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EP Booster- a bit, well meh...

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  • i liked my first one so much i bought a second.

    one stays on most of the time as i love the way it thickens things up  just the right amount (used with switches set to vintage) and the second i use for boosting up for solo's. it works for me, but i do agree they are overpriced but aren't most pedals!

    The Swamp City Shakers
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  • Danny1969Danny1969 Frets: 10617
    ICBM said:
    They're built like tanks though. Surprised you needed to repair one.
    They have a mechanical true bypass footswitch. I'll take a small bet that's what broke.

    It's like having a tank with a self-destruct button just where it's most likely to get hit… it renders the rest of the build quality irrelevant.
    Your right nine times out of ten it is the switch that breaks on most of the pedals I get in  or a pots come loose and pulled away from PCB if it's soldered directly on it (CM Delayla etc) 
    According to owner this  little EP had the wrong PSU connected, it still passes audio but is actually quieter on boost  ..... so at the mo is doing the opposite of what it's intended for. Will pull the board out and investigate 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • i liked my first one so much i bought a second.

    one stays on most of the time as i love the way it thickens things up  just the right amount (used with switches set to vintage) and the second i use for boosting up for solo's. it works for me, but i do agree they are overpriced but aren't most pedals!

    @bandmaster188 The one you use for solos, does it boost a pedal, and if so, which side? If it's the amp are you boosting a dirty or clean channel or are you putting it in the loop?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • I

    i liked my first one so much i bought a second.

    one stays on most of the time as i love the way it thickens things up  just the right amount (used with switches set to vintage) and the second i use for boosting up for solo's. it works for me, but i do agree they are overpriced but aren't most pedals!

    @bandmaster188 The one you use for solos, does it boost a pedal, and if so, which side? If it's the amp are you boosting a dirty or clean channel or are you putting it in the loop?

    It's at the end of the chain with a couple of od pedals before it. Then into a fender bandmaster reverb, so clean channel. It just gives the amp a bit of slap which gets it into that point where it's just starting to breakup. So with that and the od pedals I get a nice fat solo sound. Ideally I'd like more breakup from the amp, but its too damn loud!
    The Swamp City Shakers
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