Bastard back pain...

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  • CabbageCatCabbageCat Frets: 5549
    edited November 2013
    holnrew said:
    I have back problems from a car accident too, likely a minor slipped disc. It traps a nerve which hurts my testicle, was misdiagnosed as an actual testicular problem for a couple of years, couple of sessions of physio sorted it out just fine.

    +1 strangely enough.

    Car accident. Testicle pain, usually when I was lying down. Mystified physio. Poking and prodding found it to be down a vertebrae up between my shoulders. I use one of those silly kneeler chairs at work and my back is generally OK now (f*cks my knees up though).

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  • GrunfeldGrunfeld Frets: 4071
    edited November 2013
    holnrew said:
    I have back problems from a car accident too, likely a minor slipped disc. It traps a nerve which hurts my testicle, was misdiagnosed as an actual testicular problem for a couple of years, couple of sessions of physio sorted it out just fine.

    +1 strangely enough.

    Car accident. Testicle pain, usually when I was lying down. Mystified physio. Poking and prodding found it to be down a vertebrae up between my shoulders. I use one of those silly kneeler chairs at work and my back is generally OK now (f*cks my knees up though).

    + a variation.  A year or two back I started getting swollen hands to the point where it was getting difficult to hold a pen or play guitar, I'd got a mate lined up to dep my gigs.  Saw a physio who gave me the once over and said it was to do with my mid-back and called it a somewhat controversial syndrome -- which as a physio myself, I said I wasn't convinced it existed.  He said, convinced or not, I had it.  So he got to work, half f*cking killed me (physios make shit patients), and the bugger seemed to be correct.  Next day, 80% improvement; by the weekend, totally better. 

    Backs can be weird.  :-)
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  • ClarkyClarky Frets: 3261
    I had back trouble most of my adult life..
    nothing serious like some of you guys..
    it was real painful though none the less..
    spent a small fortune on treatments too..
    solved it though over the last year..
    drink more water, lost weight and got fitter
    wish I'd have done all this years ago
    I'd have had a much better time of things and not needlessly forked out piles of dosh
    play every note as if it were your first
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  • Good lyric that.:-)
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  • Emp_FabEmp_Fab Frets: 24709

    How would I go about finding a good Physio (and, if private, one that won't cripple me financially as well as physically !) ?

    My own GP has told me it's a waste of time him referring me through the NHS as I'll probably die of old age before getting seen.
    One of the local hospitals has a 'walk-in physio clinic' which I haven't tried yet.

    I there a register of physios somewhere, and do they specialise in areas of the body ?

    Ta in advance for any tips !
    Donald Trump needs kicking out of a helicopter

    Offset "(Emp) - a little heavy on the hyperbole."
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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 33991
    Emp_Fab said:
    I was going for a massage once a fortnight some years ago, but had to knock that on the head
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  • Emp_Fab said:

    How would I go about finding a good Physio (and, if private, one that won't cripple me financially as well as physically !) ?

    My own GP has told me it's a waste of time him referring me through the NHS as I'll probably die of old age before getting seen.
    One of the local hospitals has a 'walk-in physio clinic' which I haven't tried yet.

    I there a register of physios somewhere, and do they specialise in areas of the body ?

    Ta in advance for any tips !

    I did my back in a few years ago (trying to manoeuvre a 4 x10 bass cab into the back of my car). Doc basically said I can stick you on a waiting list for physio, probably a 3 month wait, or you can do something privately now. Seemed a no brainer - I wasn't hard up and I was in pain - so I declined the offer to go on the waiting list. Forward many months I'd tried various options, chiropractors etc, no significant improvement. Went to see the doc again, this time I figured no harm going on the list. My appointment eventually arrived and to my surprise the treatment worked. Not a cure but a big improvement. Moral: if you're offered the chance go on the list. The long wait may make it seem pointless but if your back is still bad when your appointment arrives it's free treatment. Also, I'm not saying the NHS people are better - it was probably pure chance that the NHS treatment was the one that worked for me - but that just might be true for you as well.
    “To a man with a hammer every problem looks like a nail.”
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  • chillidoggychillidoggy Frets: 17137

    I read a piece recently that reported a study on office chairs done by Canadian and Scottish researchers that showed sitting up straight is bad for you. Apparently seat backs should be inclined to 135 degrees in order       to        ..........ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ



    Oh, sorry, I nodded off there.

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  • GrunfeldGrunfeld Frets: 4071
    edited November 2013
    Also, I'm not saying the NHS people are better - it was probably pure chance that the NHS treatment was the one that worked for me - but that just might be true for you as well.
    I've always kept a foot in both the NHS and the private sector -- even when I was fully private I still sub-contracted several hours a week to NHS -- and I'm far from being alone in doing this.  So the private physio is also quite likely to be an NHS physio too; and the NHS physio will probably be doing private work.  There are various reasons for working like this and they're all good. 

    You are right about NHS waiting lists though.  They can be several months whereas you'd only have to wait a matter of days to see a physio privately.

    @Emp_Fab ; There's not really a register of physios beyond the one that says you're State Registered (which applies to all physios, NHS and private).  We very definitely specialise above a certain level of experience.  If your physio has NHS experience then they will have seen pretty much everything.   (This is the reason I keep a foot in the NHS camp btw -- you see so many patients that you get to work with interesting stuff; for getting experiences of all sorts you can't beat the sheer volume of patients that the NHS gives you).  However, even then we may unofficially specialise so if a colleague had a problem patient that was my "thing" then they'd pass the patient over, and I'd do the same if it was something that I wasn't so interested in or needed the attention of someone who was really specialised in that area.  And this is another reason why NHS may, on occasions, be better.

    But it may be worth going privately Emp just for speed of referral.  As for cost, unless there's good reason otherwise -- and I'll always be up front with a patient first -- I'd expect to see results quickly. 

    Hope that helps.
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  • Emp_FabEmp_Fab Frets: 24709
    edited November 2013
    Indeed it does squire - most grateful.  One last thing....  what would you say was the going rate for a private physio consultation ?
    Donald Trump needs kicking out of a helicopter

    Offset "(Emp) - a little heavy on the hyperbole."
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  • GrunfeldGrunfeld Frets: 4071
    Emp_Fab said:
    Indeed it does squire - most grateful.  One last thing....  what would you say was the going rate for a private physio consultation ?
    Highly variable.  I'll PM you.
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