizarre - it was a record player, radio with twin cassettes only one cassette deck was a.four-track! I used it all the time until it stopped recording (on tracks 2 and 3 I think).

    I eventually bought a mates old Fostex and recorded four songs in ten years. I digitised some tracks as best I could and sold the Fostex on ebay twenty years later.

    The material I recorded started off as a cross.between Iggy and the Stooges and Neil Young eventually morphing into standard 1990s alternative rock. Drums provided by a succession of low-end Yamaha keyboards.
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  • thermionicthermionic Frets: 9780
    edited February 2022
    I remember those Amstrad things. The couple running the label which released our singles had one and released a flexi-disc recorded on it.

    What I realised after going through this old stuff is that simple arrangements with a single instrument on each track worked extremely well. As I got more ambitious with guitar parts I would often start by recording drum machine, guitar and bass then bounce down to the remaining track in order to free up tracks for other parts.. That would often end up in inseparable mush, making it difficult to get a decent mix.
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  • JfingersJfingers Frets: 410
    I still have a Yamaha MT3X, I've recorded a shed load of stuff on it, including 2 tracks on a Howe Gelb tribute album called 'Fandango' which you can still find if you search hard.

    I also used cheap keyboards for bass, and an Alesis SR 16 for drums at one point.
    It made me happy at the time, surely that's the point?

    I have a Fostex MR16HD/CD too, barely been out of the box.

    I saw a thread on here about shrink wrapped cassettes, I think I'll be hanging on to them for a while...

    I first experienced multitrack recording by me with a Fostex which I borrowed from Tigger next door
     (her from The Double Deckers)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28355
    I had a 488 I think (still have it in the loft). Bloody loved it! I was at my most creative ever then for some reason. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • axisus said:
    I had a 488 I think (still have it in the loft). Bloody loved it! I was at my most creative ever then for some reason. 
    :) Lovely creative machines. I've been tracking on my 246 this afternoon. Bliss
    'Vot eva happened to the Transylvanian Tvist?'
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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