New Philip Sayce Album: Infulence

darcymdarcym Frets: 1303
Last night and today I've been giving Philip Sayce's new album Influence a listen.

I'm a big fan of Philips earlier work, but in general I feel he never delivers the magic album, he delivers 3 - 4 great tracks and then fillers.
This album had the potential to be something different based on the concept of "influences"

I hoped to hear variation of styles with his own dna/footprint on it.

Sadly this is not the case to me, this is his worst album to date. It's pretty much generic / forgettable tracks with flawless playing and 1 tone.

Philip is a fantastic player, but this album has weak songs for me, no real hooks, no melody that sticks in your head and the same 1 guitar tone playing with what seems like little feel for the songs.

I'm perhaps being harsh on it at this early stage, but a real disappointment to me from something I was looking forward to massively.

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  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 23741

    I really liked Innerevolution and saw him live around that time, which was great.

    I've started listening to his last couple of albums, but couldn't get into them at all.  I don't know if it's really the albums at fault or if it's me just not being in the mood for that style of music recently.

    Blues-rock is always pretty generic stuff but at least Sayce has a bit more energy and aggression than most, which is what I liked about him in the first place.


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  • Was gonna check it out, but heard one song on tbe radio and it was basically your common-or-garden Hendrix wannabe

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  • I loved 'Innerevolution' and 'Steamroller' but yet I'm feeling the same with 'Influence'. He's an outstanding player but I'd agree with the hit and miss nature of his material. Shame really...
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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28355
    Only heard influence. I loved it.
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  • I actually pre-ordered this on itunes. I've not had much time to let it soak in. Hope it will be a grower. I liked Steamroller, especially Holding On from a guitar solo perspective. It's fairly soul destroying seeing him live. So much talent but such a small audience in the UK. Hope this coming tour is a step up in terms of numbers in the audience.
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  • I don't have much of Sayce's stuff cos it's not "out" here in Australia. I bought Steamroller on a trip to the UK a couple of years ago. Sayce is great but then sometimes he does throw in a really weird one somewhere like what the hell is up with that song The Bull on the Steamroller album? Can't listen to that thing at all but I really like the rest of the album. Keen to see if I can hear the new one on Spotify or something.
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  • jaygtrjaygtr Frets: 218
    I played innerevolution to death when I first got it, but like others I can't get into his latest stuff.

    I'd still go and see him live though, he's jaw droppingly good.
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