The Fretboard Running Thread 2023

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BidleyBidley Frets: 2959
New year, new thread, new goals, same shit January weather :D

Did my first training run of the FIRST 3+2 marathon training plan (as recommended by @Iamnobody ) today. Decent speed workout, got my fastest 1km in the process so I'll take that for my first PB of the year!

Feeling good about Brighton Marathon, aiming and training for sub-4 but my goals are multi-tiered so not getting carried away as it's my first marathon. One thing that is for sure, is that @26.2 will be finishing his haddock and chips before I've finished :D

Anyone else doing Cambridge Half? @djspecialist @monquixote ?

Who is doing C25k and beyond? @RedRabbit @TTBZ ?
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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28389
    My running has been on hold since last july when I tore a leg muscle. Still can't get back to anything. Depressing.
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  • BidleyBidley Frets: 2959
    axisus said:
    My running has been on hold since last july when I tore a leg muscle. Still can't get back to anything. Depressing.

    Sounds horrific! How did you manage that? I must admit a proper injury does scare me, and it's what gave me a push to sign up for a marathon. Worst I've had is a couple of twisted ankles so far.
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  • jonevejoneve Frets: 1506
    Right. Did fuck all running last year. Want to get back on it this year. Going to ease myself in and go for a gentle trot on my lunch break tomorrow (hopefully!) 

    I'm trying to eat less too and doing a lunchtime meal-replacement shake - with cereal in the morning and cooked meal in the evening. 

    If I can loose 7-10lbs in the next few weeks before skiing, I'd be delighted! 
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  • I've been slack since the Great Eastern Run (half marathon) in October. I was ill in November and then general lethargy and the Xmas schedule have been convenient excuses.

    I intend to get back into it and will be entering a couple of local events, and hopefully another endurance team event of 10k laps over a 24 hour period.

    I'm hoping to run more trails and be regular rather than distance or pace.
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  • djspecialistdjspecialist Frets: 946
    edited January 2023
    Happy New running year everyone!

    @axisus sorry to hear about your injury. I hope it gets better for you soon.

    @bidley I'm signed up for the Cambridge Half again. In March I'm also doing the Chariots of Fire relay (postponed from September due to the Queen's funeral.)

    The CHM has always been a great event, so I'm looking forward to giving it another go. Last year I ran with a friend, chatting and taking it fairly easy, but this time I want to have a crack at my PB.

    Since running a marathon last April, my running has dropped off quite a bit - I stopped altogether for a month, since when I've built back up to around 100km / month (compared to 200km at the peak of my training before the race.) I plan to build that up a bit more over the coming months, mix in some speed work, and also make sure to include some weights to reduce the risk of injury.

    At some point, I'd like to run another marathon, but rather than pick an event at random, I feel that I need something to motivate me to go for a specific one. One of the majors would do it, but I didn't get a place in the London ballot (not very surprisingly), and my pace is never going to qualify as GFA. So that pretty much leaves Berlin, which is at least relatively easy to get to and I'm told is a good event.

    Alternatively I might try a trail run; a friend did the Sunset Trail marathon at Holkham and really enjoyed it. That said, I did a half at Thetford in October, and while the course was beautiful, I found the softer surface _really_ hard work. So putting in more off-road miles is another thing I'd need to work on.
    Trading feedback | FS: Nothing just now
    JM build | Pedalboard plans
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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 18305
    tFB Trader
    I'm doing the Cambridge Half again this year

    My running went massively downhill last year due to being crazy busy (and lazy).

    My 2021 total was just shy of 1.300km where as my 2022 was just over 600km and a lot of that was from the earlier part of the year.

    At the moment I can only just run 10k at a very slow pace so there is significant work to do to get myself into half marathon condition with 2 months to go though it should be doable. I'll be targeting just getting round in under two hours rather than trying to get a PB or anything.

    Running has become less central to my life than it was and I'm happy with that, but I do want to keep up a decent level of fitness.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • thecolourboxthecolourbox Frets: 10363
    edited January 2023
    I need to start running again, I really don't enjoy it but I can't find any other exercise to do and it's largely free so I should just get on with it and deal with it. I did a few runs again when I lost a stone or so in August but they were very short and I didn't keep going often enough to get back to it.

