MacBook 'sorty out' thing..

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  • GassageGassage Frets: 31150
    It may be a motherboard issue- it could also be a flash/silverlight issue if you're getting the wheel whilst surfing.

    Do all your updates, check memory usage.

    If you need firther help email

    *An Official Foo-Approved guitarist since Sept 2023.

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  • darcymdarcym Frets: 1303
    best thing to do is not listen to people randomly guessing based on what happened to them or anything like that and just work it through systematically.
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  • bingefellerbingefeller Frets: 5723
    jd0272 said:
    bingefeller;581503" said:
    John_P said:

    Is there a mac version of ccleaner type software?       I run a memory scan/free up resources app on mine but I'm not sure if it's making any difference.Those memory apps generally aren't recommended.  If your machine is slow you should follow the advice I posted earlier and see how it goes.  If it still is going slow then have a look in the console for anything untoward -i.e. lots of error messages from a particular programme. 
    Yeah I'll have a stab at that tonight.


    Let us know how you get on or any error messages you get from when you run disk utility. 

    Resetting the NVRAM might just be all it needs but, as I say, let is know.

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  • jd0272jd0272 Frets: 3867
    Will do fellas, prob take me all weekend due to my complete lack of tech savvy.
    "You do all the 'widdly widdly' bits, and just leave the hard stuff to me."
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  • jd0272jd0272 Frets: 3867
    jd0272 said:
    My MacBook Pro has started running ridiculously slow, and displaying that wonderful bloody Rainbow Wheel thingamebob.

    What do I use to put it right? I'm tech fckn useless, but I don't access porn on the Mac. I have a Vaio for that.

    I need summat I can download to do it for me. I've done a bit of research but haven't a fckn clue. And no, manually doing stuff to stuff in files and drives and stuff is beyond me!

    Cheers people!

    I would also suggest opening up a Terminal and typing:

    sudo periodic daily weekly monthly

    press return and you will probably have to enter your password.  Just leave it for a few minutes until it's done. 

    Then open up disk utility and select Macintosh HD (or whatever your HD is called) and repair your disk permissions and also verify disk.  Report any errors you may find here.

    After this you should reset your NVRAM and SMC following the instructions here:

    Well, it's certainly better than it was! I did the first bits, which literally took forever, but haven't done the NVRAM and SMC bits yet. I'm still getting the rainbow wheel but MUCH less so.

    I'll have another go at the first bits tonight (I'll set it off before I go to bed.....) and perform the links tomorrow afternoon.

    Many many thanks to all.

    I fucking hate technology.

    Regards, Jason.
    "You do all the 'widdly widdly' bits, and just leave the hard stuff to me."
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • bingefellerbingefeller Frets: 5723
    jd0272 said:
    jd0272 said:
    My MacBook Pro has started running ridiculously slow, and displaying that wonderful bloody Rainbow Wheel thingamebob.

    What do I use to put it right? I'm tech fckn useless, but I don't access porn on the Mac. I have a Vaio for that.

    I need summat I can download to do it for me. I've done a bit of research but haven't a fckn clue. And no, manually doing stuff to stuff in files and drives and stuff is beyond me!

    Cheers people!

    I would also suggest opening up a Terminal and typing:

    sudo periodic daily weekly monthly

    press return and you will probably have to enter your password.  Just leave it for a few minutes until it's done. 

    Then open up disk utility and select Macintosh HD (or whatever your HD is called) and repair your disk permissions and also verify disk.  Report any errors you may find here.

    After this you should reset your NVRAM and SMC following the instructions here:

    Well, it's certainly better than it was! I did the first bits, which literally took forever, but haven't done the NVRAM and SMC bits yet. I'm still getting the rainbow wheel but MUCH less so.

    I'll have another go at the first bits tonight (I'll set it off before I go to bed.....) and perform the links tomorrow afternoon.

    Many many thanks to all.

    I fucking hate technology.

    Regards, Jason.
    Well, that's good that it's better.  Maybe the NVRAM and SMC reset will do it for you.  

    See how it goes, there's one more thing that you can check if it's not working but hopefully it wont be necessary.
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  • A5D5E5A5D5E5 Frets: 307
    I've got some good news and some bad news.

    The good news is that Macs don't slow down (just check any Mac vs PC thread anywhere on the internet for proof). 

    The bad news is that time has speeded up everywhere else in the universe.  You will be 120 years old next week.  The sun will expand past the orbit of Mars by May bank holiday and the universe will reach its ultimate heat death by Christmas.  Still, at least you won't have to use iTunes any more. 
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • spacecadetspacecadet Frets: 671
    First thing to do would be download Onyx. It's free. Then use all the utilities to clean up everything and one of the most important ones is to repair your permissions. Everytime you install anything you should do a permissions repair. That should speed it up a bit. Also upgrading the hd to an ssd will make a world of difference.
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