Enormously expensive CDs

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BucketBucket Frets: 7752
edited October 2013 in Off Topic
I buy lots of CDs, and am usually able to find what I want on Amazon for relatively cheap prices, but some stuff just takes the piss... I was looking for Shawn Lane's brilliant album Powers of Ten and found only three copies on Amazon, the cheapest of which is £45.95. Similar story with John Petrucci's Suspended Animation - £36.98 at the cheapest.

Am I being stupid, does this stuff ever, ever get sold? I get that those albums are rare and have to be imported or whatever, but those prices are just ridiculous. Surely no-one will pay that much? I like both of those albums very much, but am I being an unreasonable thief for wanting to pay slightly less than 50 quid for a single CD?

Can anyone explain why this goes on?
- "I'm going to write a very stiff letter. A VERY stiff letter. On cardboard."
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  • LixartoLixarto Frets: 1618
    No, they're just loss leaders for the torrent sites ;)
    "I can see you for what you are; an idiot barely in control of your own life. And smoking weed doesn't make you cool; it just makes you more of an idiot."
    4reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Try buying rare vinyl!
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  • In the mid to late nineties I used to work in an independent record store and was trying to source various things when I was at Uni.  I remember walking into HMV in Oxford street to find a Greg Howe and Dave Brubeck CD as they would take me about a month to order through work.  The Dave Brubeck CD was £36.99 and the Greg Howe £42.99.

    I'm not a fan of illegally downloading stuff that you can buy for £8-£12, but then when you are talking these prices......

    My muse is not a horse and art is not a race.
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  • bertiebertie Frets: 13578
    Try buying rare vinyl!
    got some lovely stuff for the bathroom
    just because you don't, doesn't mean you can't
     just because you do, doesn't mean you should.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 24891
    I once wanted a CD by 80s shredder Dave Sharman.

    The only ones I found were over £40. So I found him on MySpace (remember that??) and asked if I could pay him £10 directly as I'd rather he had the entire £10 in his own pocket, rather than him getting 50 pence from Amazon

    He said thanks.... and then sent me a download link for free!

    Nice guy, and a great player.

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • LixartoLixarto Frets: 1618
    Books aren't a problem - I can order them from the Library :)
    "I can see you for what you are; an idiot barely in control of your own life. And smoking weed doesn't make you cool; it just makes you more of an idiot."
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • bertie said:
    Try buying rare vinyl!
    got some lovely stuff for the bathroom
    old man wee stained and rare are 2 different things Bertrum :D
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • chillidoggychillidoggy Frets: 17137
    bertie said:
    Try buying rare vinyl!
    got some lovely stuff for the bathroom
    So has Emp.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • DeadmanDeadman Frets: 3967
    I bought a John Frusciante CD for 2.99 and sold it on eBay for 85 quid. I also sold a stereophonics tape for 200 quid.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • RockerRocker Frets: 5037
    I once wanted a CD by 80s shredder Dave Sharman.

    The only ones I found were over £40. So I found him on MySpace (remember that??) and asked if I could pay him £10 directly as I'd rather he had the entire £10 in his own pocket, rather than him getting 50 pence from Amazon

    He said thanks.... and then sent me a download link for free!

    Nice guy, and a great player.

    I too would be prepared to pay for a download but only a FLAC file, not a low resolution rip....
    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. [Albert Einstein]

    Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

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  • Alot of the time Amazon price are set automatically by the shops system, so if there are two or three shops selling the same thing in the same condition the prices will just bounce around up and down as their pricing algorithms fight.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • scrumhalfscrumhalf Frets: 11444
    I once wanted a CD by 80s shredder Dave Sharman.

    Nice guy, and a great player.
    I remember him from Night Of Then Guitars 2. There was a great young guitarist that night who've I've never heard of since, Daniel Darekovic (or something like that). Jan Akkerman like him so much he seemed to be on the point of adopting him.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • holnrewholnrew Frets: 8207
    Reminds me I was in a charity shop and they had two versions of N.E.R.D's first album. A while later I got curious about the difference, and looked it up online. One was the first edition and much rarer, the other was the normal one. Guess which one I had bought? :(
    My V key is broken
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  • ReverendReverend Frets: 5203
    I bought a copy of Blasphemy - Fallen Angel Of Doom on wild rags for £3 as the cover was damaged. Undamaged it would be £100
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28355
    I once wanted a CD by 80s shredder Dave Sharman.

    The only ones I found were over £40. So I found him on MySpace (remember that??) and asked if I could pay him £10 directly as I'd rather he had the entire £10 in his own pocket, rather than him getting 50 pence from Amazon

    He said thanks.... and then sent me a download link for free!

    Nice guy, and a great player.
    Link or it didn't happen ....
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • My muse is not a horse and art is not a race.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • dafuzzdafuzz Frets: 1522
    A few years back (maybe 5, not that many) I bought Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 8 - both platinum versions - for about a tenner each. I remember at the time thinking "bloody rip off". Never got round to playing them (I've played them before) and they're still in the wrapper.

    Just had a look and they're worth £88 and £80 now. Huzzah!
    All practice and no theory
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