    I'm never going to be aiming at the stuff you guys are, a regular 5kmat less than 25 mins is all I intend to aim for. I'd rather get faster or more comfortable at a short distance than have it taking over my life trying to get to 10km or a half marathon - I think you really have to enjoy it or care a lot to do that much and I have neither of those in my armoury.

    I'd rather do swimming as it's easier and less cold but there aren't really any pools locally that are open at convenient times with a proper fast lane, so I'll have to stick to running I think.

    I had a bad bout of covid over christmas so I can't start back just yet, also the covid cough  pulled a muscle in my side (I literally felt it snap) so I'm at the mercy of that repairing itself as well. Humbug.

    My trainers are a bit battered and to be honest are a bit big for me (had to go a size up for the width but are too long), but I don't enjoy shoe shopping at the best of times and I'm guessing a trip to Sports Direct would be as futile as usual and with the associated dirty feeling afterwards.

    Also I find the music I like listening to doesn't lend itself to running, but running playlists make me want to rip my ears off. Should I be looking at audio books or something or is that a vibe kill as well?
    I'm scared and I'm waiting for life
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  • munckeemunckee Frets: 12859
    I need to start running again, I really don't enjoy it but I can't find any other exercise to do and it's largely free so I should just get on with it and deal with it. I did a few runs again when I lost a stone or so in August but they were very short and I didn't keep going often enough to get back to it.

    I'm never going to be aiming at the stuff you guys are, a regular 5kmat less than 25 mins is all I intend to aim for. I'd rather get faster or more comfortable at a short distance than have it taking over my life trying to get to 10km or a half marathon - I think you really have to enjoy it or care a lot to do that much and I have neither of those in my armoury.

    I'd rather do swimming as it's easier and less cold but there aren't really any pools locally that are open at convenient times with a proper fast lane, so I'll have to stick to running I think.

    I had a bad bout of covid over christmas so I can't start back just yet, also the covid cough  pulled a muscle in my side (I literally felt it snap) so I'm at the mercy of that repairing itself as well. Humbug.

    My trainers are a bit battered and to be honest are a bit big for me (had to go a size up for the width but are too long), but I don't enjoy shoe shopping at the best of times and I'm guessing a trip to Sports Direct would be as futile as usual and with the associated dirty feeling afterwards.

    Also I find the music I like listening to doesn't lend itself to running, but running playlists make me want to rip my ears off. Should I be looking at audio books or something or is that a vibe kill as well?
    I can only answer from what I've found but not having music is better for me than listening.  Depends where you live and I can run through nature reserves and along the coast so I'm not listening to traffic noise etc.

    I would advise getting some new trainers if you can afford it.  Ideally going to a shop to get your gait assessed, once you've spent a lot the first time you just find online trainers in sales to suit your gait.  I always buy asics as I know which trainers they do that suit me and you can usually get last seasons for 20+% less than the current ones.

    I would recommend walking a few times and time yourself to walk at 100 paces a minute then read the "couch to 5k" and follow that.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • thecolourboxthecolourbox Frets: 10363
    munckee said:
    I need to start running again, I really don't enjoy it but I can't find any other exercise to do and it's largely free so I should just get on with it and deal with it. I did a few runs again when I lost a stone or so in August but they were very short and I didn't keep going often enough to get back to it.

    I'm never going to be aiming at the stuff you guys are, a regular 5kmat less than 25 mins is all I intend to aim for. I'd rather get faster or more comfortable at a short distance than have it taking over my life trying to get to 10km or a half marathon - I think you really have to enjoy it or care a lot to do that much and I have neither of those in my armoury.

    I'd rather do swimming as it's easier and less cold but there aren't really any pools locally that are open at convenient times with a proper fast lane, so I'll have to stick to running I think.

    I had a bad bout of covid over christmas so I can't start back just yet, also the covid cough  pulled a muscle in my side (I literally felt it snap) so I'm at the mercy of that repairing itself as well. Humbug.

