Forum Downtime 2/11/2013 11:30pm - SUCCESS

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digitalscreamdigitalscream Frets: 27093
edited November 2013 in Off Topic
Just a quick (and late) notice to all - we need a bit of an upgrade to the server to more gracefully handle the extra traffic we've been getting lately (Yay! We're popular!).

Shouldn't take long - around half an hour - but I'm afraid I really don't fancy waiting until everybody's in bed, so 11:30pm tonight it is.

Don't worry, though - unlike our previous home, this one has backups :)
<space for hire>
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  • Emp_FabEmp_Fab Frets: 24709
    What does the upgrade involve ?  Is it a cloud-based virtual type thing, or are we all actually connected to a box in your bedroom ? ;;)
    Donald Trump needs kicking out of a helicopter

    Offset "(Emp) - a little heavy on the hyperbole."
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  • Emp_Fab said:
    What does the upgrade involve ?  Is it a cloud-based virtual type thing, or are we all actually connected to a box in your bedroom ? ;;)
    It's all cloud-based hosting, using Linode. I'll run a snapshot backup first, then pay and kick off the upgrade process. If there's a failure at any point, I'll just wipe the upgraded virtual machine's disk and then restore the backup to it.

    The upgrade will give us double the CPU priority and double the RAM. It also doubles the disk space, but we don't really need that at this point. 
    <space for hire>
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  • Emp_FabEmp_Fab Frets: 24709
    That sounds very sexy.  Just out of curiosity, who's paying for all of this ?  Are we still running off the pot of initial donations ?  Do we need more monies ?
    Donald Trump needs kicking out of a helicopter

    Offset "(Emp) - a little heavy on the hyperbole."
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  • I'm paying for the most of the server - the kitty's putting in an extra £10/month. I wouldn't ordinarily be bothered about it, but the forum's using basically all the CPU and memory that the server's got at the moment, so the other sites I have on there aren't really getting much of a slice of the pie.

    After the upgrade, I'll assign about 65% (1.3GB vs about 800MB now) of RAM to the forum and about 20% (400MB vs basically nothing now) to the other sites, which should be enough - the problem is that it's all dynamic at the moment, so the other sites get unloaded when the forum needs more. That means that the first page request after one of the other sites has been unloaded takes quite a while, which ain't good for my other customers ;)
    <space for hire>
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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 33992
    edited November 2013
    We should do a fundraiser then.
    Maybe we can offer some free advertising to some vendors in exchange for some prizes that people can pay for entries into a prize draw, with the winners being drawn at random?

    TPDRI do one every year wit some amazing prizes- tickets are expensive at $25 USD but I always enter.
    Maybe a smaller version of that would be good?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28043
    octatonic said:
    We should do a fundraiser then.
    Maybe we can offer some free advertising to some vendors in exchange for some prizes that people can pay for entries into a prize draw, with the winners being drawn at random?

    TPDRI do one every year wit some amazing prizes- tickets are expensive at $25 USD but I always enter.
    Maybe a smaller version of that would be good?
    We already have plenty funds to cover the running costs for the next year or two.

    I'm hoping, if we continue the current rate of growth and visibility/profile/credibility raising, that businesses will be approaching us soon, with requests to "get involved".  We've already had a couple, which we've kept at arm's length for now, in line with not wanting to get too close to advertisers just yet.  In due course we'll engage with them more formally (though still avoiding all the intrusive adforms that we all just block anyways).
    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
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  • KebabkidKebabkid Frets: 3353
    Thanks once again digitalscream to you and the other bods for all your hard work on getting this up and running and maintaining it.

    Much appreciated! :)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • octatonic said:
    We should do a fundraiser then.
    We already have - all the generous donations from members back at the start, and the T-shirts :)

    The forum could basically be termed "self-sustaining" with respect to finances, but I'd rather continue donating a decent chunk of the hosting for as long as possible so that we're not forced into advertising; that's where the first poor decision is made for any website.

    Kebabkid said:
    Thanks once again digitalscream to you and the other bods for all your hard work on getting this up and running and maintaining it.

    Much appreciated! :)

    It's not just the admin team, mind - it's the mod team, too. Without them, this place would be overrun by spammers (who we do seem to get quite a few of; disproportionately so, given the fact that this place has only existed for a few months).
    <space for hire>
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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 33992
     Without them, this place would be overrun by spammers (who we do seem to get quite a few of; disproportionately so, given the fact that this place has only existed for a few months).
    Before we upgraded the forum software at Neck Diagrams forum (where I am a mod) we were getting 30+ spammers a day.
    How many do we get here?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28043
    octatonic said:
    Before we upgraded the forum software at Neck Diagrams forum (where I am a mod) we were getting 30+ spammers a day.
    How many do we get here?

    Not that many.  I'd guess it averages about 15-20 attempted signups per day nowadays.  I get most of them by looking at the new signups page a few times through the day, and killing them before they get membership (or fairly soon afterwards).  Some of them are too quick for that though, which is where the mod team come in. 

    Luckily, the spam filter seems to flag a lot of them - and long may that continue.

    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 33992
    The spam filter gets a lot of them at ND too now.
    The odd one gets through now and again.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Just a quick note - exactly 30 minutes of down time (god, I'm good), no data lost and everything functioning as expected.

    Am I allowed a quick snigger now? :D
    <space for hire>
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  • Yep, I had just enough time to pootle over to a game I GM for and update a thing or two for my guild, grab another beer and it was back! Excellent work that man :D
    littlegreenman < My tunes here...
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  • Emp_FabEmp_Fab Frets: 24709
    Well done squire....  I just held my post in the clipboard just in case and pasted it into the upgraded forum shortly afterwards !
    Donald Trump needs kicking out of a helicopter

    Offset "(Emp) - a little heavy on the hyperbole."
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  • Bollocks. I just remembered...I forgot to clear out the log file (it's currently bigger than the entirety of the forum software and database).

    One moment, please...
    <space for hire>
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  • Right, errr...sorry about that, gents. All sorted. Perhaps an extra 10 seconds of downtime.

    I retract my sniggering.
    <space for hire>
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • I think an extra 10 seconds still allows you a snigger Lee. Beats 4 months worth of "last week..." into the proverbial cocked hat.
    littlegreenman < My tunes here...
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  • It kinda depends which hat I've got on. With my network/server tech hat on, I take downtime really seriously and hate even a few seconds.

    If I'm being a developer, I really don't care and it's somebody else's problem until they can prove it's my fault :D
    <space for hire>
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Side note: we've got some proper die-hards here, haven't we? Within a couple of minutes of the server coming back up, the "Who's online" list was back to 10 from nothing.
    <space for hire>
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  • jd0272jd0272 Frets: 3867
    I completely forgot about downtime. Had a 'where the fuck had it gone?' Moment.

    Is it not worth having a dedicated PayPal account where us proles can randomly throw in the odd spontaneous amount for the upkeep of the site etc?

    Just a thought.
    "You do all the 'widdly widdly' bits, and just leave the hard stuff to me."
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