The Fretboard Running Thread 2023

What's Hot


  • RedRabbitRedRabbit Frets: 501
    I've fallen behind a bit with c25k but managed to get off my ass and do w4d1 last night.  It wasn't particularly difficult but it just seemed to drag - guess I wasn't really in the mood for it but at least it's done.

    Going to do day 2 tonight and 3 on Sunday so I can try and get back on track and start week 5 on Monday.
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  • 26.226.2 Frets: 538
    First long run of the year for me- 27K today. Did it at very relaxed pace 5.45 per km and it was a breeze. Did it straight off the bat - not even a bog stop!!
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  • BidleyBidley Frets: 2954
    Great work everybody!

    12 miles today. Felt good at 5:28min/km so I think I'm getting my mojo back - I put it down to the beetroot powder. The stuff is magic. But my old shoes have got to go, my knees are getting sore!

    I have a quandary and therefore a question for the marathoners - I'm following the FIRST training plan rigidly thus far, but I'm signed up to Cambridge Half which happens to land on the same week as my longest run of 20 miles. What do I do?

    I ain't missing CHM, and I don't think I'll get the same benefit if I do another 7 miles separately that weekend. Do I shift the 20miler to the week before or week after? I can't really skip it because I've never run that far before.
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  • Bidley said:
    Great work everybody!

    12 miles today. Felt good at 5:28min/km so I think I'm getting my mojo back - I put it down to the beetroot powder. The stuff is magic. But my old shoes have got to go, my knees are getting sore!

    I have a quandary and therefore a question for the marathoners - I'm following the FIRST training plan rigidly thus far, but I'm signed up to Cambridge Half which happens to land on the same week as my longest run of 20 miles. What do I do?

    I ain't missing CHM, and I don't think I'll get the same benefit if I do another 7 miles separately that weekend. Do I shift the 20miler to the week before or week after? I can't really skip it because I've never run that far before.

    I was having similar dilemmas last year: booked for CHM on 6 March 2022, then Manchester Marathon on 3 April. I ended up doing my longest training run (34km) a week before CHM (27 Feb). In the weeks between the two events, I was worrying about a knee problem, so I only did 4 runs in total (longest 15km). Despite the knee still not being 100% on the day, I managed to hit my goals at the marathon.

    When is your marathon? I'd say if it's more than a month after CHM, you could do your long run between the two, but if it's less I'd be inclined to do it beforehand.
    Trading feedback | FS: Nothing just now
    JM build | Pedalboard plans
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  • IamnobodyIamnobody Frets: 6939
    @bidley what are your intentions for the half? Run it close to your best or in line with the FIRST pace for Key Run 3 that week?
    Previously known as stevebrum
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  • d8md8m Frets: 2434
    Hilly 10.5 miles for me this afternoon. Diligently checking my watch to keep myself out of Zone 5 and on the whole a success.

    On track for a 70 mile month for January so pleased.
    It would be interesting come end of the month if we added up everyone’s monthly totals to see how far we have collectively moved.

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  • BidleyBidley Frets: 2954
    @djspecialist @Iamnobody Brighton is exactly 4 weeks after Cambridge half. Key Run 3 the week before is 10 miles, and after is 13. Might make sense to do it after? I don't really want to knobble my taper either.

    I'd like to have a good crack at my PB at Cambridge. I rarely get to run a flat course on road!
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  • IamnobodyIamnobody Frets: 6939
    In that case. I’d look at doing 20 instead of 18 on week 6 (if you want to have that mental challenge in the bank) and  maybe do 15 on week 3 after the marathon instead of the planned 13. 

    Just checked my data and my half was at a different stage of the FIRST plan - but I ran for the PB.

    I did manage a 15 miler the weekend after. Although I missed out the speed and tempo runs in the week after - swapping them for 2 extra rowing days and a steady 5 miler. 
    Previously known as stevebrum
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  • BidleyBidley Frets: 2954
    Sounds like a good idea. I might do 12 on week 5 rather than 10 depending on how I feel. I think that 20 miler will be really important for me to figure out strategy and gels.

    Speaking of nutrition, what do you take with you for a marathon? I seem to cope well with a gel every 5-6 miles but any more than 3 and I start to dehydrate a little.
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  • IamnobodyIamnobody Frets: 6939
    edited January 2023
    Week 5 is 13 miles in my plan?

    Yeah gels every 6 miles works for me - and a handful of jelly beans. I think I took one at 24 miles but at that point it’s probably more of a comfort than really getting in your system and doing anything. Maybe 6,12, 17 and 22 would work better. 

    Not had a dehydration issue though - do you take them with plenty of water?

    Just remembered as well for the second marathon I took a protein shot. I can’t remember when I took it - maybe around mile 20. 

    I lost my jelly beans that day - the lady in the crowd with the massive box of jelly babies though was my hero! 

    Routine (at least 2 hours before start)  1 glass of water, 1 coffee, 1 croissant and 1 protein flapjack. 
    Previously known as stevebrum
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  • BidleyBidley Frets: 2954
    It's 10 on the one I'm following but perhaps that's just because it's babby's first marathon plan. I think that's a little low though.

    I don't take them with water no, I only bring water on runs if it's hot. The SiS ones say you don't need water!

    The idea of eating before a marathon puts me on edge - I don't want to be stopping for a shit midway through and I just know that would happen to me!
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  • BodBod Frets: 1345
    edited January 2023
    My running has suffered a setback.  I worked all day from the sofa a couple of weeks ago and, as a result, I ended up with back pain that's been present since and I can't run.  I think it's sciatic.

