The Fretboard Running Thread 2023

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  • IamnobodyIamnobody Frets: 6939
    Bidley said:
    It's 10 on the one I'm following but perhaps that's just because it's babby's first marathon plan. I think that's a little low though.

    I don't take them with water no, I only bring water on runs if it's hot. The SiS ones say you don't need water!

    The idea of eating before a marathon puts me on edge - I don't want to be stopping for a shit midway through and I just know that would happen to me!

    Here’s the page in my book for comparison. It’s the novice plan. 

    Ignore the changes to mileage that was my tweak for the second one. 

    I’d definitely look at taking water with your gels I’m convinced that’s causing the dehydration. Everything be ever read says take em with water. 

    In a race you’d get water from the stations - in training you could just take a small soft flask to help wash them down. 

    Yeah eating before worries me! But i think I need it. Not sure I could do it on a completely empty tank. 

    Good tip on the beetroot powder as well. Might get some…
    Previously known as stevebrum
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  • russpmrusspm Frets: 446
    Bidley said:
    It's 10 on the one I'm following but perhaps that's just because it's babby's first marathon plan. I think that's a little low though.

    I don't take them with water no, I only bring water on runs if it's hot. The SiS ones say you don't need water!

    The idea of eating before a marathon puts me on edge - I don't want to be stopping for a shit midway through and I just know that would happen to me!
    I always pop an Imodium before a marathon 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • BidleyBidley Frets: 2954
    Thanks @Iamnobody there are loads on the internet that seem to be variations on a theme. Do you have a link to that book?

    Imodium is a great shout @russpm ;
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • IamnobodyIamnobody Frets: 6939
    Bidley said:
    Thanks @Iamnobody there are loads on the internet that seem to be variations on a theme. Do you have a link to that book?

    Imodium is a great shout @russpm ;
    This one: Runner's World Run Less, Run Faster: Become a Faster, Stronger Runner with the Revolutionary FIRST Training Program: Become a Faster, Stronger Runner ... Revolutionary 3-Run-A-Week Training Program
    Previously known as stevebrum
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  • RedRabbitRedRabbit Frets: 501
    Just done w5d1 of c25k.  I missed a day last week and was going to try playing catch up but decided to skip the missed day when I saw that week 5 starts off pretty tame.

    Quick question though - I live in a very hilly area so I've been doing c25k on a cheap treadmill I bought years ago when I first started.  I've often thought that both the speed and distance readings on the treadmill were pretty inaccurate but I thought it might just be wishful thinking that I was running faster and further than the treadmill said.  This thought is backed up by my Garmin watch but this seems to be overestimating how fast I'm running.  I suspect the answer is somewhere in between but I've no idea which is likely to be more accurate.  Any ideas?

    To try and tackle this I bought a tracker that clips on to my trainers buts calibrated to the treadmill so doesn't really give me any more insight than the treadmill readings do.

    I know at the moment the most important thing is I just keep up with the program at a pace I'm comfortable with (which I will do regardless) but I like figures and stats and it bugs me when they aren't accurate.
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  • MrTeeMrTee Frets: 513
    Pretty happy having logged 72 miles for January, especially considering I've only been out twice in the last fortnight!!! 
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  • d8md8m Frets: 2434
    4 miles for me again tonight bringing me to 70 for the month.

    Ran the same 4 mile loop on new years day at 8:25 min mile average pace and it was an effort. Today I averaged 8:18 and it was a lot more comfortable.

    Well done on a good months running everyone. Now onto February!

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • January total: 124km (12 runs)
    Highlights: new PBs for 5km, 10km

    Finished off the month with a short interval run this morning: 5 x (2min @ 4:20/km, 2min rest)

    Onwards to February!
    Trading feedback | FS: Nothing just now
    JM build | Pedalboard plans
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • russpmrusspm Frets: 446
    d8m said:
    4 miles for me again tonight bringing me to 70 for the month.

    Ran the same 4 mile loop on new years day at 8:25 min mile average pace and it was an effort. Today I averaged 8:18 and it was a lot more comfortable.

    Well done on a good months running everyone. Now onto February!
    We’ve one day left of January yet!  ;)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • 26.226.2 Frets: 538
    Yes to Imodium - always essential before a marathon! 

     I’ll have another read of the 3-run a week info. I tried that plan once, but it didn’t really work for me - I felt short on miles all the time. 

