Quilter volumes

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mattacjonesmattacjones Frets: 508
Having been quite tempted to try one of these, I was drawn to looking at the US Cub version. According to the blurb, these are 50w but as I understand it, solid state watts are not the same in terms of volume as tube watts. Can anyone give me an indication of how 'loud' these are - mainly, can they hold their own in a band context?
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  • SnagsSnags Frets: 5463
    edited August 2023
    I believe that Quilter quote their "watt" volumes (sic) in "valve equivalent" terms. That's certainly what they say for the Superblock units. Given the "25w" Superblock can hold its own in a three or four piece, I'd have thought the Cub would be fine.
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  • GrunfeldGrunfeld Frets: 4071
    I've long had a Micro block as a back up amp and even that is loud enough for a pub gig (punky, lively rock), going through a 2x12, 1936 cab -- I think it's 45 W -- enough volume but limited tone shaping options. 
    I recently picked up a Pro Block which is 200 W so it can clean up and still be loud and it has more tonal options.
    So I don't know the US Cub but the 45 W of the micro block (discontinued) are great.  It just looks weirdly small sat on top of your cab.
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  • Thanks.
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  • BlueingreenBlueingreen Frets: 2650
    edited August 2023
    I’m a Quilter fanboy and 95% sure you'd be okay but depending on use I'd advise taking care.  According to quite a lot of stuff I read on-line my MicroPro Mach 2 HD was going to be "as loud as a Fender Twin".  It's not.  I'd say that despite a nominal wattage of 100 watts it's in the ball park of a 30-40 watt valve combo.  That's plenty loud enough for me but might not be for everybody. 

    I can't comment on other Quilter models (except the Mach 3 which is similar to the Mach 2 volume wise).
    “To a man with a hammer every problem looks like a nail.”
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  • SassafrasSassafras Frets: 30322
    Can we be sure Quilter isn't owned by Lee Anderton?
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  • thomasw88thomasw88 Frets: 2346
     I’ve a tone block 202. It’s definitely not 200 valve watts.  However I’ve never had the need to crank it up to full volume and it copes well with a loud band running fairly clean at around half full volume
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  • I have a Mini 100 head easily keeps up with an AC30. Probably not equivalent to 100 valve watts but definitely one of the loudest (good sounding!) solid state amp I’ve tried and plenty loud enough for my needs.
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