Galaxy S3, microSD card & battery drain

TTonyTTony Frets: 28043

This being an Android techy forum, I thought I'm likely to get an answer ...

I have a Galaxy S3, running Android 4.0.4.  I haven't, and have no interest in, rooting it, up-flashing it, or anything similar.

I primarily use it for phone-type activities, but also a little for email, sattynavvy, and media playing (downloaded podcasts via DogCatcher, some Amazon mp3 downloads via the Amazon player app, and mp3s transferred from my PC).

Until a week or so back, it would quite happily do everything that I asked of it, in exchange for a battery re-charge every other day. 

About a week or so back, battery consumption increased hugely - it would drain the battery in <10-12 hours.

No change in my usage pattern, and no new apps installed (AFAIK).

I've tried nuking all the running / cached apps.  Didn't seem to make any difference.  I bought a new battery.  Didn't seem to make any difference.  I deleted Dogcatcher and all podcasts.  Didn't seem to make any difference.

I took out the microSD card (on which all podcasts & mp3s are stored) and battery usage seemed to revert to normal levels - ie quite happily a couple of days between charges.


So, what's going on with the microSD card to drain the battery, and how can I fix it?


Suggestions please, oh wise forum.

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  • wibblewibble Frets: 1112
    Try a new sd card?

    Maybe it's on it's way out - you tried saving to it from the phone again? If it's taking ages due to errors it'll be draining the battery.

    is it a pukka card and not a fake?
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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28043

    It's a genuine (Samsung) 32Gb card.

    I'll try wiping it clean and copying everything back to it ...

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  • MyrandaMyranda Frets: 2940
    My S3 was be a s**t recently. 

    Might sound like an IT crowd thing to say... but try turning it off an on again - my battery life came back.

    Also I've got a sandisk 64gb card it mine which is nearly full - if it's happy with that then I can't see it being just the card.
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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28043

    Seems like the card is borked.

    Can't get it to read in anything else, and the phone refuses to mount it now too.


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  • MyrandaMyranda Frets: 2940
    Well there's your problem!

    I really hope my SD card lives a long and healthy life - not sure I can be bothered with putting my music onto another one - took ages
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  • bigjonbigjon Frets: 681
    I haven't been on for so long it says I've got over 23,000 unread posts in my 'favourite forums' feed, but I read it regularly when I first got my S3 and I read of enough people having problems with their SD cards to put me off ever putting one in my own phone. It's a right pain because I record one gig video and the memory is full!
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  • CirrusCirrus Frets: 8502
    Touch wood I've had no problem with my 64gb card.

    Actually I think they're quite resilient phones, mine got soaked on an ill-advised drunken ascent of a hill in heavy rain and a gale. When I got back it wouldn't charge and there was water on the inside of both camera lenses. Intermittent behaviour for a few days followed, so I did the old bag of rice trick. It's fine now.

    What you've got is an incredible amount of technology packed into a very small package for a very affordable price. To be honest, I'm surprised they work at all!
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  • holnrewholnrew Frets: 8207
    Isn't there an official version of Jellybean?
    My V key is broken
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