Creating guitar storage in the man cave

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  • hubobuloushubobulous Frets: 2372
    If I leave the boxing in of the pipes to one side for a moment, but still staying with ventilation/airflow, I could also help myself with the lowest area.

    The plan is to have a removable panel at the bottom, connecting with magnets to the cross struts or batons of the bottom rack. The area behind it will be for boxes of cables, strings and other gig items that I don't use at home.

    The cover will be made of a single piece of wood with neat contours created to fit around the skirting board. I could put a vent in the middle of this panel to aid air circulation.
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  • timmysofttimmysoft Frets: 1962
    So in a not very scientific experiment, I decided to start investigating the heat effects of the pipes. I've got a digital thermometer that seems to work well, and so put it near the pipes covered in foam for about half an hour, and then in the rack at the other end. The difference is very small, with it being about 20 degrees next to the pipes and flitting between 19-20 degrees away from it.

    I obviously need to do a little more in this area, and don't want to cut corners unnecessarily, but equally don't want to undertake fiddly work if I don't have to. More to do, but here's tonight's reading!!

    I work for a radiator company, if you want to minimise the heat coming from those pipes I'd try putting a chrome cover over them and then getting the thickest walled insulation you can. You should be able to get it so even when the pipes are a delta 60 the insulation is still cool to the touch.
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  • 57Deluxe57Deluxe Frets: 7406
    edited March 2015 thinking all wrong man - you could get 20 Romanians living in that room, what with your woodwork skills an all... easy...
    <Vintage BOSS Upgrades>
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  • hubobuloushubobulous Frets: 2372
    @timmysoft - when you say chrome covering, could you send me a link of the sort of thing that you're thinking of?

    @57Deluxe - there's no space for Romanians. All my imaginary friends have taken up residence in the room. Unfortunately I've fallen out with all of them so they're being obstructive, but hopefully we'll make peace soon. They want to store their air guitars in the rack and we're in the negotiating stage.
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  • timmysofttimmysoft Frets: 1962
    Wickes product code 425088
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  • hubobuloushubobulous Frets: 2372
    edited March 2015
    @timmysoft - boom. They get to look pretty and keep cool. What's not to like? Standing next to these pipes will be the coolest place in the house by the time I've finished!!

    Thanks for the info :-)
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  • timmysofttimmysoft Frets: 1962
    @timmysoft - boom. They get to look pretty and keep cool. What's not to like? Standing next to these pipes will be the coolest place in the house by the time I've finished!!

    Thanks for the info :-)

    It's not often that my radiator and pipe knowledge gets used on a guitar forum!
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  • hubobuloushubobulous Frets: 2372
    But boy when it is, its full on, hardcore stylee
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  • hubobuloushubobulous Frets: 2372
    So the other upright baton has now been shaped and here they both are, just hanging in place for now:


    Next up was surrounding the cross struts and body dividers with foam. I ordered some sheets online, along with some spray glue and some acoustic foam squares which will go on all 3 walls inside the storage area.

    I nailed the foam onto the cross struts.....

    ....and once all four sides were covered, I screwed them back in place to make sure that everything still fitted ok:

    I've completed this for the bottom 3 cross struts, so now need to finish the upper layer.

    I've also started surrounding the body dividers with foam by spraying them with the glue and slowly wrapping them up in some of the offcuts:

    I've done about 12 of these so far, so again, just need to complete the lot. I'm picking up the outer material covering tonight from @FelineGuitars which will go over the foam on both the cross struts and these body dividers. It will also go on the outside of the neck separators too, but I've not really started them yet.
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  • spark240spark240 Frets: 2112
    Is it me...or is that right hand wall Pi**ed ?

