So Cornish Pedals.... Are they that good?

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  • crunchmancrunchman Frets: 11545
    There's something about the buffer that the clones don't manage. I was on a quest for a Cornish buffer as that's one of the best parts of his pedals, it's great. You can put it at the front, in the middle or at the end of the board and it sounds better without adding noise. All the clones I've tried add noise unless they're at the end if the chain. I get less RFI through too.

    I have a feeling they are hand selecting components to get the low noise and consistency, that takes time.
    I built myself a clone of his buffer circuit and it really is good.  It just seems to make everything on my board sound better.  I don't know if an original would be better still but I'm definitely happy with mine.

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  • Drew_TNBDDrew_TNBD Frets: 22445
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  • John_PJohn_P Frets: 2756
    edited September 2014
    @Gassage ; and @Wazmeister ; could either of you comment any more on the SS3 pedal.   I'm looking for a low/mid gain pedal at the moment and debating the cc1, ss3 or G2.   Given what I've read about the overlap between the ss3 and g2 I'm curious that both of you don't rate the ss3.   (edited my typo)
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  • John,

    You must have misread my post above. I own and really rate the G2; it is more of a powerful gain pedal though...

    imho, the CC1 is the best low gain option for me. The SS3 didn't cover any ground that the CC1 and G2 could cover separately and together. The eq on the CC1 is unmatched by an other pedal or amp that i have ever tried...

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  • John_PJohn_P Frets: 2756
    edited September 2014


    You must have misread my post above. I own and really rate the G2; it is more of a powerful gain pedal though...

    imho, the CC1 is the best low gain option for me. The SS3 didn't cover any ground that the CC1 and G2 could cover separately and together. The eq on the CC1 is unmatched by an other pedal or amp that i have ever tried...

    Apologies I meant to type that both of you don't rate the ss3  not  both pedals - doh!
    Thanks for the extra info - I really like the clips of all 3 and the cc1 probably has the edge, but I saw an ss3 on ebay and nearly just bought it instead of waiting for a new one, so thought I'd ask.   I see where you are coming from now though and I'd get one of them and possibly later add a P2.  It would be really helpful if Cornish listed an estimate of the waiting time
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  • GassageGassage Frets: 31252
    John_P said:


    You must have misread my post above. I own and really rate the G2; it is more of a powerful gain pedal though...

    imho, the CC1 is the best low gain option for me. The SS3 didn't cover any ground that the CC1 and G2 could cover separately and together. The eq on the CC1 is unmatched by an other pedal or amp that i have ever tried...

    Apologies I meant to type that both of you don't rate the ss3  not  both pedals - doh!
    Thanks for the extra info - I really like the clips of all 3 and the cc1 probably has the edge, but I saw an ss3 on ebay and nearly just bought it instead of waiting for a new one, so thought I'd ask.   I see where you are coming from now though and I'd get one of them and possibly later add a P2.  It would be really helpful if Cornish listed an estimate of the waiting time

    IMO The P1 is nicer than P2 for my needs- P2 smoother, P1 grittier. Have a look on youtube at Schnobel's demos/

    *An Official Foo-Approved guitarist since Sept 2023.

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  • joeyowenjoeyowen Frets: 4025
    I think a biiiig part of the market is Floyd fans

    I don't think you will find many people who shell out big bucks on a pedal then admit it is crap so I think the opinions may be biased

    Still, never owned one myself, too poor!
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  • GassageGassage Frets: 31252
    Re above, a lot of the Midlands crew know Martin who owns The Little Guitar Shop.

    He is a monster player and very very knowledgable.

    When he tried my P1, G2 and CC1 he said he couldn't believe how good they were- esp the P1, and now, after laughing at the prices for so many years, he totally got it.

    He could have been patronising me for more business though.....

    *An Official Foo-Approved guitarist since Sept 2023.

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  • I had a Behringer Autowah I ordered especially from Cornwall and thought it was a bit crap personally.
    My muse is not a horse and art is not a race.
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  • GassageGassage Frets: 31252
    John_P said:


    You must have misread my post above. I own and really rate the G2; it is more of a powerful gain pedal though...

    imho, the CC1 is the best low gain option for me. The SS3 didn't cover any ground that the CC1 and G2 could cover separately and together. The eq on the CC1 is unmatched by an other pedal or amp that i have ever tried...

    Apologies I meant to type that both of you don't rate the ss3  not  both pedals - doh!
    Thanks for the extra info - I really like the clips of all 3 and the cc1 probably has the edge, but I saw an ss3 on ebay and nearly just bought it instead of waiting for a new one, so thought I'd ask.   I see where you are coming from now though and I'd get one of them and possibly later add a P2.  It would be really helpful if Cornish listed an estimate of the waiting time
    Pretty much 6-8 weeks for the regular items. TES and Chorus more than a year.

    *An Official Foo-Approved guitarist since Sept 2023.

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  • joeyowen said:
    I think a biiiig part of the market is Floyd fans

    I don't think you will find many people who shell out big bucks on a pedal then admit it is crap so I think the opinions may be biased

    Still, never owned one myself, too poor!

    With all respect Joey, a typical Cornish post by someone who has never played em... I'm not a Floyd fan, although I agree many who are do by them.

    But, its kinda flawed logic... If they were crap or ordinary, they would be easy to move on, as the demand is very high. I'd never keep a pedal just to 'save face'...

    But, as ever, it's all about opinion. I DID sell the ST2 and SS3 as I found them both a little bit above average, for MY needs. And that's the key here, it's what suits your set up and budget. As ever, ymmv...

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