Hi all, forever beginner here, need to practice much more ....
Why do I fluff so many notes when I try to solo, more often when playing with others ...I seem to get to the correct fret positions but then many muffled notes - I know. like many. that maybe I am rushing to get there, in panic possibly.
Even worse when I say slide up on two strings (not adjacent ones) to pick each one after other.
Maybe it's old age setting in and coordination problems - I think I position/anchor my hands/fingers OK on he neck. Not easy to explain this - when I look at others playing they seem to be hitting clean notes effortlessly.
I sometimes think my guitar(s) are all a bit duff fret-wise/string heights, but these have been checked over by my local guitar store gurus.
I guess many will advise sensibly that I need to take my time, and practise practise practise ...but is there something I am missing doing ??? Feeling silly .....help !
Practice only makes permanent - and that includes mistakes.
Perfect Practice makes Perfect.
Don't practice until you don't make a mistake, practice until you can't make a mistake
Use a metronome properly. Humans are crap at playing things the same tempo every day so with a metronome you can set it and then increase it by say 5bpm after a week and so on.
An old shredding lesson always suggested backwards steps too.
50bpm until you play it perfectly for a week.
Then 55bpm
Then 60bpm
Then drop back to 55bpm for a week - that's the easy consolidation week you get to relax a bit. Should be easy. Then back to 60, then 65 etc etc.
I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd
Also, are you doing it 'honestly'. Record yourself, just with a phone if you like, and listen back.
Are you playing set pieces or improvising?
Supportact said: [my style is] probably more an accumulation of limitations and bad habits than a 'style'.
I'm in that mid-ground of knowing some scales but turning these into proper riffs/solos is quite a hurdle, so most of what I am doing is trying to learn solos note for note without understanding the scales usage - maybe I'm not using the right/or best fingerings for these as well - and I let frustration set in quickly. I guess if I understand and accept my present boundaries, and keep endeavouring to move forward with them, and start to feel more progress it will inspire me for more and more. Keeping calm with it, getting the notes clean as part of the control process should indeed help. Thank you, I feel ready for the next step ahead now !
Lowering my expectations has succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.
he’s a genius for tone and solos though, which sounds at odds with the first para,
listen to him pick one note and just then go to another , that’s his whole solo phrase often !
but he sounds in another world to us mortals