Which Amp to Keep?

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HamHam Frets: 8
I've got a bunch of gear I'm going to be selling on behalf of my Sister in Law that was her husband's. That includes a Washburn electric that I've bought for myself , and I'm also going to buy one of the amps.

The two are a Roland Cube Street and a Spark Positive Grid. As I have never before  had an electric and I know the square root of diddly squat about them, I'm wondering which to keep and which to sell? They seem quite similar, but without much to go on, I'd choose to keep the Roland. 

I'd appreciate any informed suggestions. I don't see it being used for anything other than practice, ever - I won't be taking to the streets (unless I really piss my wife off more than I have done thus far)
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  • Without the need for busking, I think the natural conclusion is to go for the Spark. It is more modern technology (the amp models might sound a bit more authentic) and it is aimed more at your use case.

    However, the simplicity and greater immediacy of the Cube might suit you better. The sheer choice of sounds on the Spark might send you down a rabbit hole of fiddling about with tones, rather than getting on with the job of actually playing the guitar. It really does depend on the sort of person you are and what you enjoy doing the most.

    They are both decent bits of kit, so there’s no correct answer really. 
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  • Power-BeefPower-Beef Frets: 214
    I think @tugwellguitar was looking for a Roland cube of sorts a while back.
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  • SassafrasSassafras Frets: 30322
    I like the Roland.
    Having said that, I've never tried the Spark.
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  • Thanks @Power-Beef , appreciated.
    Roland Micro cube would be fine but Street cube probably a bit too big for what I need . 
    All the best 
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  • HamHam Frets: 8
    @Flanging_Fred thanks for that - I wish I knew what kind of person I am ;) 

    I'm right in thinking the Roland can run off batteries? If so, that sounds like a Useful Thing To Have, for example using as a PA with a mic rather than busking.

    @tugwellguitar - completely off topic, but as it isn't a common name (?) you don't happen to be related to a Richard Tugwell in Zurich, do you?

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  • Not related as far as I know,but possibly  way back many ,many years ago probably.
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  • Roland cube amps brilliant BTW
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  • NikcNikc Frets: 629
    I bought a street cube as a practice amp (+ other bits) downstairs.  Built in looper and some effects - sounds great does the job - keep the Boss ;)
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