Fender 68 Custom Pro Reverb - opinions sought

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jonnygreentreesjonnygreentrees Frets: 676
edited November 2023 in Amps
I am strongly considering a Fender 68 Custom Pro Reverb in the New Year as an upgrade for my Blues Deluxe.

Has anyone played one and got an opinion?

I basically want a nice clean pedal platform and this seems to perfectly fit the bill however I don't have the opportunity to try one at rehearsal volumes before I buy. Some people online are suggesting it breaks up at rehearsal volumes which I definitely don't want
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  • PALPAL Frets: 561
    I have a Fender 68 Custom Princeton Reverb and I bought it because it does break up a bit quicker and I think the 68 range 
      are designed to to that. The blackface models have more headroom. If your blues deluxe is  doing what you want then
      it might be worth sticking with what you have. Good luck.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
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