I'm feeling brave ... building an AmpMaker kit

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TTonyTTony Frets: 28027
edited August 2023 in Making & Modding
Just ordered one of these

I read through the build manual, then read through it again, and then a third time.  It all looks perfectly do-able.  I think.

I'm going to make on of those little light-bulb current testers too though, just as a little bit of extra protection.

I'd looked at these kits a few years ago, but at the time I think he'd taken a break from the business so I couldn't order one.  Then I forgot about amp-building and/or got busy and/or [insert excuse of choice here]. 

Until now.  Just shifted a load of old stuff on eBay and certainly don't need any more guitars, but do fancy a new home-use-only amp.  And I've got a spare Marshall cab here looking for a purpose.

Wish me luck!
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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28027
    Just realised - I'll have to make a cab for the head to go in too.  

    2 projects for the price of 1.  Bargain.
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  • paulnb57paulnb57 Frets: 3112
    edited June 2023
    I built the Ampmaker WF55 ages ago, the instructions were superb, I still have to make a cab for it....
    Stranger from another planet welcome to our hole - Just strap on your guitar and we'll play some rock 'n' roll

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  • elstoofelstoof Frets: 2577
    Ooh he’s got his P1800 back in stock, very tempted
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  • Devil#20Devil#20 Frets: 1999
    TTony said:
    Just realised - I'll have to make a cab for the head to go in too.  

    2 projects for the price of 1.  Bargain.
    I was about to ask this question after I read your first post but you pre-empted it. I've fancied making an amp for a while. I'd probably house it in an already made cab though. There's a few companies do this sort of thing (ie. amp builds and amp cabs or combo cabs). Getting hold of some of the valve options seems to be an issue.  


    Lowering my expectations has succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.

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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28027
    elstoof said:
    Ooh he’s got his P1800 back in stock, very tempted
    You know you want to @elstoof - better get it ordered before they go out of stock (again)

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  • thermionicthermionic Frets: 9781
    I have built an N5X and a P1800, both great amps.
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  • elstoofelstoof Frets: 2577
    TTony said:
    elstoof said:
    Ooh he’s got his P1800 back in stock, very tempted
    You know you want to @elstoof - better get it ordered before they go out of stock (again)

    You know I did ;)

    It’ll have to get shoved in a cupboard for a while as I’ve only just finished an amp 2 days ago, with a few cabs still to build for other projects. Got amps coming out of my ears at the moment but sounds like this is the last chance for a P1800
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  • elstoofelstoof Frets: 2577
    Would definitely recommend a light bulb limiter, safety first and all that

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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28027
    That's my first task @elstoof and I like your practical build  ;)
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  • KalimnaKalimna Frets: 1557
    Enjoy :) Building your own amp is a fabulous thing to do, and I cant give @Modulus_Amps enough credit and thanks for all the help he's given me during my builds.
    A cradle to hold the chassis is quite useful too, along with the bulb limiter
    And if you're not aware of it, RobRobinette's site is a superb resource : 

    Firing it up for the first time is very rewarding, though discovering positive feedback from a 50W Marshall circuit through a 4x12 in an enclosed space? Not so much ;)
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  • LastMantraLastMantra Frets: 3825
    Looking forward to the build thread  ;)

    I'm quite interested in something like this. It would be good to hear how it works as a home amp also as that's how I'd be using it. 
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  • Modulus_AmpsModulus_Amps Frets: 2621
    tFB Trader
    Kalimna said:
    Firing it up for the first time is very rewarding,

    When it works first time  =)

    When I built my first amp back in 2004 and got it up and running it was the realisation that I could now go build just about any amp I wanted to that was really exciting, only problem was the lack of finances to do so ha ha

    Good luck with the build TTony.

    @Devil#20 There are still a good number of new production valve options available, it is just the price of them that can be scary.
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29186
    TTony said:
    That's my first task @elstoof and I like your practical build  ;)
    The ice-cream tub used affects the tone. 

    Viennetta gives a more layered sound, but Kelly's is a lot creamier. 
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28027
    And Mr FedEx delivered a parcel this morning.

    Should be done by lunchtime.
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  • normula1normula1 Frets: 643
    It's always been the cabinet that put me off building one.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • normula1 said:
    It's always been the cabinet that put me off building one.
    They will all have resigned by next week anyway
    5reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • elstoofelstoof Frets: 2577
    Sporky said:
    TTony said:
    That's my first task @elstoof and I like your practical build  ;)
    The ice-cream tub used affects the tone. 

    Viennetta gives a more layered sound, but Kelly's is a lot creamier. 
    I was going for the Wall’s of sound 
    4reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • SporkySporky Frets: 29186
    elstoof said:
    Sporky said:
    TTony said:
    That's my first task @elstoof and I like your practical build  ;)
    The ice-cream tub used affects the tone. 

    Viennetta gives a more layered sound, but Kelly's is a lot creamier. 
    I was going for the Wall’s of sound 
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28027
    normula1 said:
    It's always been the cabinet that put me off building one.
    It was actually someone (@slimbert) asking whether I could make a speaker cab that reminded me I'd thought about making an amp, coinciding with having some spare cash, spare time and Ampmaker having the kits available ...

    Making a cab for the head should be fun, it won't involve tolex though.
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  • CorvusCorvus Frets: 2993
    tFB Trader
    Nice one Tony. I like my P1800 a lot, Barry's instructions were always good but I think he re-did them some time after I got mine so probs even better.
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