The Black Crowes

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I thought there might have been a thread but I can't find it now. 

Any fans here? I have all the albums. Well just the normal studio albums. They're pretty good. I don't get why "By Your Side" didn't go down so well. I think that's a pretty good album. I'd put it up there with "Southern Harmony..." and I also quite enjoy "Lions" and the double album set "The Lost Crowes" 

Discuss? ;) 
Music the great communicator, use two sticks to make it in the nature - a music reviews blog:
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  • Great band, there was indeed a thread about them a while back, but it might have been on the old place.

    Up to Three Snakes they didn't really put a foot wrong for me, then they've been a bit patchy, but well and truely back on form in recent years. The Before The Frost/Freeze set was excellent I thought, and they are still awesome live.

    If you haven't check out the "Cabin Fever" and the "Freak n' Roll" DVDs
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  • I love em with Marc ford, not so much without.
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  • I saw marc ford a few weeks back in manchester. His solo stuff is brilliant, and is a lovely guy. Im a massive fan of TBC. 
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  • Big fan here too - have all the albums bar the latest (soon to be remedied - ha get it?) Seen them live 7 times during the nineties - always excellent live
    Seemed like a good idea.....

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  • I'm a big fan. I agree about the a mid career slump (by their standards) and about them being better with Marc Ford but I like all their stuff really. I've seen them a few times (a couple recently too with @equalsql ). 

    Is anyone going to see Rich in November? 
    "A city star won’t shine too far"

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  • I like a few songs but don't quite get them as a band to be honest. Would like to see them live and see if it clicks.
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • I only got into them last year, when my brother went to see them and I thought to myself 'Why have I never listened to any Black Crowes stuff outside of Hard To Handle?!'

    Am now definitely a fan, and agree that By Your Side and Lions are unfairly criticised albums. Only album I really don't like is the latest one (Before The Frost...?), as it leans more towards Country, which I'm not a fan of (though it does have one bizarre Disco tune on it...)
    Freak N Roll and Warpaint Live are both great DVD's. Massively want to see them live now! Really like Chris Robinson's This Magnificent Distance solo album too

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  • DeijavooDeijavoo Frets: 3299
    I've played Amorica to death and never got sick of it. 
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  • KebabkidKebabkid Frets: 3354
    edited September 2014
    I'm not too familiar with a lot of their stuff but I too liked Amorica and the stuff with Audley Freed (his solo solo stuff is good). I love "Remedy" and "Hard to handle" remains one of my favourite covers and solos. I like the sound they make
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  • equalsqlequalsql Frets: 6252
    edited September 2014
    I'm a big fan. I agree about the a mid career slump (by their standards) and about them being better with Marc Ford but I like all their stuff really. I've seen them a few times (a couple recently too with @equalsql ). 

    Is anyone going to see Rich in November? 
    One of my all time favourite bands and thanks to @mudslide73 have gotten to see them a couple of times :D

    I loved The Faces and TBC are the perfect progression from them.  
    I find it hard to choose between albums because even the so called weaker ones always have a few crackin' tracks.  I do have a soft spot for 'Before The Frost' though as I thought Luther Dickinson was the perfect balance to Rich.

    'Been Along Time Waiting On Love' just kills me everytime I see or hear it:

    (pronounced: equal-sequel)   "I suffered for my art.. now it's your turn"
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  • Got a lot of time for them, I also like the Chris Robinson Brotherhood...

    opening an album with an 11:54 track! fair play.

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  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 23740
    I've got all the albums up to, I think, Lions.  My favourite is definitely Southern Harmony....

    Unquestionably a good, talented band but they are too "Americana" for me, I wish they rocked just that little bit harder.  But it's just personal taste.
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  • So is Before the Frost... an all original album or is it just a live show? See I have all my BC records but I don't have this one and I don't have a comprehensive knowledge of their songs. Like I can tell you what record an Aerosmith song is on in a heartbeat but not sure about BC (and they have significantly less albums!! lol)
    Music the great communicator, use two sticks to make it in the nature - a music reviews blog:
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  • not_the_djnot_the_dj Frets: 7306
    edited September 2014
    "Before the frost...until the freeze" are two albums of what was at the time new material recorded together in front of a live audience. "Before the frost" came out as a physical cd with a token to download "until the freeze" which is a more acoustic/countryish record.
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  • ...also the Cabin a Fever dvd is from the same sessions as thr Frost/freeze set, but included this sublime cover with Rich singing...
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