    My trainers are a bit battered and to be honest are a bit big for me (had to go a size up for the width but are too long), but I don't enjoy shoe shopping at the best of times and I'm guessing a trip to Sports Direct would be as futile as usual and with the associated dirty feeling afterwards.

    Also I find the music I like listening to doesn't lend itself to running, but running playlists make me want to rip my ears off. Should I be looking at audio books or something or is that a vibe kill as well?
    I can only answer from what I've found but not having music is better for me than listening.  Depends where you live and I can run through nature reserves and along the coast so I'm not listening to traffic noise etc.

    I would advise getting some new trainers if you can afford it.  Ideally going to a shop to get your gait assessed, once you've spent a lot the first time you just find online trainers in sales to suit your gait.  I always buy asics as I know which trainers they do that suit me and you can usually get last seasons for 20+% less than the current ones.

    I would recommend walking a few times and time yourself to walk at 100 paces a minute then read the "couch to 5k" and follow that.
    Thanks, yes I think the trainer tip will be what I need to do so that's useful

    My wife did the Couch to 5k thing during lockdown, I couldn't be arsed (and now find Sarah Millican's voice quite triggering ) so just went straight into running the full time as stop-starting was just causing me to get bored and have tight muscles (I already have dodgy knees from teenage times).

    Re music sadly I live in a shithole city so running around streets with associated noises at 8am rush hour - also with silence I have too much time to think and that's never a good thing for me.

    Will see how it goes when I can actually get out there again without being in pain before I even start
    I'm scared and I'm waiting for life
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  • RaymondLinRaymondLin Frets: 12319
    I started couch to 5k again...currently week 3...i started in December but had a week off during Christmas.
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  • 26.226.2 Frets: 560
    Bidley said:

    Feeling good about Brighton Marathon, aiming and training for sub-4 but my goals are multi-tiered so not getting carried away as it's my first marathon. One thing that is for sure, is that @26.2 will be finishing his haddock and chips before I've finished :D

    Haha - I doubt it! I’m not under 4 hours these days unless there’s a strong tail wind!! You got it right about the fish and chips post-finish!
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  • @thecolourbox for listening while running, I tend to prefer spoken word over music, although I do have a couple of upbeat playlists for when I'm in the mood.

    Recently I've really enjoyed audiobooks, via Audible. The most recent was a recommendation from a friend - "Slow Horses" by Mick Herron, which I'd describe as a modern take on Le Carré. I think the total playtime was something like 9 hours, but I got so hooked I couldn't wait until my next run for another installment, so burned though it pretty quickly!
    Trading feedback | FS: Nothing just now
    JM build | Pedalboard plans
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  • TTBZTTBZ Frets: 3000
    edited January 2023
    Bidley said:
    Who is doing C25k and beyond? @RedRabbit @TTBZ ?
    I'm struggling for motivation now I've completed it tbh - I need to find a new program or something to keep me going. I've been doing 20 minute runs (at a faster pace than I was going the 30 minute one) 2-3x a week to keep me ticking over, but I'm not really enjoying it. Part of that is being on the treadmill, I need to get out and do some proper outdoor running. I've just a recurring foot injury pain crop up again and running isn't helping it so I'm out for a week or so to let it rest. I can see myself going back over to cycling for my exercise though, I find it way more enjoyable even when I'm static in the garage on rollers.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • IamnobodyIamnobody Frets: 7058
    Bidley said:
    New year, new thread, new goals, same shit January weather :D

    Did my first training run of the FIRST 3+2 marathon training plan (as recommended by @Iamnobody ) today. Decent speed workout, got my fastest 1km in the process so I'll take that for my first PB of the year!

    Feeling good about Brighton Marathon, aiming and training for sub-4 but my goals are multi-tiered so not getting carried away as it's my first marathon. One thing that is for sure, is that @26.2 will be finishing his haddock and chips before I've finished :D

    Anyone else doing Cambridge Half? @djspecialist @monquixote ?

    Who is doing C25k and beyond? @RedRabbit @TTBZ ?
    Nice one @Bidley the hard work is done in training so if you hit all the training on pace (or most of them - don’t beat yourself if you need to miss a couple of have a bad run) I reckon you’ll do the sub 4 easily.