    Also, potentially more serious, something in my right calf went ping yesterday when walking and it's quite painful. I'm now hobbling.  Pretty gutted to be honest.  Having only started running on Xmas Eve, I'm missing it.
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  • Benm39Benm39 Frets: 755
    Wow you guys are speedy! My runs are a far slower pace, though hopefully that will pick up a bit when I start training programme properly in a couple of weeks.

    First event for us this year is Hampshire Hoppit in June. 

    Nutrition,  I eat quite a lot (maybe cos there's lots of hills on our event routes) and last year liked using a mixture of Tailwind and these guava paste blocks

    I also make some homemade pinole/ energy ball type snacks and usually have something about every 4 miles or so.

    Beetroot powder sounds interesting - would love to know more. 
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  • I've had a corn on the sole of my foot since September. I noticed it when it was tiny because it was unusually painful at certain moments. It grew to a normal size and continues to be sore if I put prolonged pressure on it then release.

    I can still run and walk, it's just very uncomfortable if I tread on a stone or land at the wrong angle.

    So, I'm thinking of having it removed. But read that recovery can take weeks. Sometimes not even able to wear shoes for a week. No running.

    Anybody experience of corn removal?
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  • Benm39Benm39 Frets: 755
    Bod said:
    My running has suffered a setback.  I worked all day from the sofa a couple of weeks ago and, as a result, I ended up with back pain that's been present since and I can't run.  I think it's sciatic.

    Also, potentially more serious, something in my right calf went ping yesterday when walking and it's quite painful. I'm now hobbling.  Pretty gutted to be honest.  Having only started running on Xmas Eve, I'm missing it.
    Ouch,  that sounds painful.  Frustrating though it is,  it's important to give yourself time to heal in order to avoid much longer term injury. 

    Possibly worth seeing a sports physio or sports masseuse if the calf twinge is muscular. 

    We've found foam rolling and a theragun massage gun can work wonders on getting knots out of tired muscles but worth seeing a specialist or GP first just to make sure it isn't an injury that requires more involved treatment... otherwise the usual Rest Ice Compression Elevation etc...

    Hope you're feeling better soon and enjoying being back out there. 
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  • BidleyBidley Frets: 2954
    Benm39 said:

    Beetroot powder sounds interesting - would love to know more. 

    Beetroot has been an absolute wonder for me. I use powder because I can just dump it in my daily protein shake, but the juice/shots work just as well. You can get capsules but I've found they don't work.

    There's more info on the internet, but they're full of nitrates that increase bloodflow to the muscles, which increases efficiency and lowers perceived effort. Basically you'll be able to run faster, longer and feel fresher. I thought this would be one of those things that you wouldn't see any noticable benefit, or if you did it would be so minor it would be imperceptible, but that's not the case for me. It's night and day. My resting heart rate goes down by around 5bpm too. Also great for lowering blood pressure!

    So yeah it's basically magic.
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  • BidleyBidley Frets: 2954
    Bod said:
    My running has suffered a setback.  I worked all day from the sofa a couple of weeks ago and, as a result, I ended up with back pain that's been present since and I can't run.  I think it's sciatic.

    Also, potentially more serious, something in my right calf went ping yesterday when walking and it's quite painful. I'm now hobbling.  Pretty gutted to be honest.  Having only started running on Xmas Eve, I'm missing it.

    Missing it is a great sign, but like Benm39 says it's important to listen to your body. I'm not a doctor or anyone with any kind of medical training, but rest for a couple of days and see how you feel. When you start running it's a big strain on your body and it will complain to start with!

    I've had a corn on the sole of my foot since September. I noticed it when it was tiny because it was unusually painful at certain moments. It grew to a normal size and continues to be sore if I put prolonged pressure on it then release.

    I can still run and walk, it's just very uncomfortable if I tread on a stone or land at the wrong angle.

    So, I'm thinking of having it removed. But read that recovery can take weeks. Sometimes not even able to wear shoes for a week. No running.

    Anybody experience of corn removal?

    I don't have any as bad as that, but I have loads (probably about 10 on each foot) of tiny ones on the soles of my feet. I only feel them if I walk around barefoot and step on something. When they start to get too painful I whip them off with this shaver thingy I bought off Amazon which keeps them away for a few weeks.
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  • Benm39Benm39 Frets: 755
    edited January 2023
    Bidley said:
    Benm39 said:

    Beetroot powder sounds interesting - would love to know more. 

    Beetroot has been an absolute wonder for me. I use powder because I can just dump it in my daily protein shake, but the juice/shots work just as well. You can get capsules but I've found they don't work.

    There's more info on the internet, but they're full of nitrates that increase bloodflow to the muscles, which increases efficiency and lowers perceived effort. Basically you'll be able to run faster, longer and feel fresher. I thought this would be one of those things that you wouldn't see any noticable benefit, or if you did it would be so minor it would be imperceptible, but that's not the case for me. It's night and day. My resting heart rate goes down by around 5bpm too. Also great for lowering blood pressure!

    So yeah it's basically magic.
    Cheers,  I shall investigate!

    @Bidley any recommendation as to which beet powder you use... looks like lots to choose from and a wide price range
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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28355
    I'm coming up to week 10 of a hamstring injury that just refuses to heal. It's depressing, my running has to be very limited these days but it's so frustrating that I can't even do that. 
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  • BidleyBidley Frets: 2954
    @Benm39 I've used this for the past year, a teaspoon a day.

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