GAS analogy dilemma

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Just wanting a bit of advice here, it's about another one of my interests that involves buying things every now and again. Say I was after a USA vintage RI Strat, a particular model in a particular colour, I gig now and again and would like to sort this out soon, not urgently, but within a not-unreasonable couple of weeks. Phone the only shop in the area who is a Fender dealer and the owner is a long-time Fender fanboy to inquire - if anybody can get me what I want, it's this shop. I make it clear that's the exact model I've decided to spend my money on and that I'd prefer to buy it from their shop rather than get it off the internet. They don't have it in stock but can get it, "yeah probably, I'll give you a ring". 

A week goes by and nothing. After 10 days I ring up to inquire: "oh, yeah, spoke to Fender UK yesterday, waiting to hear back from them." Another 10 days go by and they don't ring back, so 3 weeks have gone by and they haven't been able to give me an answer either way. It's getting more urgent, so I check a few internet sites - all reply to my inquiry within 24 hours and one place has it in stock at the same price as the shop and with free shipping.

I like to support shops because it's much easier in case of any warranty issues, plus you can get it set up etc, but at what point does your patience run out?
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  • RolandRoland Frets: 8858
    5 minutes ago
    Tree recycler, and guitarist with
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  • beed84beed84 Frets: 2450
    What are you waiting for?  If you're certain that this is the guitar you want and a shop has it, go for it. Don't waste your time waiting for the other shop to pull the their finger out.
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  • skayskay Frets: 396
    Been there with my old local guitar shop (now closed down). Wanted to buy some Fender Custom Shop pickups and Tele bridge, even though they were both cheaper elsewhere I wanted to support my local store. Many weeks went by with varying stories of them trying to source them and being in contact with the Fender rep, saying they'd contact me within certain periods of time, but I heard nothing.

    Eventually ordered them online for cheaper and received them within a day or two. I like the concept of helping local businesses but they at least have to be ones worth keeping open...

    With so many comparison web sites out there, how do I choose the best one?

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  • paulnb57paulnb57 Frets: 3112
    Buy the one online and take it to the shop, tell the owner he could have sold you it, and pocketed the profit, if he/she wasn't such a disinterested twat. Vote with your feet, the shop doesn't deserve your custom, your loyalty is not deserved..........shops are about customer service, the shop deserves to close......
    Stranger from another planet welcome to our hole - Just strap on your guitar and we'll play some rock 'n' roll

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  • xSkarloeyxSkarloey Frets: 2962
    I'd go where I could get what I needed, when I needed it.

    I understand your sentiment about wanting to buy local, and I try to do it too, but what you've decsribed is pretty poor service, especially since you've said you'd rather deal with them.
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  • jellyrolljellyroll Frets: 3073
    Don't buy the item online at a good price. Let you local shop piss you about a bit longer and then fail to get the product for you or communicate the fact.
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  • thermionicthermionic Frets: 9792
    Just to clarify - it's not a guitar, it's a totally different thing altogether! I picked the example of a US Strat because it's about the same amount of money and it has parallels with getting personal, helpful service at a shop versus clicking on a website. It's what I expected to hear really - the customer service has been shoddy and it appears they're not interested in taking my money so I should have no qualms about going elsewhere.
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  • Adam_MDAdam_MD Frets: 3421
    I'm surprised you waited as long as you did. You've more patience than me dude, I'd have gone elsewhere after the first excuse.
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  • The other side of it is does the shop guy know how serious you are? If I were him and took the phone call how would I know you were going to buy the product if I got my finger out and obtained it for you? Did you offer him a deposit?
    "Working" software has only unobserved bugs. (Parroty Error: Pieces of Nine! Pieces of Nine!)
    Seriously: If you value it, take/fetch it yourself
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  • richardhomerrichardhomer Frets: 24880
    I like to support good retailers - but not if they are crap.

    If a dealer is 'struggling' to obtain something which is freely available, I always suspect cash-flow problems - supply from manufacturers and distributors is rarely problematic.
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  • thermionicthermionic Frets: 9792
    I did make it quite clear I think, that I'd decided that was what I wanted, and I was phoning that shop because they were a dealer, reasonably local, and I gave a reason why buying from a shop was preferable to online. Plus, I phoned him up after 10 days to ask if he'd managed to get one, and to phone me back as soon as he'd managed to get one in!

    I'm pretty sure there's no cashflow problems, but there might well be a shortage at the UK distributors - I emailed 4 online shops last week, one had one in stock, the others were "we can get one for you" - but I suspect they couldn't either.
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  • richardhomerrichardhomer Frets: 24880
    Is the mystery as what the item actually is, because it's embarrassing?

    Will we ever find out what your 'Stratocaster' really is?
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  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 23764
    edited October 2014
    Buying local is all well and good, I might even pay a little more for the privilege.  But only if they had it in stock.

    As soon as they said they had to order it in I'd immediately go online and find somewhere which actually had one available now.
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