I'm feeling brave ... building an AmpMaker kit

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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28027

    Really I should also have posted a pic of the grin on my face - but I couldn't capture the grin without also getting the face, so you'll just have to imagine the grin.

    It's a BIG GRIN.

    Firstly, I am slightly amazed that the thing worked, first time.  I had to do a bit of fault diagnosis (dodgy ground connection) whilst doing the pre power-on tests, and had to add the missed wire mentioned above, but that was minimal, particularly when considering some of the soldering I ended up doing towards the end (it's all easy until you have to wire the turret board into the front panel controls - then it gets a bit tricky).

    Secondly, love the amp.  I've got a clean valve amp (FBJ III) which works well with a pedal or two in front of it. 

    This needs no pedals to get that sound.  Twin levels of boost, and a "bypass" switch which should really be called the "aural magic" switch because that adds some real grit to the sound.  I've been playing it through an old Marshall 1x12" cab, nothing special AFAIK, and just love the sound.  The power control (LHS) allows you to dial it down to <1w, or let it go all the way up to 5w, without really losing the sound characteristics.

    Big thanks go to AmpMaker too.  The kit was complete, nothing missing, and given the number of components in there, that takes some attention to detail.  The build guide was brilliant.  If you're a complete numpty on amp building (like me), just follow the guide and you can put one of these kits together.  I just worked through it, section by section, diagram by diagram, and it worked.  Can't get better than that.

    So, if you're thinking about it, stop thinking, click the link https://www.ampmaker.com and get your credit card ready.  If I can build one, anyone can.

    The problem I now have is ... "what next".  Really enjoyed the build process and the successful outcome so half of me would love to do another.  But the other half of me says that I don't need another amplifier.
    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
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  • PeteCPeteC Frets: 409
    Great job Tony - theres no such thing as dont need another amp - just as it is with guitars! 

    Its immensly satisfying to play your own built guitar through your own built amp isnt it ?  Especially when both are high quality 

    dumble ODS…
    Trainwreck express 
    classic Fenders ….

    One of the best amps for ease of build and high sonic return is a Fender Pro 5E5-A i believe.   Simply a marvellous amp   But you either need to be able to play loud, have a great attenuator or install power scaling

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • elstoofelstoof Frets: 2577
    What next is build the cabinet  :)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • PeteCPeteC Frets: 409
    Great job Tony - theres no such thing as dont need another amp - just as it is with guitars.  

    Its immensly satisfying to play your own built guitar through your own built amp isnt it ?  Especially when both are high quality 

    dumble ODS…
    classic Fenders ….
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • robertyroberty Frets: 10915
    Well done @TTony, looks really tidy. Must be a great satisfaction
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 27786
    Brilliant and a great result if it works first time out. I 100% am with you on the "bitten by bug" thing. The thing that stopped me was the ever-increasing complexity of the stuff I really want to own and not quite enough time, money or patience to build that stuff. I will definitely have another go at some point though. 
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28027
    elstoof said:
    What next is build the cabinet  :)
    Yes ... its designed (in my head) and I know where there's some tasty timber for the top. 

     Thinking I'll do a standardish 18mm ply bottom & sides with a nice piece on the top.

    Going to make a quick temp home for it first, just for some protection when it's moved about, off the workbench.
    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
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  • SteveFSteveF Frets: 540
    Definitely headshell next, then matching cab. Then solder up a couple of cables and have a full DIY rig got to be satisfying having made everything you’re playing through!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
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