Back Trouble

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  • I've had the microdiscectomy - was a last resort cos I couldn't walk as the disc was so badly prolapsed - the operation was 100% successful which was truly miraculous considering the shit I was in! And considering it all started cos I lifted my bass players SVT head out of my boot!!! Moral of the story - don't give lifts to band members who can't drive!
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  • SambostarSambostar Frets: 8745
    edited September 2014

    Be careful though eh, don't pour whiskey into your butthole via a make shift brake bleeding hose, come colonic irrigation tube. 

    You will die.

    I can't believe the pills they prescribe to you lot or what age you are, I lost the use of my legs for three days when my back went and was bad for three months and couldn't stand up for two weeks at all and they just told me to rest.

    No idea if my injury was disc related or not, but pretty sure it was, as it's still dodgy now and was most likely the result of a compression injury ignored three months earlier and I'm positive others on here have had far, far worse.  Always pull my back muslce every now and then and work through the pain as it is the best thing you can do for a muscle sprain or spasm, but it was nothing like that, was right on the disc, not to the side and my legs and all. 

    But seriously, they never prescribe me anything.  This is why I get so mad when the Daily Mail runs stories about Gingers having low pain thresholds.  Although in fairness I would refuse to take anything anyway, usually a welcome break from thinking about my toothache or ball ache.

    Backdoor Children Of The Sock
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  • SambostarSambostar Frets: 8745
    edited September 2014

    Seriously, you are a moron if you deadlift.  Pro and semi pro weightlifters all have one thing in common, they get their vertabrae medically fused when they hit 40-50.  Seems stupid to me.  If you want strong back muscles, try digging, a lot, left hand and right handed and lift heavy things with your stomach muscles pulled in and don't twist and lift, even if it is only lightweight, especially not on a cold morning or in a cold warehouse.  If you want big arms and massive triceps, which are better than biceps (Biceps for show, triceps for a pro) just lift things and hold 10kg+ with your arms extended in front of you for 8 to 10 hours a day, everyday.

    But seriously I do not get dead lifting for the life of me, especially of you are meta or ecto morphic, it's the worst thing you can do fro your body long term.  If you feel like a girl and can't stand the low wages of a physical job, then just get implants FFS.

    Nothing creases me up more than seeing gym lifters attempt to run wheelbarrows, designed for compost with 200kg worth of wet clay or 20mm up a 50 metre run all day off or on to the back of a transit, they falter after about 2 attempts.  Sure they can lift things, but honestly, pretty redundant in the real world, when you want 15 tonne of 20mm shifted in under two hours.  Their own arms and their weight become their worst enemy.

    Backdoor Children Of The Sock
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