    Anyway good work in January everyone! My summary is:

    Distance 213K (133 miles), 19 runs. 3 halves and a 27K. One park run and a club 4 mile. 

    I’m starting to feel that lack of snap in the tempo runs that always comes after the long runs get substantial. Looking to do a couple of park runs in Feb as additional runs to force me to go faster. 
    0reaction image LOL 2reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • BidleyBidley Frets: 2954
    Speed work session today, was supposed to be 1mile @ 7min/mile, 400m recover, then 2 miles + 800m recover, then 2x800m with 400m recovery. I chickened out of doing the 2 mile segment, no way I can sustain that pace for 2 miles, so I just did 2x 1 mile instead (especially as @Iamnobody s plan didn't have the 2 mile segment either)...

    Ended up getting my first sub-7 minute mile (6:52) and feeling decent, apart from horrific headwind for the last two repeats which killed me off. Wish I'd done the 2 mile now!

    190km/118 miles for me in January, second biggest month by 500m! Feb should see me break the 200km barrier easily.
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • BidleyBidley Frets: 2954
    edited January 2023
    Also Start Fitness are having a mega sale on Puma trainers now - 50% off everything, the Velocity Nitro 2 is £50, with discount code EXTRA10 is £45! Which is crazy cheap for a good daily. I treated myself to a pair.

    Also they have the Deviate Nitro Elite carbon plated billy big bollocks racer for £85 on eBay, with discount code SPECIAL20 brings it down to £69 posted!! For a £170 shoe I couldn't pass it up. I don't have any race shoes so I got a pair of those as well.
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Bidley said:
    Also Start Fitness are having a mega sale on Puma trainers now - 50% off everything, the Velocity Nitro 2 is £50, with discount code EXTRA10 is £45! Which is crazy cheap for a good daily. I treated myself to a pair.

    Also they have the Deviate Nitro Elite carbon plated billy big bollocks racer for £85 on eBay, with discount code SPECIAL20 brings it down to £69 posted!! For a £170 shoe I couldn't pass it up. I don't have any race shoes so I got a pair of those as well.
    Great deals!  If I hadn't just placed an order for a pair of Saucony Ride 15 (available for £50 at, though I paid a bit more as ... er, I wanted a different colour ...) I would have been seriously eyeing the VN2.

    For speed work and racing I've been really happy with my Saucony Endorphin Speed (except when it rains, in which case they don't have enough grip) - so I've decided to switch away from Brooks as my daily shoe (my Glycerine 19 are coming up to 1,000km).
    Trading feedback | FS: Nothing just now
    JM build | Pedalboard plans
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  • russpmrusspm Frets: 446
    After two lower mileage months in November and December due to injury and holidays, happy to get 125 miles in the bank for January.
    Well done everyone, some really great efforts.  
    0reaction image LOL 2reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • IamnobodyIamnobody Frets: 6939
    edited January 2023
    Ended January on 98.8 miles
    17 runs
    2 HM (distance not organised events)
    Longest 17.2 miles

    Happy with that considering I missed two weekends out. 

    You’ve got to love a bargain @Bidley I got the Velocity Nitro 2 on a similar deal £46.75 a few weeks ago and paid a bit more for the Ride 15s @djspecialist they were £67 both decent shoes especially for the money.

    £50/60 gets you a lot of shoe if you’re not too fussed on colour etc.

    Best bargain was the Nike Invincible Run FK 2 though at £44 from the Nike outlet. I’ve really needed them to help get through a dodgy ankle. 
    Previously known as stevebrum
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  • W5d3 done.  This was the first "long" run.  Before the longest running interval was 8 minutes.  This one was just 20 minutes running uninterrupted.

    Finished it without any issues though and even felt as though I had some left in the tank at the end.  Doubt I would have made it to the 30 minutes the plan's aiming for but I reckon another 5 minutes would have been doable.
    0reaction image LOL 2reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Benm39Benm39 Frets: 755
    Nice work.  You'll be amazed at how you'll steadily cope with increased distances. 
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  • BidleyBidley Frets: 2954
    30km for me today, my longest run. The last couple of miles were pretty brutal, I was feeling under the weather before I even started which wasn't a good omen. But it's in the bank now!
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  • d8md8m Frets: 2434
    Steady 10 for me today, starting to see some improvement in keeping the HR down but maintaining the same pace.

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  • BodBod Frets: 1345
    Still having a problem with my back and right calf muscle - reading these posts with envy...
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