    I’m eyeing up a short ultra if I can stay fit and also concentrating more on strength training in my posterior chain; basically more squats, deadlifts, etc and functional stuff crawlers and some plyo stuff - jumps etc. more stretching and more yoga! Plenty to work on in other words.
    Previously known as stevebrum
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  • IamnobodyIamnobody Frets: 7058
    @colourbox can you easily get onto the canal network? A lot of my summer running takes place there and it’s much nicer than the urban roads. I’ll do them in winter as well but less so due to being a night runner. Mind you I’m looking at a head torch to get round that as well. 

    I also get round the urban shithole scenario by choosing lightly trafficked routes and running late at night - I’ve sussed it now so I can run on road and meet very little traffic. 

    If you can do 5k in 25 mins you have a nice starting position and you’ll be able to incrementally increase distance. 

    My 5k PB is only 22:35 and an easy (daily 5k) would be nearer to 30 mins. 

    But I’ve trained for distance, and with a couple of marathons under my belt, can do a half marathon for fun (like I did on Sunday not fast but easily), 10k whenever I want - as long as I keep up a decent base of 3 runs a week. 

    I’m not bragging - I’m trying to encourage you saying you might surprise yourself what you are capable of… 

    For context I’m mid forties, didn’t even run at school, been running 3 years and buggered my knee up in my early 20s playing 5 aside. I’ve managed to strengthen it by running though - after spending 20 years using a bad knee as an excuse to do nothing. 
    Previously known as stevebrum
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  • thecolourboxthecolourbox Frets: 10363
    My estate backs onto the Birmingham Worcester canal by Cadbury World but it is too busy at 8am with bikes and escooters etc, and a bit of a detour to get into it due to where the entrances are. Not a very nice canal either lol smells of weed. No it's ok, the Bournville loop with optional rowheath detour is as adequate as it'll get, I don't hope to enjoy it, just get a bit fitter
    I'm scared and I'm waiting for life
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  • RedRabbitRedRabbit Frets: 525
    Bidley said:
    New year, new thread, new goals, same shit January weather :D

    Did my first training run of the FIRST 3+2 marathon training plan (as recommended by @Iamnobody ) today. Decent speed workout, got my fastest 1km in the process so I'll take that for my first PB of the year!

    Feeling good about Brighton Marathon, aiming and training for sub-4 but my goals are multi-tiered so not getting carried away as it's my first marathon. One thing that is for sure, is that @26.2 will be finishing his haddock and chips before I've finished :D

    Anyone else doing Cambridge Half? @djspecialist @monquixote ?

    Who is doing C25k and beyond? @RedRabbit @TTBZ ?
    Yeah, I'm doing c25k again.  Really annoyed with myself for letting it get to the point where I'm starting from scratch again but at least I'm getting moving again.  Loads of reasons for getting back into it but ultimately it all boils down to letting myself become a lazy fatso.  It'll all be on a treadmill to begin with.  The hills around me are brutal.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • BodBod Frets: 1432
    edited January 2023
    I started with a Parkrun on Christmas Eve, did a little run midweek followed by the Parkrun again on NYE, despite still feeling a bit stiff from previous runs.   I run a bit, then walk a bit when I need to.

    Having never run before, I'm astounded at how good it's made me feel.  Planning on heading out again tomorrow and really looking forward to it.

    The Parkruns are great - all abilities and ages are there and it's such a supportive atmosphere.
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  • d8md8m Frets: 2434
    Didn’t have a particularly good year of running in 2022, decided this year is going to be different!

    Going to start going to my clubs speed sessions again for a bit of variety and try move longer runs to the weekend so I have more time available to increase the mileage.

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  • relic245relic245 Frets: 1108
    Didn’t run much last year after 2 quite bad injuries.

    looking to get back in to it now. I’ve set a goal to do park run in sub 25 mins. Currently pb is just under 27 but haven’t run under 30 in 3 years.

    with my 58th birthday approaching it feels like a very ambitious goal.
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