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  • samzadgansamzadgan Frets: 1471
    This is starting to really take shape Hubob...looking forward to seeing the covering youre getting from Feline
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  • hubobuloushubobulous Frets: 2372
    @spark240 - the right hand wall is a little out, but not as much as the photo suggests. I think some shadows and perspective are playing tricks on the eye.
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  • Phil_aka_PipPhil_aka_Pip Frets: 9794
    @hubobulous your project is looking excellent ... pleez come round to my gaff & bring your tools with you!
    "Working" software has only unobserved bugs. (Parroty Error: Pieces of Nine! Pieces of Nine!)
    Seriously: If you value it, take/fetch it yourself
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  • StevepageStevepage Frets: 3168
    Looking good! Giving me ideas for my own man cave if the wife and I can get a house with the next move.
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  • spark240spark240 Frets: 2112
    Bit of led strip on the back of those battens, with miniature pir....look really cool when you open the door

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  • SassafrasSassafras Frets: 30357
    All you need now is the lighting.
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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 28744
    This is all looking great, but just to check, do you have any nitro finished guitars? And do you know if the foam you have will eat their finishes if so?
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • DaleftyDalefty Frets: 509
    edited March 2015
    My ex and I agreed before we moved into where I'm currently living that I could have a man cave to accommodate all my guitars - over 50 right handed guitars, and 14 lefties, and related paraphernalia, since we broke up because I got a bit sick last year - was in hospital for a few months with MRSA.  Anyway since we've broken up my man cave is no longer the smallest room in the property, it's the living room, I have seven guitar studio racks against every wall, and every wall has guitars on it, I'm currently waiting on my local music shop - I like to support local independent retailers, getting more wall hangers and studio racks in, so I can get more guitars out of cases and up on walls - I keep buying his entire stock whenever he gets any in.   In a way it's been kind of cool getting dumped, I now have 2 man caves, the original little one which is filled with amps I rarely use, and the living room which is filled with guitars I can't use anymore - these are the ones on the walls, and guitars that I can use - which are the lefties on the racks.  I'm in the process of geting rid of the amps I don't use anymore, so I'm in the process of converting the old dinky little man cave back into a spare room - I don't want a studio at home, I come home to get away from one, so I don't want to come home to one aswell.

    The woman I'm currently seeing thinks it's cool that I've got a living room filled with guitars, both on the wall and in racks.  I think its cool that she thinks it's cool.


    And I'm surprised nobody has suggested you use closed cell foam as a way to protect your guitars - for your D.I.Y. wall rack, it's cheap, even to order it cut and shaped to your specs, and is what's under the fluffy stuff in guitar flight cases not to mention covering every guitar technicians workbench.
    Both dog and owner available for stud, please contact DaLefty if interested
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  • kinkin Frets: 1016

    Are you ambidextrous but prefer playing right handed?

    Either way I would love to see some pics of that set up, 50 normal guitars and 14  *special needs* guitars  :)

    sounds like my kind of place

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  • DaleftyDalefty Frets: 509
    edited March 2015
    kin said:

    Are you ambidextrous but prefer playing right handed?

    Either way I would love to see some pics of that set up, 50 normal guitars and 14  *special needs* guitars  :)

    sounds like my kind of place

    I guess so, I started playing on right handed guitars when I was 8, my first guitar was a 66 Fender Strat - I know I lucked out with my first guitar, but back in 2009 I severed my middle and ring finger on my left hand and had to have them reattached, so while I was healing - which was a long slow process I still don't have 100% use of my left middle and ring finger yet, I picked up a lefty and switched over to playing lefty, my job sort of depends on me being able to play guitar. 

    So nowadays I can actually play both lefty and righty, but I prefer to play lefty because I have more dexterity in my right hand than I do in my left hand, I have a cool party trick where I play both lead and rhythm parts at the same time using both a lefty and righty at the same time for a few songs.  Though I will play righty if it's something simple, if I'm just laying down a track of power chords, or tracks based off of power chords - think Aerosmith's Walk This Way, the power chord between the 8th and 10th fret during the chorus that is played as individual notes instead of both notes at the same time.  I know it sounds confusing, but I have a system, and it's not unusual for me to turn up to work with both a lefty and righty - I get a lot of strange looks when I do that.

    I like how you call lefties *special needs guitars*, I think I'm going to steal that.

    I'll put up pictures, I'm actually at the stage where I'm starting to worry about wall space now and thinking of hanging some of my guitars in the hallway aswell - the current girlfriend did try and crack a joke about me hanging some guitars in the bathroom but I'm pretty sure the evil look I gave her set her straight, and I'm hanging guitars at two heights to maximise wall space.  It doesn't help either that I keep getting more guitars, I think I'm getting another one or two either this Tuesday or next Tuesday.

    Both dog and owner available for stud, please contact DaLefty if interested
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