Poopot's Cover Challenge #27 - N - Voting

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flying_pieflying_pie Frets: 1836
It's voting time again. And as well as giving the Tories a long overdue kicking, we also have to decide our champion cover for this round. There are plenty of entries to choose from again.

You can hear all the tracks in the playlist:


All that is required is to pick your top three and post them in the thread below.

Points are awarded as follows - 5 points for first place, 3 points for second place and 1 point for third place.

There is a bonus 5 points for covering No More Heroes

Entrants obviously aren't allowed to vote for their own track or anything they have guested on. Voting closes at 11.30pm on  Saturday 6th July 2024

The entry with the most points gets to pick the next song to be covered. In the event of a tie for first place then all those tied will choose a song.


Good luck
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  • idiotwindidiotwind Frets: 519
    5 pts - @flying_pie for No Limit
    3 pts - @monquixote for New Test Leper
    1 pt - @thecolourbox for Northern Sky
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  • thecolourboxthecolourbox Frets: 10166
    edited July 3
    It's so good to see so many entries and such a variety again - even within the single songs to be fair as well with the diversions within arrangements. Some really confident efforts which is great to see - I'm hoping to take some pointers from the risk taking as I'm self aware enough to know I keep playing it fairly safe but I can see what it does for improving people's tracks when risks are taken so I need to steal some of that confidence.

    I listened to the whole playlist yesterday in order to formulate my votes, there was genuinely something I liked about every single track and really enjoyed listening to the different styles of playing and arranging.

    I will go for...

    5 points - Nude - @stickyfiddle ;; I love doing Radiohead songs as well, because they are so different in their approach and I find I really have to concentrate to stay in character, whilst also trying to sound as free and loose as possible. It's definitely a head and heart task. Loved the arrangement and the space you created.
    3 points - Nobody Does it Better - @IMC1980 ;; Brilliant, much more fun than the original and tasty playing throughout.
    1 point - Not Strong Enough - @stickyfiddle ;; Good song, well arranged, suited your style really well and I think that's what I liked, the confidence

    There were a number of songs which could have scored the 3rd place there to be fair, there wasn't much in it at all but if i don't put my scores in straight away I'll spend forever deliberating...
    Taking part in 1000 Lights - raising money for Uprawr Mental Health Foundation
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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 28140
    Well thank you kindly @thecolourbox ! Nude was one of those things that feels like a good idea when you start, then quickly descends into extreme difficulty so you put it away for 6+ weeks... NSE was more just fun bashing away at the various parts. The vocal is the one bit I wasn't thrilled with, but finished is better than perfect so here we are :) 

    I'm hoping get a proper listen through everything tonight and get my own votes in. 
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • IMC1980IMC1980 Frets: 148
    edited July 6
    My votes go to:

    5 points @Bezzer - this track is always a tough listen given how raw the subject matter is and you did it proud, a tear jerking epic and a haunting outro solo.

    3 points - @flying_pie (No Limits) I always expect some form of genre bending mashups from you, but crowbarring several RATM homages into a 90s europop/dance cover is top work! Very nice "Morrelloisms" throughout.

    1 point @monquixote (Neverending Beast)- A new challenger on the mashup scene! Ridiculous and very enjoyable, great production and a tasty solo, ticks all the boxes.

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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28220
    edited July 3
    I hadn't been keeping count of the number of submissions on this challenge ... 19 ?!?!!

