Anyone have trouble buying at guitar instructor online or Musicnotes they’re really crap

hollywoodroxhollywoodrox Frets: 4376
Musicnotes continually declines my perfectly valid card
  and Guitar instructor won’t let me pay until I fill out their form which has totally unrelevant  info to my location , eg they want my state  or telephone number,

I filled out I’m in the U.K. in part of their form but it says info is missing ,I don’t use a phone but put an old number in .

I only wanted to buy a digital tab thing , I don’t have this problem on other sites offering courses etc . Trouble is  they never respond to emails you send them about the problem . These are bigger organisations too . You often find other guys offering lessons & courses who are just running a YouTube channel etc have it all sussed out  but these big organisations are frankly crap . 

I mean we are a global digital environment now ,surely I should be able to sign up for some digital media without a phone number or saying what state I’m in 
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