Wireless Speakers.

beed84beed84 Frets: 2450
I'm looking for some help on which Wireless Speaker to buy.  Yesterday Richer Sounds demonstrated the Sonos Range, and although it took the guy to get it all working properly, the play 5 sounded pretty good; the service didn't seem too bad either.  The monitor audio S300 was nice but quite bass heavy. And today I had a look at the Bose Soundtouch 20, which, of the three, sounded the best to my ear, and the most reliable based on the short demo and how quick the guy got it running.  What hi-fi review these products differently and think otherwise.

Anyway, at the moment I mainly play my music on iTunes via my mac and iPhone (when I get one). I wouldn't mind the option of radio either, an aux output would be good for netflix. Budget £3-400.

Anyone had experience with these or other Wireless Speakers? Recommendations would be helpful too, especially on the NAD Viso AP if anyone has one.
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  • richardhomerrichardhomer Frets: 24877
    edited August 2014
    Dearer (about £500) but I highly recommend the B&W Zeppelin. Compatible with Apple Airplay - which works faultlessly.

    The sound quality is very good - properly 'hi-fi' - very neutral, clear and with excellent bass extension. It plays well quietly, without suddenly sounding 'small' and can go reasonable loud before it loses it's composure.

    I have one in my dining room and listen to it more than my 'proper' system in the sitting room - which is made by Linn - hence I'm used to high quality sound.

    The Zeppelin isn't a cheap option but I've been absolutely delighted with mine.
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  • richardhomerrichardhomer Frets: 24877
    Forgot to cover the point about radio. Download the TuneIn Radio app to your phone and you have instant (and free) internet radio, which can be sent via Air Play. Sound quality on stations with high bit-rates (BBC and things like Classic FM typically) is very good. Local commercial stations sound horribly compressed - that's not the App's fault - they sound like that on DAB in my car as well.
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  • beed84beed84 Frets: 2450
    Thanks for this, it's given me a lot of hope and sounds like a possible route to go down once I can afford it.  If yours is getting played more than your Linn hi-fi then that says a lot.  The fact that you say it works faultlessly is reassuring too.  I've read reviews of models by different brands explaining that Airplay isn't that reliable. The Tuneln app you mentioned would cover my radio needs too.  Hmm, I think I'll have to see where the nearest dealer is.
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  • richardhomerrichardhomer Frets: 24877
    edited August 2014
    I have genuinely had no issues with Air Play at all. Where people have, it seems to be a router/wi-fi issue rather than an intrinsic issue with Air Play.

    Just to clarify - I'm not saying the Zeppelin sounds better than my hi-fi - I tend to listen to it more because of TV/gaming going on in the room where the Linn system it. But it does sound really good - music is really enjoyable through it.

    I just wanted to make sure I hadn't 'over-sold' it to you!
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  • beed84beed84 Frets: 2450
    Not at all.  From what you've said, it sounds good enough for my needs on a practical basis and also in terms of sound. Being able to enjoy my music without thinking, 'I want my hi-fi back' is what I'm aiming for, albeit temporarily.
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  • Forgot to cover the point about radio. Download the TuneIn Radio app to your phone and you have instant (and free) internet radio, which can be sent via Air Play. Sound quality on stations with high bit-rates (BBC and things like Classic FM typically) is very good. Local commercial stations sound horribly compressed - that's not the App's fault - they sound like that on DAB in my car as well.

    Our station runs at 320 much higher than most pro stations, you could listen to my country show on Tuesday nights in top quality sound. ;)
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  • beed84beed84 Frets: 2450
    Forgot to cover the point about radio. Download the TuneIn Radio app to your phone and you have instant (and free) internet radio, which can be sent via Air Play. Sound quality on stations with high bit-rates (BBC and things like Classic FM typically) is very good. Local commercial stations sound horribly compressed - that's not the App's fault - they sound like that on DAB in my car as well.

    Our station runs at 320 much higher than most pro stations, you could listen to my country show on Tuesday nights in top quality sound. ;)
    I'd tune it but I don't listen to country. Do you do rock and metal nights? 
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  • Yep the rock stuff is on after me at 9-12 on Tuesday, but we also have a guy who does some great blues rock, on Friday nights.. I have played Free, ZZ Top and Rolling Stones in my country hour, as I play all types of country, not country and Western ! ;)
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  • richardhomerrichardhomer Frets: 24877
    edited August 2014
    One other thing worth mentioning, B & W do the smaller Zeppelin Mini. These have come down from over £300 to about £170. They don't sound as good, but it you wanted a multi room set-up, these would be great for kitchens, offices and the like.
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