Focusrite 18i20 routing issues

bencowling81bencowling81 Frets: 420
edited February 2022 in Studio & Recording
The drummer in my band recently acquired a Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 with the aim of us all jamming together via Jamulus. He has several drum mics going into the interface and the interface is connected into his Mac. Unfortunately Jamulus only recognises two of the focusrite inputs. Is there a way to sum the inputs into a single or stereo track via the digital out before the signal hits the software? We need to minimise latency. Have read and re-read the manual, and googled this to death.
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  • poopotpoopot Frets: 9100
    edited February 2022
    Audio/midi setup in mac prefs should do that…

    create a new aggregate device with just the scarlet… select all 8 inputs… select the two channels that iamulus sees as the outputs… call the aggregate device “new interface”

    select “new interface” as the audio device in jamulus.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • joeyowenjoeyowen Frets: 4025
    Are you using the mix control software?  It isn't the easiest to learn, but it's great when you know how to use it 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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