YouTube Music and censorship

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spev11spev11 Frets: 431
I've got a youtube premium account because I can't deal with ads, as a part of this I get YouTube music. Its fine, a bit flakey but I'm not paying for another sub to another music service (and certainly not Spotify).
 I created a playlist with some songs that have the E tag (Explict lyrics or content) namely Killing In The Name Of, Pepper, Hypnotize, Chop Suey and Sober . All five have an E, three play without restriction, Killing wont play, sometimes I get a pop up warning about possible content of Self Harm Or Suicide. Now I get it that allowing minors to access stuff that could be considered harmful is needed. My problem is Killing doesnt really have self harm or suicidal content, Chop Suey certainly does (but no warning and plays without restriction).
 The chat I just had just brushed it away as " Its working as intended" to which I said " so you intend to censor a political view that the company doesn't accept?" i've basically been told to suck it. 

Anybody else had this happen ? A google search (ironically) gave a load of results with RATM being specifically targeted.
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  • randellarandella Frets: 4444
    Mine flat refused to acknowledge the existence of the Chats' second album ("Get Fucked") for a while. Now it comes up in the search like any other. 

    As the AI learns it changes, I guess. Check your master Google account for any parental controls that might have defaulted to On - might be something to try?
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  • spev11spev11 Frets: 431
    Shut all the controls off, the chap I spoke with basically said that it is what is and to deal with it, seems shit
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  • AdeyAdey Frets: 2534
    They're protecting you from yourself!
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  • ReverendReverend Frets: 5266
    I'm guessing a playlist with Silencer, Shining and Make a change...  may not work well?
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  • spev11spev11 Frets: 431
    I’d be more understanding if it was on shuffle but my own playlist? I don’t do conspiracies etc but is it because google is American and they are terrified of being aligned with certain political views?
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  • randellarandella Frets: 4444
    edited July 25
    Stick with it for a bit and see if it changes, probably just the AI they have in place for safeguarding getting a bit over zealous.

    I listen to a lot of music similar to yours, never had any problem apart from that one minor hissy fit it took with a niche Australian punk record.
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  • spev11spev11 Frets: 431
    It's been doing it for about a year now, I'll not change from youtube as I only want to pay for one service. The frustration is that System of A Down have loads of songs with E ( as one example) mostly because of political content but it never refuses to play them. Just seemed odd, first world problem though so I'll not lose sleep over it.
     Will see if it changes though.
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  • TeleMasterTeleMaster Frets: 10434
    I use YouTube Premium and YouTube Music too.

    No, it doesn't do this for me in this way. It does bring up an alert but then it just plays the whole album. Individual songs will work after the warning but I only get it on songs with A LOT of swearing, like Killing In The Name, but it works no problem after I hit yes. 
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  • spev11spev11 Frets: 431
    Odd , I can get it to ask on some devices (usually my Ipad) but none of the others, and once I accept, it asks again next time it plays. It is what it is, frustrating but not the end of the world.
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  • randellarandella Frets: 4444
    Yeah it is odd, and it'd annoy me too. I see the 'E' next to quite a few tunes, it's never gone so far as to interfere though.
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  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 24202
    I've seen "E" next to a few things on Spotify recently, I hadn't noticed before.  I don't think it skips those tracks but I may not have realised if it did, as I'm generally not looking at it while it's playing the albums.
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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 18077
    tFB Trader
    I don't think I've ever experienced this.

    That said I'm not a massive user. I mostly have YT premium for video content and I already have Spotify which gets used 90% of the time.
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  • CavemanGroggCavemanGrogg Frets: 3288
    edited July 26
    I've just encountered a similar problem, though not with YouTube, but my new ISP - Sky.  What exactly happened is I was shopping for a gift for a mate of mine, who always carries a Swiss Army Knife - don't worry it's not one of the big monsters for invading England with but one of the small Swiss Army Classic knives with a blade of about 1'' long.

    Anyway did a Google search for ''Swiss Army Knife Classic'', and the search results turned up showing a bunch of photos of Swiss Army Knives linked to shops selling the Swiss Army Classic knife, as well as the link to Victorinox - the company who make and own Swiss Army Knives, so I click on the link for Victorinox, as it's not the knife I'm looking to buy, rather it's a case for the knife as well as the book they do about whittling and wood craft.  And my ISP wouldn't let me load the pages to either the cases for the knives, or the book - there's direct links to these pages when you Google Victorinox so you don't need to navigate through all the knives and other accessories, it just kept timing out and giving errors.  Called my ISP about the issue, and they where shocked to hear about it, yes your internet comes with an adult filter - unless you specifically request for the adult filter to be turned off, though that's intended to block pornography, not to stop you from viewing and buying leather cases and books.  The technical support couldn't solve the issue for me without turning off all the adult filters, something which shouldn't have to be done to look at or buy a case or book.
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  • DuploLicksDuploLicks Frets: 271
    Same experience with YT.  It’s one of the reasons I’ve moved to offline music via an old iPod. 
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  • strumjoughlampsstrumjoughlamps Frets: 3401
    And yet you get no warning when playing Kool G Rap and DJ Polo - Talk Like Sex !!!?!?!@
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  • spev11spev11 Frets: 431
    Im spending the day between working playing politically charged songs to see if i can get the warning to kick in, so far nothing
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  • strumjoughlampsstrumjoughlamps Frets: 3401
    I guess there are positives with the service..

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  • victorludorumvictorludorum Frets: 1101
    We are Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.
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