Interface Woes

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I'm using an Akai EIE Pro and I'm new to all of this.  I want to use Cakewalk as my DAW but it won't let me set my Asus Xonar Essence as the output as the Akai is selected there.  My Xonar is listed but pale grey and won't let me select.  I have a feeling that this is the Akai driver being a bully here.
However, if I use Audacity, I can set Akai input and Xonar output and it works.
I have zero experience of using a DAW and think I'd prefer to use Cakewalk.  Does anyone know a solution to the problem I've listed above please?
It may be that I don't know what I'm talking about???
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  • IMC1980IMC1980 Frets: 146
    Why do you want to use the Xonar soundcard instead of the Akai interface? If you want to use the Xonar over the Akai then just unplug the Akai then Cakewalk should default to your other soundcard. 
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  • Thanks for reply.  The Xonar is in my tower under the desk and connected to my speakers (Quad 9L 60W Monitors) via phono connectors.  Having to switch the Akai off kind of makes a mockery of Edit/Preferences being there.
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  • I have zero experience of using a DAW and think I'd prefer to use Cakewalk.  Does anyone know a solution to the problem I've listed above please?
    It may be that I don't know what I'm talking about???

    Cakewalk allows the use of one soundcard when using an ASIO driver.

    Unsure about Audacity. What drivers are you using there?

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  • IMC1980IMC1980 Frets: 146
    Thanks for reply.  The Xonar is in my tower under the desk and connected to my speakers (Quad 9L 60W Monitors) via phono connectors.  Having to switch the Akai off kind of makes a mockery of Edit/Preferences being there.
    As above, you can only use one Asio device at a time, it is a limitation of the standard I think. You could try line to phono leads if your monitors don't take a line out connection. 
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  • I have zero experience of using a DAW and think I'd prefer to use Cakewalk.  Does anyone know a solution to the problem I've listed above please?
    It may be that I don't know what I'm talking about???

    Cakewalk allows the use of one soundcard when using an ASIO driver.

    Unsure about Audacity. What drivers are you using there?
    Thanks for the link, not what I wanted to read, but helpful nevertheless.
    The opening screen of Audacity allows choice of input and output separately on two drop-down boxes.  The selections remain visible on screen.  I guess this must be using the Akai and Xonar drivers respectively.
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  • I have zero experience of using a DAW and think I'd prefer to use Cakewalk.  Does anyone know a solution to the problem I've listed above please?
    It may be that I don't know what I'm talking about???

    Cakewalk allows the use of one soundcard when using an ASIO driver.

    Unsure about Audacity. What drivers are you using there?
    Thanks for the link, not what I wanted to read, but helpful nevertheless.
    The opening screen of Audacity allows choice of input and output separately on two drop-down boxes.  The selections remain visible on screen.  I guess this must be using the Akai and Xonar drivers respectively.
    It's simply that Audacity isn't using the ASIO sound subsystem, because it doesn't care about low-latency operation. It'll be using the WDM (or whatever the current Microsoft sound subsystem is for your version of Windows), which allows the use of multiple audio devices simultaneously.
    <space for hire>
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  • IMC1980 said:
    Thanks for reply.  The Xonar is in my tower under the desk and connected to my speakers (Quad 9L 60W Monitors) via phono connectors.  Having to switch the Akai off kind of makes a mockery of Edit/Preferences being there.
    As above, you can only use one Asio device at a time, it is a limitation of the standard I think. You could try line to phono leads if your monitors don't take a line out connection. 
    That's one potential solution, but constantly changing the connections behind the monitors is not something that appeals.  Thanks.
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  • andy_kandy_k Frets: 829
    Is Asio4all a solution here?
    I'm pretty sure it has some routing options in there that allow different I'O, its a bit clunky, but I am using it on an Asus Win 10 Zenbook.
    Pretty sure it helped me out in the past.
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  • andy_k said:
    Is Asio4all a solution here?
    I'm pretty sure it has some routing options in there that allow different I'O, its a bit clunky, but I am using it on an Asus Win 10 Zenbook.
    Pretty sure it helped me out in the past.
    Seems pointless to use a clunky ASIO driver to get two audio interfaces working together when you have decent ASIO drivers written for the Akai. 

    Thanks for the link, not what I wanted to read, but helpful nevertheless.
    The opening screen of Audacity allows choice of input and output separately on two drop-down boxes.  The selections remain visible on screen.  I guess this must be using the Akai and Xonar drivers respectively.

    First, start with this.

    Cakewalk will be using the Akai ASIO driver. Audacity will be using something else. Have a look within Audacity to see which. 

