Boss GX-100 modeller/ multi-fx?

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  • I used to use separate drive pedals too as the digital ones were too artificial sounding, but the technology is moving fast and I find them much better now. I also find I don't use them quite the same way on a multi-fx. Digital versions are ok at tightening things up and adding a little additional gain to the amp, but I don't like them for adding distortion to a clean amp. I used to do that a lot with a valve amp but I've never found it to be effective in a multi-fx. I prefer to simply change amp model on a multi-fx. I found it easier once I stopped looking at the individual components as amp models and pedals, but simply different ways of getting distortion. I think that's why I like the Boss approach with idealised digital amps. I really don't care if what I use sounds the same as any other amp or not, as long as it sounds good to my ears. That switch in approach has also meant I use models of drive pedals differently.

    Perhaps you'll get some good results with multiple drives on the GX-100. I know I want to try cascading drives as I've never had a multi-fx that can do that before.
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  • menamestommenamestom Frets: 4878

    I still use my HX stomp as effects only into a tweed deluxe.   The drives definitely sound better when you go the full modelling route which is what I do at home.
    But gigging I’m still welding to my valve amp.
    Through the valve amp the analog pedals still have the edge although the digital drive pedal models have got much better since the last generation.  The HX Timmy is more than passible, it’s just not quite as special as my Protein Drive.

    One thing I’m thinking of is changing me board (again) from a Warwick Tres 3.1 to a pedal train Junior, which would fit on the GX100 and a few pedals.

    Or just go Pod Go, but I’m concerned the DSP and other limitations would bug me.  Plus I think the Boss effects probably sound better.
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  • VoxmanVoxman Frets: 4938
    edited May 2022
    Liking mine so far. 

    ....Heal down on the volume pedal to engage the tuner is a good feature. 

    ...In memory mode, it would be good to be able to label the 1-4 switches with the patch names.

    .....You also don’t seem to be able to allocate parameters to the expression pedal (apart from volume or Wah) but maybe I haven’t found it yet. 
    Nice feature 're tuner access. Re the memory mode patch naming and expression parameters, these seem to be odd omissions. Just wondered if anyone else with a GX100 can clarify here as I had thought the GX100 could do these?

    From a gigging perspective, patch naming is, at least for me, essential. 
    I started out with nothing..... but I've still got most of it left (Seasick Steve)
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  • vasselmeyervasselmeyer Frets: 3681
    edited May 2022
    The expression pedal (it's the same as on the GT-1000 and GT-1000 Core) absolutely can allocate parameters. You can change any numerical values on the target , and not just one. You could, for example, change gain from 40 to 60, on an amp, but at the same time change the volume from 100 to 90 so you get more gain but keep the volume the same. You can also do it across different effects in the same chain so you could add more wobble to a chorus and increase the delay time and feedback values when you move the treadle. The values can be from high to low or low to high so you can increase some values whilst reducing others.

    There is also a "virtual" expression pedal (check out the Parameter Guide for "INT PDL") which is is applied with the ASSIGN control to an off/on switch but toggles parameters between values that you configure. It can do this in either a "curve" or "wave" format.

    It is insanely flexible, you just have to get your head around the idiosyncrasies of programming in the BOSS world.
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  • VoxmanVoxman Frets: 4938
    Well, I've been watching lots of user vids. It looks a fine MFX but I just can't get past those awful hexagonal icons and the abbreviated text on them that make it really difficult to see which effect or amp is which. And I just dont like the Boss UI which isn't intuitive.  I'll stick with my Pod Go for now. 
    I started out with nothing..... but I've still got most of it left (Seasick Steve)
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  • guitarcookie1guitarcookie1 Frets: 469
    Voxman said:
    Well, I've been watching lots of user vids. It looks a fine MFX but I just can't get past those awful hexagonal icons and the abbreviated text on them that make it really difficult to see which effect or amp is which. And I just dont like the Boss UI which isn't intuitive.  I'll stick with my Pod Go for now. 
    You’d be surprised, it’s no more difficult/confusing/etc to programme then my Helix LT, especially if you get the Bluetooth adapter & use the app, but even that’s not essential, it just saves bending over the unit. 

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  • CE1CE1 Frets: 567
    Has anyone had chance to have a proper play around with one of these yet? Reviews look good and wondering about taking the plunge but real world reviews are always good.
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  • vasselmeyervasselmeyer Frets: 3681
    It's worthwhile watching Paul Drew going through the amps.

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  • guitarcookie1guitarcookie1 Frets: 469
    CE1 said:
    Has anyone had chance to have a proper play around with one of these yet? Reviews look good and wondering about taking the plunge but real world reviews are always good.
    Liking mine. Had it for two weeks or so. Easy to use. 

    Ditched the factory presets (easy to do). 

    Good comments from the people I jam with - we play Eagles style stuff, so clean/slight break up. 

