Phones at Gigs

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  • your phone should be plugged into the wall at home. there is no need to take it to a gig.

    if someone calls you the last thing the venue needs is your dit dit dit in the PA speakers
    "Working" software has only unobserved bugs. (Parroty Error: Pieces of Nine! Pieces of Nine!)
    Seriously: If you value it, take/fetch it yourself
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  • ClingyClingy Frets: 19
    I see less and less of this at proper gigs nowadays....I guess it's that most regular gig attendees realise the futility of recording through a mobile phone.  I did go to a gig recetly at a racecourse and sure enough the generally less frequest gig goers had their phones and even iPads up in the air recording. Now an ipdad with it's cover open tends to block the view of quite a few people behind.  Had this been at a festival or rowdy gig I am sure something heavy would have clattered into it.

    The odd snap on a camera or phoen is OK, but prolonged use isvery rude and inconsiderate.  I read somewher of some top artist who before he even started the concert asked everyone to put their phones away.
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  • CabbageCatCabbageCat Frets: 5549

    The angel on my shoulder is saying, "What a judgemental man". The devil is saying, "What a judgemental cock".

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  • randomhandclapsrandomhandclaps Frets: 20521
    edited October 2013
    Phil is right.  If there is an emergency you can always go to the nearest post office and send a telegram to the babysitter. :D
    My muse is not a horse and art is not a race.
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  • image
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  • gilbygilby Frets: 176
    Why experience a gig through a small screen. Save your money, don't buy a ticket. You can watch someone else's equally crap view of the show on you tube later in the week.
    For the full effect, watch it in the smallest room of the house with the heating full up, leap around a bit and get a mate to come in every now and then to barge into you and spill some drink on your person.
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • CirrusCirrus Frets: 8502
    That's exactly my feeling. Why be there at all if you're hell bent on seeing it on a phone screen? It's actually a major psychological problem with society now I think - the need to document everything. I make a point these days of not taking photos any more unless it's something personal to me. Like when you go on holiday, why bother snapping pics of the Colosseum or something like that endlessly? Walk round it, see it with your own eyes, take as much in and then later go on Google and get a hi res image taken by a professional if you want one.
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  • vizviz Frets: 10778
    gilby said:
    For the full effect, watch it in the smallest room of the house with the heating full up, leap around a bit and get a mate to come in every now and then to barge into you and spill some drink on your person.

    I normally keep it zipped up in public thank you.
    Roland said: Scales are primarily a tool for categorising knowledge, not a rule for what can or cannot be played.
    Supportact said: [my style is] probably more an accumulation of limitations and bad habits than a 'style'.
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  • Have you ever tried watching something you've filmed at a gig? It's terrible. The band sound terrible, the lighting is terrible and the entire experience is watered down so much it makes it almost impossible to sit through a full song recorded on a phone (although admittedly the quality is improving with new technology).

    The problem is, everyone thinks they're a photographer and everyone needs to let everyone else know in their social network that they're at a gig and it's AMAZING!!!!! If it's so amazing, why are you focussed on filming it/updating Facefuck!

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  • RobDaviesRobDavies Frets: 3090
    I don't mind people taking the odd snap but if your camera or phone is blocking my view for more than about ten seconds, it's getting beer in it.
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  • IanSavageIanSavage Frets: 1319
    I might have mentioned this before, but at the last Wildhearts gig I went to the frontman said after the first couple of songs something along the lines of (you'll have to imagine the Geordie accent, which made it all the cooler): "There's a few people recording the gig, and we've got no problem with bootlegging, so feel free. Although, if the person in front of you's blocking your view with their stupid little fucking phone, feel free to grab it and fuck it off into the crowd somewhere."

    There weren't many phones out for the rest of that gig ;) 
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