Laptop Battery Emergency Reset

TTonyTTony Frets: 28042
Sharing this in case it ever helps anyone else ...

My main PC is a Thinkpad laptop which sits on my desk, connected via USB-C to a dock which provides power, link to external monitor, additional USB3 ports, etc.

This morning, switched laptop on, and external display didn't wake up.  Odd. 
  • Maybe it's switched itself to another input?  Checked, reset, and confirmed it's on the right input but not receiving a signal from the dock.
  • Connect laptop direct to monitor, and all is OK, so cable is undamaged and laptop is outputting a signal.
  • Unplug, switch dock off and leave for a few mins, reconnect the peripherals and switch back on.  Still no monitor signal.
  • Hmmmm.
  • Then I notice laptop battery level is falling and is below the level that should trigger it to charge.  Hmmmm some more.
  • Check battery charge settings, and it should certainly have started charging as it's now <50%.
  • Try a different USB-C cable from dock to laptop, still no change.
  • Run Lenovo diagnostics and there are a few driver and firmware updates recommended.
  • Install, reboot, and battery is still not charging.
  • Hmmm some more.
  • Google for local laptop repair options.
  • Let's make sure all docs/settings are backed up to date.
  • Then let's remove any sensitive docs completely.
  • That hits the battery level, now <30% after some intensive backup activity.
  • Try the thunderbolt port instead, still via the dock, and still no battery charging.
  • Dig out the separate AC adapter, plug that in, and still no battery charging.
  • One last Google search reveals an "emergency battery reset button".
  • Switch laptop off, insert pin into (well hidden) reset button recess, hold for 7secs, release and switch back on.
  • Hold breath whilst laptop boots.
  • Login, still holding breath.
  • Check battery status, and it's charging again.
  • Working both through dock and adapter.
  • Switch off, leave it charging, and walk away for an hour or so.
  • Switch on, and battery is restored.
So, if you ever have an issue with charging/powering a laptop, check for the presence of an emergency reset button.  Or check now, so you know in advance.
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