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  • VoxmanVoxman Frets: 4938
    edited May 2022
    Well, I might kick myself later, but today I turned down the opportunity, albeit with a 3hr round trip on tubes, to buy a 2 week old GX100 with a new hard case for £400. If I didn't already have my Pod Go I'd have snapped it up. But after a lot of research, reading manuals, watching videos, chatting on various forums, and soul searching, my head won over my heart. 

    Fundamentally, despite the obvious charms of the GX100, I realised that my Pod Go, despite its shortcomings, really did meet most of my current needs and whilst there were features of the GX100 that were 'nice to haves', there was actually nothing that was essential for my current needs. In addition to Pod Go I still have my Vox Tonelab SE and LE that may be old tech, but are still great gigging MFX units that are built like a tank. 

    And there were features of Pod Go that I'd miss such as snap shots, global switching from volume to wah on every patch, much larger IR capacity, many more amp, cab, mic and effects. And the more compact size and lower weight are pluses too.

    With regards tone, that's always going to be highly subjective. The guy that was selling the GX100 is a professional, globally touring musician. He has HX Stomp and Mooer MFX, and said providing each unit is set up properly, the tonal differences were minimal especially with IRs. Each unit does the job well. 

    The Pod Go has a great colour screen, and the edit software is excellent. I have an older PC with Win 7 64bit, and I wasn't sure if GX100 was compatible. I also didn't fancy having to learn a new unit and set up new software. I'm pretty proficient with Pod Go now and even with touch screen, there's still a fair bit to learn with the GX100 and I really just want to enjoy playing and not have to set up new patches from scratch. 

    I'm also curious to see if anything new is introduced at NAMM. 

    The GX100 is a great unit, and if I didn't already have Pod Go, I'd have snapped it up in a heartbeat. But as I already have it, I had to weigh up pros and cons and make the best call for my needs.
    I started out with nothing..... but I've still got most of it left (Seasick Steve)
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  • chrisj1602chrisj1602 Frets: 4139
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  • VoxmanVoxman Frets: 4938
    Why? :s
    I started out with nothing..... but I've still got most of it left (Seasick Steve)
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  • CE1CE1 Frets: 567
    CE1 said:
    Has anyone had chance to have a proper play around with one of these yet? Reviews look good and wondering about taking the plunge but real world reviews are always good.
    Liking mine. Had it for two weeks or so. Easy to use. 

    Ditched the factory presets (easy to do). 

    Good comments from the people I jam with - we play Eagles style stuff, so clean/slight break up. 

    One should be with me tomorrow. I spent a lot of time checking out specs and reviews and I am looking forward to getting my hands on it.
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  • CE1CE1 Frets: 567
    edited May 2022
    It arrived today and first impressions are very positive. It takes a few minutes to work out what settings do what as you would expect and some things aren’t as clear as they could be (such as why you can’t ‘intialize’ on some patches). The amp simulations seem superb and it’s very easy to dial in the sound you want once you get your head around the settings menus. It would be useful if some of the effects would give more info (perhaps if you touch them once) as a couple of letters is not always enough to work out what they are but most are fairly obvious so it's only a minor issue.

    Edit: had some more time to play with this today and more impressed all the time. You do need to put a bit of time in to get familiar with how it works but it is well worth doing. The hex block system works incredibly well, is clear and easy to understand. The touch screen helps with navigation but I think it would still work ok without. I like how you can pair effects to a single footswitch and the split pathway option works really well.
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  • ... So what's the latest consensus? 
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  • Anyone?

    I find myself considering either a Gx-100 or a GT-1000-core... 
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  • I've had my GX100 for a while now and I absolutely love it. By a healthy margin it's the best multi-fx I've ever owned or even tried. All of the amps are excellent but I find I rarely need anything other than Boss's own X amps as they really are superb. I also love the ability to have two different amps running simultaneously as that opens up loads of tonal possibilities. The effects are top drawer and it's so easy to get everything dialed in. The touchscreen works beautifully and it's the only time I haven't found myself needing to use the Editor. Using the unit itself is actually easier than the PC Editor! Obviously there are always things you might want to change or tweak, but I honestly can't think of any alternative I'd rather have. 
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  • Thanks.

    Are you using it as an all in one solution? 

    I have two use cases, really - all in one solution, and as a traditional FX unit into a tube amp. 
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  • For me, it's all in one. This is partly because it's a hell of a lot more convenient, partly because it's less for me to carry, and partly because I see no real advantage in using a tube amp. You get an element of tube warmth but does it really make up for all the negatives? Not for me. 99.9% of your audience won't care and if you run a silent stage to make your overall sound easier to manage, the tubes are never run hard enough to make a real difference. At home I just use headphones so I don't have to worry about disturbing anyone. The effects on the GX100 are fantastic, but if you're not using the amp models, you're missing out on some great tones.

    It's horses for courses I suppose but I prefer to use it for everything. I have no desire at all to ever bother with a tube amp again.
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  • I'm still really happy with my GT-1000 (full fat, not core) which is the same effects and models as the GX-100. It does absolutely everything I need it to and the sounds are fantastic. If it got stolen, I'd buy another.
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