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  • IMC1980IMC1980 Frets: 146
    IMC1980 said:
    Thanks for reply.  The Xonar is in my tower under the desk and connected to my speakers (Quad 9L 60W Monitors) via phono connectors.  Having to switch the Akai off kind of makes a mockery of Edit/Preferences being there.
    As above, you can only use one Asio device at a time, it is a limitation of the standard I think. You could try line to phono leads if your monitors don't take a line out connection. 
    That's one potential solution, but constantly changing the connections behind the monitors is not something that appeals.  Thanks.
    I mean connecting your Akai interface to your monitors with something like this: ;

    So you only need to use the Akai as your soundcard. Or are there features on the Xonar you want to make use of? 
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  • IMC1980 said:
    IMC1980 said:
    Thanks for reply.  The Xonar is in my tower under the desk and connected to my speakers (Quad 9L 60W Monitors) via phono connectors.  Having to switch the Akai off kind of makes a mockery of Edit/Preferences being there.
    As above, you can only use one Asio device at a time, it is a limitation of the standard I think. You could try line to phono leads if your monitors don't take a line out connection. 
    That's one potential solution, but constantly changing the connections behind the monitors is not something that appeals.  Thanks.

    So you only need to use the Akai as your soundcard. Or are there features on the Xonar you want to make use of? 
    A few years ago I (painstakingly) recorded my record collection (c400 LPs) to my hard drive.  They're all saved as FLAC files and I play them often when doing something else on the PC.
    My wanting to record is purely a hobby thing, nothing too serious.  I have a Drumbrute, keyboard, bass and I'd rather play my Tele than watch the telly.  So just a bit of fun really.
    Does anyone know if Reaper will allow the Akai as the input and the Xonar as the output please?
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  • andy_kandy_k Frets: 829
    I'd just download all 10mb of it and see.
    Costs nothing to try, but I think you can only ever use a single device at a time, which is why I suggested a clunky software solution like Asio4all, which does let you mix I/O devices.
    Either of these solutions cost £0 to try, I'd have to buy the same devices as you to advise further.
    Good luck.
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  • Thank you for everyone's input.  To be honest, a lot of this is over my head.  The opening screens of both Cakewalk and Reaper are a bit frightening and I'd have to study a lot of tutorials.
    Whilst Audacity is basic and lacks some functionality of the others, I have concluded that it probably meets my needs for a simple recording and editing function.  I'm sure it'll be easier to learn to use too.
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  • andy_kandy_k Frets: 829
    I'd highly recommend you take a closer look at Reaper, it has a tiny software footprint, so there is no harm in just having it installed. Take a look at Kenny Gioia on YT, he has many videos which explain pretty much every level of function, and I don't think any of the other DAWS are supported with tutorials as much as Reaper.
    I use Audacity too, but mainly just for auditioning audio, and don't think I would even attempt to use it as a true audio production tool.
    There is much to learn, and I have tried most of the other DAWs, nothing comes close to Reaper for usability or flexibility, IMO.
    Some very clever stuff goes on in the background of all DAWs, but I think Cockos have got the balance right, it doesn't insist on the installation of a lot of stuff that will never be used, but allows pretty much anything to be done.
    Once you have tried a few projects, in various things, just try comparing load times, and updates for an example of how much time can be saved with Reaper, once you have got a grip on it.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Thank you @andy_k. ; I've watched the first 3 of Kenny's tutorials, I agree they're very good.  A lot to take in though.  I'm going to persevere with Reaper.
    My Akai has a headphone socket so I can use that to monitor recording then connect to my speakers for editing.
    This is not a serious project for me, just a bit of fun.  I think I'm going to enjoy experimenting.  Thanks again.
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  • andy_kandy_k Frets: 829
    A good tip,is to get used to saving a session as a template, say you get your tracks laid out how you like them, and have a few things set up as sends, or plugins attached, either save as a template, or just save as, and delete any audio, then use this as a starting point for your next project.
    This will all start to make sense when you get a bit more used to the work flow, sometimes starting with an empty project seems very daunting, set yourself a few goals as you get further into it, and use it as a platform to move on.
    If you get stuck, feel free to ask here, but Kenny's vids are excellent, and it's worth visiting the Reaper forum, lots of info there.
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  • Yes, I spent time this afternoon creating what I anticipate being the starting point for a typical project.  Four tracks (drums, guitar, bass & keyboard) with preferences set as a starting point.  I've saved it as Main Template and I'll make this my go to for a new project then I'll save as project name leaving original template intact ready for next time.  I expect to tweak this main template as my knowledge increases.
    Thanks again.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • andy_kandy_k Frets: 829
    A slight step on from that, is track folders can be saved as templates, and FX chains, which makes building up projects from different elements quite easy.
    Have  look at getting SWS extensions, and Reapack installed too, there are many cool features added.
    Basically, all you do is add some stuff to your Reaper install folder, but check them out first.
    You should have a look at some of the videos on default settings too, timebase, having backup folders etc, but it sounds like you are on the right track anyway.
    good luck.
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