Jazz Chorus 22 volume drop

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spev11spev11 Frets: 424
As per my previous NAD I've got a JC22 and it's great but (theres always a but) when I engage the chorus there is a very noticeable drop in volume, so much so that I have to reach to turn it up to keep the volume the same. I've had a google and found some results about the JC40 and JC120 experience volume drop when the distortion is engaged but nothing about the JC22 (that I have found anyway).
 Is it normal? Or is the amp faulty? 
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  • markvmarkv Frets: 460
    I'm pretty sure it's normal - at least, my JC-22 does it too!

    I think it's because the chorus works by splitting the signal and applying chorus to the right hand speaker (as you look at the amp) and the normal sound on the left. I'm not sure if it's an actual drop or a perceived drop because instead of getting dual mono, you're getting stereo.
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  • inewhaminewham Frets: 157
    Yep mine does it too. I assume with a mono input it goes to both channels so both together =30W, with chorus engaged it becomes 2 seperate 15Ws one moving in/out phase with the other to give the chorus sound (is that how chorus works? I'm probably talking a load of tosh)

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  • Yes, my JC-22 does this as well.  So did a JC-40 that I tried in the shop.  I have come across other online references to this issue, so I suspect that it is normal.  

    The chorus sound is being created in the air as a result of the difference between the signal in the left and right speakers.  One consequence of this difference is phase cancellation at certain frequencies, leading to a noticeable change in the tone of the sound.  

    To my ears the change in tone seems to vary depending on how the amp EQ and chorus controls are set, but generally there is a loss of low mids in particular.  The human ear perceives this change in tone as a loss of volume.  

    I have an EQ pedal in the effects loop set to compensate for the change in tone and volume.  This workaround seems to function OK, but it does mean that two switches need to be clicked to get the desired chorus sound with the correct tone and volume.
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