GF wants to learn to play...

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Hertz32Hertz32 Frets: 2248
edited December 2014 in Off Topic
whilst on Denmark street yesterday my Girlfriend revealed that she was reasonably certain that she wanted to pick up the guitar. Happy to lend her my acoustic for a while if she really wants to. i just have a bad feeling about this somehow... That, or it'll be fine and I'll just have to marry her so GAS isnt ever a problem :D Gonna encourage her to teach herself for the most part, if you can be determined enough to manage getting to a solid beginner standard by yourself. Then it may be worth her buying herself an instrument and getting lessons for a bit.
Vintage v400mh mahogany topped dreadnought acoustic FS - £100 
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  • ICBMICBM Frets: 73140
    Gives you a good excuse to buy a second more specialist guitar - something like a parlour acoustic, a small electro, or something like that - for her to use so you can play together (kind of hard to teach using the same guitar)… what's not to like?


    "Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Hertz32Hertz32 Frets: 2248
    I think her plan is to become Syn Gates and therefore a shred demon ;) she's as much of a metal head as I am, so in order to keep her interested she's gonna want to play along to stuff she likes. Which is either Avenged Sevenfold and uses a Floyd (not a beginner trem really) or in Drop A# or Drop G. So, she teaches herself A, G, F, C chords on the acoustic and then I think she'll end up with a Jackson Dinky 7 string and a Blackstar ID Core 40. Given that she has a good few hundred stockpiled :D gonna be funnnnn
    Vintage v400mh mahogany topped dreadnought acoustic FS - £100 
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  • breakstuffbreakstuff Frets: 10431
    Perfect opportunity to by a Hello Kitty Strat.

    Strictly for her of course ;)
    Laugh, love, live, learn. 
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • jd0272jd0272 Frets: 3867
    Hertz32 said:
    I think her plan is to become Syn Gates and therefore a shred demon ;) she's as much of a metal head as I am, so in order to keep her interested she's gonna want to play along to stuff she likes. Which is either Avenged Sevenfold and uses a Floyd (not a beginner trem really) or in Drop A# or Drop G. So, she teaches herself A, G, F, C chords on the acoustic and then I think she'll end up with a Jackson Dinky 7 string and a Blackstar ID Core 40. Given that she has a good few hundred stockpiled :D gonna be funnnnn

    Middle child loves DC and ZZ Top. I will, however, be starting him off on Thursday with Jingle Bells, and Santa Claus Is Coming To Town. Needs must.
    "You do all the 'widdly widdly' bits, and just leave the hard stuff to me."
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • DeadmanDeadman Frets: 3967
    You'd do worse than asking her to join this forum. She'd be a rare breed.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • breakstuffbreakstuff Frets: 10431
    Just imagine if all our other halves decided to join the forum all at once.This place would be unrecognisable.

    I know serious relationships shouldn't have secrets but even Mrs B would have trouble understanding my secret lust for Katie Hopkins.

    Laugh, love, live, learn. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • BucketBucket Frets: 7752
    edited December 2014
    my secret lust for Katie Hopkins.
    You sure you want to admit to that?

    Anyway, no actual constructive advice to offer other than that @breakstuff consults a doctor.
    - "I'm going to write a very stiff letter. A VERY stiff letter. On cardboard."
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • jd0272jd0272 Frets: 3867
    Bucket said:
    my secret lust for Katie Hopkins.
    You sure you want to admit to that?

    Anyway, no actual constructive advice to offer other than that @breakstuff consults a doctor.
    Meh, I'd have a go.
    "You do all the 'widdly widdly' bits, and just leave the hard stuff to me."
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • breakstuffbreakstuff Frets: 10431
    It's a cross I have to bear @bucket :D
    Laugh, love, live, learn. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • holnrewholnrew Frets: 8207
    Deadman said:
    You'd do worse than asking her to join this forum. She'd be a rare breed.


    Can't take the country out of the boy...
    My V key is broken
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • breakstuffbreakstuff Frets: 10431
    Like your avatar @holnrew

    Really cute.
    Laugh, love, live, learn. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • holnrewholnrew Frets: 8207
    I've gone and changed it now because my face was in it a bit.
    My V key is broken
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • breakstuffbreakstuff Frets: 10431
    /\ you put yourself down too much mate.
    Laugh, love, live, learn. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Hertz32Hertz32 Frets: 2248
    @holnrew I liked the twatty rabbit and you! Don't be shy mate, for years I thought you were an actual rabbit, now you're just having some kind of cross species identity crisis. ;)
    Vintage v400mh mahogany topped dreadnought acoustic FS - £100 
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  • TinLipTinLip Frets: 368
    This is a bad idea. She will soon lose interest because it is "too difficult" and her "fingers get sore" and will then resent you for playing - or keep asking you to play fucking twinkle twinkle little star for the children. 


    Run like hell.

    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • holnrewholnrew Frets: 8207
    Anybody made a fingering joke yet?
    My V key is broken
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • p90foolp90fool Frets: 32016
    Nobody is "reasonably certain they want to pick up the guitar". You only learn by being obsessed, so if she isn't already spending every spare minute plunking about on it to see what comes out then she's fooling herself and you.

    I've lost count of the number of people who've told me they have a guitar in the corner but "nobody has shown them how to play it". If you're not curious enough to pick it up and start messing around on your own then no amount of lessons will help.

    It sounds to me like she's making an admirable attempt to share an interest with you, but it's a dead end IMO, sadly.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Hertz32Hertz32 Frets: 2248
    edited December 2014
    I havent lent her the guitar yet, so hasnt really had the opportunity to pick it up ;) I said reasonably certain, she said "i really fucking want to learn" we shall see either way though :)
    Vintage v400mh mahogany topped dreadnought acoustic FS - £100 
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  • Hertz32Hertz32 Frets: 2248
    Girlfriend has decided upon a Schecter Omen Extreme 7 for a first electric, should she agree with the acoustic. Theres one on ebay for £300 with BKP Ceramic Warpigs that I've noticed too... Looking at amps, I think the Blackstar ID Core is probably a decent practice amp for her. Will probably go to Brighton and GAK for a day to see soon, if she gives up on the guitar, I'll happily buy the Schecter off her, and the ID core would make a decent stereo due to the FRFR speakers in it. Any other suggestions for a sub £200 metal centric practice amp?
    Vintage v400mh mahogany topped dreadnought acoustic FS - £100 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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