Egnater Tweaker 40 Speaker Upgrade

MrBumpMrBump Frets: 1247
Howdy folks, looking for some ideas and opinions.

Backstory, I have several amps, the 2 I use most are a cheap and cheerful Tweaker 40 combo (good workhorse amp, easy to lift into the car), and a vintage Orange GRO100 with a Zilla vertical 2x12.

When I can be arsed getting the Orange downstairs and into the car, it's sublime - sounds amazing.

When I first got the Zilla cab, I played the Tweaker through it - and the sound through the Zilla cab was so much better than through the Tweaker internal speaker.

So - I'm thinking of things I can do to get the Tweaker more rehearsable and giggable - or in other words, tonal upgrades because I'm 52 and it's frigging hard getting the Zilla cab down the stairs.

I think upgrading the speaker in the Tweaker might be a good starting point?  It's got an Egnater branded Celestion 50 watt speaker in there currently.  The Zilla has Creamback H units in it.  I know there's more to it than just the speaker, there's cab construction and 1 vs 2 speakers, but I guess a start.

Maybe an additional 1x12 to stand the Tweaker on?

What do you think?
Mark de Manbey

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  • If you know that the Egnater sounds good through the Creambacks then I would pop one in there, they sound good on their own in my experience. If you want less bass/woof than the H75 then the M65 Creamback is nice, if you want something more open/bright then the Heritage G12H-30 is great.
    Blackbird Cabs - bespoke guitar cabinets, handcrafted in North Devon

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  • BlackbirdCabsBlackbirdCabs Frets: 274
    edited September 2023
    (I'd start with changing the speaker and worry about an extra cab later)
    Blackbird Cabs - bespoke guitar cabinets, handcrafted in North Devon

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