Broadband supplier

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I'm moving house in a couple of weeks. We've been using Virgin cable for years but the new house isn't in a cable area so I need a new supplier. Any recommendations?
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  • bertiebertie Frets: 13578
    edited November 2013
    move somewhere else


    I guess BT is yer next best bet for speed ??
    just because you don't, doesn't mean you can't
     just because you do, doesn't mean you should.
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  • IanpdqIanpdq Frets: 131
    Been with Sky for years there ok

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  • Emp_FabEmp_Fab Frets: 24728
    I'm moving house in a couple of weeks. We've been using Virgin cable for years but the new house isn't in a cable area so I need a new supplier. Any recommendations?
    Yeah.... brace yourself.  Welcome to the world of ADSL.  It's not going to be pretty unless you're moving next door to the exchange.
    Donald Trump needs kicking out of a helicopter

    Offset "(Emp) - a little heavy on the hyperbole."
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  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    I'm with BT and I get a decent reliable 75Mb download speed for not much wonga. If you live in the heart of sheep shagging country then you could be buggered .... :-)

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
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  • ClarkyClarky Frets: 3261
    Virgin made promises they couldn't deliver, Sky are a shower or shit that don't know their ass from their elbow..

    so it's BT..
    fast.. reliable.. they know what they're doing
    play every note as if it were your first
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  • johnnyurqjohnnyurq Frets: 1368
    Next best game in town after Virgin is BT infinity 2.

    I get 62 Mbps down and 16 Mbps up, low ping and great for gaming and downloads.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Thanks for the advice. It looks like BT is the way to go then, I'll start looking into it.
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  • BTW we're about 500metres from the exchange. That should be okay shouldn't it?

    Also Virgin managed to cut off my account last night, two weeks early. Bloody hell, I was going to be backing up all my email and cloud data this week. Grrrr. Why to service companies screw up house moves every single bloody time. It shouldn't be that hard to get the sodding date correct.
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  • chillidoggychillidoggy Frets: 17137
    BT sold their absolutely top of the range, all singing, all dancing Broadband to a bloke who lives three houses down from me. After months of wrangling, they've finally had to admit that he was never in any danger of getting the speeds their salesman promised, because he's too far from the exchange, and there's no chance of any cable upgrade.

    We use BT at work, and they're shite. Both for phones and Broadband. But then so were Demon and whoever else we used before them. My Broadband at home is with Talk Talk, and I've had faultless service for three years, despite their reputation for being the biggest shower of shit going.

    It's luck of the draw, as far as I can see.

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  • dogloaddogload Frets: 1495
    Clarky said:

    so it's BT..
    fast.. reliable.. they know what they're doing
    That's irony, right?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • GazLionGazLion Frets: 104
    Was on sky at my old house, seemed ok but not super fast, and I couldn't get Virgin there. Moved house and went for Virgin, and the service is terrible. Internet drops out all the time and I have to constantly reboot router. Not ideal when you work from home. I'll be ditching virgin as soon as the year is up.
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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 34008
    GazLion said:
    Was on sky at my old house, seemed ok but not super fast, and I couldn't get Virgin there. Moved house and went for Virgin, and the service is terrible. Internet drops out all the time and I have to constantly reboot router. Not ideal when you work from home. I'll be ditching virgin as soon as the year is up.
    I had a lot of problems with Virgin when we moved in.
    I consistently complained and got the ombudsman involved and they eventually sorted it.
    I now get over the advertised 120meg, most of the time.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • dogloaddogload Frets: 1495
    edited November 2013
    We're with Virgin, and although the internet provision is now very good and fast, I find that we have to threaten them every 18 months or so with taking our custom elsewhere in order to get upgrades or whatever. 
    They are chronic for sending adverts for free this or that, but as a customer of almost 10 years, I am entitled to none of their special offers ('New customers only'). We still have the original TV box that we got when it was Telewest! Virgin have refused (so far) to upgrade it for free! I feel another threat coming on...

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  • ToneControlToneControl Frets: 12119

    not orange

    worst customer service I have experienced

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • GazLionGazLion Frets: 104
    octatonic said:
    GazLion said:
    Was on sky at my old house, seemed ok but not super fast, and I couldn't get Virgin there. Moved house and went for Virgin, and the service is terrible. Internet drops out all the time and I have to constantly reboot router. Not ideal when you work from home. I'll be ditching virgin as soon as the year is up.
    I had a lot of problems with Virgin when we moved in.
    I consistently complained and got the ombudsman involved and they eventually sorted it.
    I now get over the advertised 120meg, most of the time.
    I've been on to them, and their suggestion was 'reboot the router'. Haha which isn't ideal. I'll have to get back on to them. Also, I got the landline as part of the package, with a new number from virgin, and from day 1 we have got several spam callers every day. They also did nothing about that when I called up to complain also. Fed up with virgin. 
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  • Does anyone have any POSITIVE experiences with their provider. This thread is depressing reading.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • bertiebertie Frets: 13578
    edited November 2013
    Does anyone have any POSITIVE experiences with their provider. This thread is depressing reading.
    yep virgin. a couple loses of service, but  no real problems ever in years.   Even helped when I cocked up moving the junction box when we redecorated the "office"......... for no charge.  
    just because you don't, doesn't mean you can't
     just because you do, doesn't mean you should.
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  • holnrewholnrew Frets: 8207
    EE/Orange haven't been terrible, just not as good as Sky. They're the only two I have experience of. Going to go for Virgin next time though I think.
    My V key is broken
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  • Had no major problems with Virgin here either, except for the phone calls directed at whoever had the number previously. Turned out to be a Chubby Brown impersonator from Rochdale!

    Other than that, not perfect but adequate, which in this day and age is probably as good as you can expect from any corporate business.
    littlegreenman < My tunes here...
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  • johnnyurqjohnnyurq Frets: 1368
    edited November 2013
    BTW we're about 500metres from the exchange. That should be okay shouldn't it?

    Should't be too much of an issue I am 700 yards from my cabinet and get the figures shown above. It is old copper too.
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