EQ pedal in FX loop

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BarneyBarney Frets: 620
I use and FX pedal in the loop of my amp for a volume boost ...I am struggling a bit getting the right volume as the level control really boosts the volume by just moving it a tiny bit ...just wondering iff there is something else I can put in there that's less aggressive on the volume so easier to set ....it's a boss EQ pedal ...it's sort of handy cos I can alter the EQ but can't seem to get the volume just how I want it ...any help or suggestions appreciated 
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  • I use a Boss GE7 pedal as a boost. Used to be in the loop when I had an amp with a loop (it was a Blackstar HT20) and I didn't have a problem with over-sensitive controls.  My GE7 is modded with upgraded op amps etc but I did that to get rid of hiss - I don't think it affected the resolution of the controls.

    The only way I can think of to make it easier to set the boost volume would be to replace the boost slider with a normal rotary pot of a suitable value but that would be a fair amount of hassle.  If the loop on your amp is switchable you could put a "lion tamer" style pot-in-a-box in the loop with the EQ and use that to trim the volume, then leave the pedal on and switch the boost with the loop switch - all a bit messy though.
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  • Have you tried setting it up for the opposite way? You could see if it's easier to set the EQ for the lower volume signal and turn it off for the boost 
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  • BarneyBarney Frets: 620
    Have you tried setting it up for the opposite way? You could see if it's easier to set the EQ for the lower volume signal and turn it off for the boost 
    Good idea I will try that ...I never thought of doing it that way around 
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  • Barney said:
    Have you tried setting it up for the opposite way? You could see if it's easier to set the EQ for the lower volume signal and turn it off for the boost 
    Good idea I will try that ...I never thought of doing it that way around 
    My pleasure. Hope it works.

    These days I use multi FX for all my effects but when I used a pedalboard I had one EQ set for a volume boost and another set for a volume cut (scooped slightly). It is really useful for when you need to play a part low in the mix.

    I love EQ. I could easily live a with just a few EQ pedals (pre amp and in the loop), delay and reverb . In fact most of my patches have 2 or 3 EQs assigned 
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  • BarneyBarney Frets: 620
    Barney said:
    Have you tried setting it up for the opposite way? You could see if it's easier to set the EQ for the lower volume signal and turn it off for the boost 
    Good idea I will try that ...I never thought of doing it that way around 
    My pleasure. Hope it works.

    These days I use multi FX for all my effects but when I used a pedalboard I had one EQ set for a volume boost and another set for a volume cut (scooped slightly). It is really useful for when you need to play a part low in the mix.

    I love EQ. I could easily live a with just a few EQ pedals (pre amp and in the loop), delay and reverb . In fact most of my patches have 2 or 3 EQs assigned 
    As a matter of interest what do you use first in the chain EQ or Delay ...I have reverb on the amp so just use that ....good idea for EQ for cut and boost as well 
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  • Barney said:

    As a matter of interest what do you use first in the chain EQ or Delay ...I have reverb on the amp so just use that ....good idea for EQ for cut and boost as well 
    These days EQ is before delay because that's the the order they are placed by default on my Boss GT. TBH I've never tried it the other way around!

    It makes sense to me to have solo boost EQ before delay, particularly if it's a 1K hump rather than that boost, because I would always have that order when recording....

    but it could also make sense to have it the other way around if you view the EQ as being the equivalent of the sound guy boosting the mixer channel a touch. No idea if there's a significant enough difference by the time you're gigging 
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  • BarneyBarney Frets: 620
    Barney said:

    As a matter of interest what do you use first in the chain EQ or Delay ...I have reverb on the amp so just use that ....good idea for EQ for cut and boost as well 
    These days EQ is before delay because that's the the order they are placed by default on my Boss GT. TBH I've never tried it the other way around!

    It makes sense to me to have solo boost EQ before delay, particularly if it's a 1K hump rather than that boost, because I would always have that order when recording....

    but it could also make sense to have it the other way around if you view the EQ as being the equivalent of the sound guy boosting the mixer channel a touch. No idea if there's a significant enough difference by the time you're gigging 
    Thanks very much mate ....yeah I'm same EQ goes first ...well after the tuner ..
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  • robertyroberty Frets: 10916
    I use EQ last in chain into the front of the amp, no effects loop. Three band parametric with loads of headroom. It is really handy. I've ended up doing some quite extreme things to adjust to different rooms, it surprises me
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  • I used to use my GE7 in the loop with a mid boost rather than any volume boost. Was super. you want a good "bump" for a solo anyway!
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  • roberty said:
    I use EQ last in chain into the front of the amp, no effects loop. Three band parametric with loads of headroom. It is really handy. I've ended up doing some quite extreme things to adjust to different rooms, it surprises me
    That's a great idea.

    I use EQ out front to reduce amplitude and shape the signal going into the amp - basically a preset, sculpted volume knob setting which can take an amp set to 80s Iron Maiden into ACDC and back along with a small boost in the loop to compensate if needed.. I also use EQ as a boost out front for heavier than early 80s Maiden. And I have an EQ in the loop as a boost or cut. And an EQ within my IR pedal for fine tuning stuff into FOH.

    Did I mention that I like using EQ? :)
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