    That's a couple of hours to find to listen to them all at least once and then try to filter a top 10, a top 5, and then order a top 3.  Great work from all

    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
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  • thecolourboxthecolourbox Frets: 10166
    Monquixote's entry, the Neverending Story, has the very dubious honour or role of informing me that it was actually a real song, and not just made up for that hilarious estate agent's video selling the Neverending Property. I genuinely thought they'd composed it and not just put lyrics to it

    Taking part in 1000 Lights - raising money for Uprawr Mental Health Foundation
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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 18077
    tFB Trader
    Monquixote's entry, the Neverending Story, has the very dubious honour or role of informing me that it was actually a real song, and not just made up for that hilarious estate agent's video selling the Neverending Property. I genuinely thought they'd composed it and not just put lyrics to it

    Well I feel I've done a public service 

    It's also a cult 80's film and features heavily in season 3 of Stranger Things.
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  • thecolourboxthecolourbox Frets: 10166
    It says a lot about my brain that I remember the tune only from the estate agents video, despite having watched Stranger Things all the way through quite obsessively. Never seen the Neverending Story films though, by the time I was aware of them I think they seemed to be on Part 16 or something which suggested it indeed was neverending and therefore pointless to watch
    Taking part in 1000 Lights - raising money for Uprawr Mental Health Foundation
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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 18077
    edited July 3 tFB Trader
    It says a lot about my brain that I remember the tune only from the estate agents video, despite having watched Stranger Things all the way through quite obsessively. Never seen the Neverending Story films though, by the time I was aware of them I think they seemed to be on Part 16 or something which suggested it indeed was neverending and therefore pointless to watch

    Suzie and Dustin do a duet it's quite amusing.

    The first film is the only one worth watching.
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  • HabaneroHabanero Frets: 260
    5pts : @stickyfiddle (Nude)
    3pts : @Bezzer ;
    1pt : @IMC1980 ;
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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 28140
    The first film is the only one worth watching.
    I’m not going through that with Artax again and you can’t make me…
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28220
    What a variety!

    1st - 5pts @fnpt (&Bezzer) - NIB
    2nd - 3pts @idiotwind - No Limit 
    3rd - 1pt @thecolourbox - Northern Sky

    And a few more that I'd have liked to have given points to!

    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
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  • fnptfnpt Frets: 760
    Ok, not a easy choice considering the quality of all the submissions. This challenge is definitely raising the level.

    1- @TTony No moon in Paris, thank you for introducing me to this song. Enjoyed very much the original and your cover does it total justice. It takes cojones to go mostly acoustic and vocals only

    2- @ICM Nobody does it better Great version, great vocals as usual

    3- @thecolourbox Numb Excellent vocals and baking vocals. Really enjoyed the more laid back approach

    "You don't know what you've got till the whole thing's gone. The days are dark and the road is long."
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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 18077
    tFB Trader
    Loads of great stuff, but I'm going to go;

    1- @stickyfiddle Nude, Radiohead covers are not easy and this is really well done

    2 - @fnpt NIB - Great production and really nailed the sound of this track

    3 - @thecolourbox - Northern Sky - Again Nick Drake covers are not easy and you've really captured the vibe of this. Suits your voice really well. 

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  • flying_pieflying_pie Frets: 1836
    What a fantastic playlist. So so many great tracks it feels a crime to narrow it down to just 3 and most definitely the 3 would change from day to day.

    5 points @fnpt for NiB - awesome. I don't know how you managed to get Ozzy to do the actual vocals. I almost demoted this because the bass intro could/should have been more noodly but nah...

    3 points @stickyfiddle - Nude - just beautiful

    1 point @monquixote - great version from an underrated album as far as REM goes
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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 28140
    edited July 6
    Crikey this was hard this quarter! 

    5 - Neverending Beast - @monquixote ;;;

    3 - NIB - @fnpt ; and @Bezzer ;;;

    1 - Nobody does its better @IMC1980 ;;;

    Extra warm fuzzies to @thecolourbox for Numb and @monquixote for New Test Leper - I genuinely spent an age trying to work out whether to put these in my top 3
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • BezzerBezzer Frets: 594
    Sorry for absenteeism ... been a long couple of months. Based on first impressions ...

    5 - @IMC1980 - Nobody does it better

    3 - @monquioxte - New test leper

    1 - @thecolourbox - needle of death
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  • flying_pieflying_pie Frets: 1836
    Reminder that voting closes tonight
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  • flying_pieflying_pie Frets: 1836
    Voting closed 
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