Double strap buttons - why?

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  • GuyBodenGuyBoden Frets: 780
    ICBM said:
    Depends what you mean by "stability", I suppose. To me, something which is "stable" when left carefully by itself, thus giving an impression of security, but will still get knocked over by the slightest push because the "base" of the "stand" is only about four or five inches wide and the weight of the guitar overhangs it, is actually *unstable* and an accident waiting to happen.

    Not to mention it becomes even more unstable if you run the cable through the strap so the two buttons don't always rest tightly on the ground...

    Just a bad idea. The only reason I didn't change my Schecter to a single button is because it would have involved a couple of unsightly holes in the body.
    If you've got a neck heavy guitar, having the strap button nearer to the top of the guitar really does improve balance, the centre of gravity is changed, but you have to drill a hole in your guitar.
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  • ICBMICBM Frets: 73109
    GuyBoden said:
    If you've got a neck heavy guitar, having the strap button nearer to the top of the guitar really does improve balance, the centre of gravity is changed, but you have to drill a hole in your guitar.
    Yes, I could see why that would work. The problem with my Schecter was that it was anything but neck heavy! It was the body that weighed a ton - but using the lower button didn't work either because it made the body feel like it wanted to tip forwards. Maybe Knopfler's one was lighter...

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