EHX Soul Food - Buffer/True Bypass?

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benmurray85benmurray85 Frets: 1398
In whats possibly the hundred millionth internet blog on this pedal I thought I'd throw this question out to the fretboard bods?

Whats the difference? I mean, i know the difference but does anyone actually notice a difference at all? My pedalboard is minimal and I'm in NO WAY a tone snob at all (seriously, fair play to those with enough time on their hands to be one!) 

Anyways I didn't even know about this option till i stumbled across it in a youtube vid. I had a spare 5 mins tonight after the child was in bed so I conducted an ingenious test. I used my ditto looper to record some clean chords and put that BEFORE the Soul Food and I couldn't noticed a difference if I'm honest???? 

Pedalboard - EHX Soul Food, Ibanez TS9DX, Boss DD3, Boss TU2

I know the Boss pedals are buffered? Would that make a difference here?

Anyways I LOVE the SF just thought I'd try for some answers/opinons!
How very rock and roll
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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 17918
    tFB Trader
    If you are using it with a load of buffered Boss pedals it's not going to make any difference. 

    If you had a load of TB pedals and some long cables you'd probably find it brightened it up a bit.
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