Browne Protein

DominicDominic Frets: 17492
Short review ;
The Right hand side is a straightforward Nobels ODR type thing.....the Nashville staple (probably because all those single coil teles need the fatness and beef to really get a bit of heavy drive going on ) It's got this in spades only without the out of control bass boom of the original .......I dont find the bass cut works well on newer Nobels .It's similar but less fiddly than the Nordland ODRC
All told ......capable of very high gain and a lovely thump in the bass and lower a lot.
The Left Side is a BB /KOT/ Blackbird type of thing...................except it isn't !It's certainly in that ball-park but I find it thin,wiry and a bit too puny (and that's with HBs ) get a much better BB Klone sound from the Ceriatone Horsebreaker which I prefer to a KOT
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  • chromatunachromatuna Frets: 375
    Thanks Dominic, very helpful. I find it a bit of a mystery why so few overdrives offer some low end tone shaping. What’s perfect with one guitar and amp combination is unlikely to be so with another. 
    This is the truth from hillbilly guitars!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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