Any computery people do Exchange migrations ?

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Emp_FabEmp_Fab Frets: 24732
I'm trying to find out the best way to migrate a combined 2003 DC & Exchange 2003 server into separate virtual 2008R2 boxes running on Hyper-V where one VM will be the sole DC and the other the Exchange server running Exchange 2010 on 2008R2.  I've only tried it once and it all went tits-up with Exchange 2010 breaking once I'd migrated the roles to the new DC.  The domain name must remain unchanged but the DC & Exchange VMs can be called anything.

Just thought I'd ask in case there were any computery bods who might know.
Donald Trump needs kicking out of a helicopter

Offset "(Emp) - a little heavy on the hyperbole."
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  • johnnyurqjohnnyurq Frets: 1368
    Long time ago in a Galaxy far far away.

    But might have some electronic documentation etc archived somewhere. When/if I find it I will stick it on Dropbox for you
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  • Emp_FabEmp_Fab Frets: 24732
    Cheers dude.  It's not the Exchange migration that's the problem - it's the DC migration that seems to break Exchange !
    Donald Trump needs kicking out of a helicopter

    Offset "(Emp) - a little heavy on the hyperbole."
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  • Funnily enough, it was a high-profile (in the organisation I worked for) Exchange migration which ended up botched due to dodgy Microsoft code and terrible support which finally pushed me over the edge into Linux-world completely.

    Fucking horrible product.
    <space for hire>
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Emp_FabEmp_Fab Frets: 24732
    Absolutely.  However, mine is not to make purchasing decisions - unfortunately.  My job is just to do what I'm told - even if the way I'm told to do it won't work because it hasn't been planned or tested properly and we end up using customers as guinea pigs.
    Donald Trump needs kicking out of a helicopter

    Offset "(Emp) - a little heavy on the hyperbole."
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  • mcsdanmcsdan Frets: 451
    edited November 2013
    Done a few migrations over the years. EXchange 2010 has addition configuration settings (Organisation setting IRC) that specify the DC to hold the exchange config. SO you would install new 2008R2 DC and make sure sync'd and roles transfered to new DC (FMSO, PDC etc). Then install exchange 2010 and make sure exchange config is coming from new DC. Config exchange send/receive connectors, OWA etc and test. Migrate mailboxes/public folders - do a few "test" mailboxes first to check connectivity. Then remove old exchange and demote old DC.

    Be aware on the important of TCP/IP and correct resolution of names/nameservers.

    I have a project in the new year to migrate Ex2003 to ex2010 with DAG and CAS arrays.

    If you want to PM me your email address I'll send over some notes I have that I've used for 2003->2007 then 2007 to 2010. Provided as is but should point you in the right direction :)
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  • bertiebertie Frets: 13581
    meat and drink to our company.   Not me however, different area

    Once upon a time not long ago, you couldnt go 2003 - 2010 as Dan implies, was that because of  how it uses W2008 schema extensions not available in 2003 ?  not sure,  I do know you can now.

    If in doubt  register yourself, and log a thread on the technet forum.  Very useful, most of the time
    just because you don't, doesn't mean you can't
     just because you do, doesn't mean you should.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • johnnyurqjohnnyurq Frets: 1368
    edited November 2013

    PM me an email address and I will ping you an invite to Dropbox for some files that may (or may not) be useful/handy, there is a shed load so enjoy.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 17948
    edited November 2013 tFB Trader
    I've recently been involved in a 2003 to Linux IMAP/CalDAV/CardDAV migration. 

    Getting somewhat fed up with people whinging about not being able to use Outlook.
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  • hywelghywelg Frets: 4316

    Getting somewhat fed up with people whinging about now being able to use Outlook.
    Not compulsory surely? Did you mean 'not' ?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • MyrandaMyranda Frets: 2940
    Exchange migrations?

    My friend Phil has done two of these in a year. 

    Since then he's had to cut short evenings out on an alarmingly frequent basis since it keeps falling down.

    I say leave the exchange server alone as they get all wobbly once you touch them
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Emp_FabEmp_Fab Frets: 24732
    Unfortunately that's not an option.  We're being paid to do roughly 30-odd of them.  They wish to give us large monies, I wish to be able to say "There you go, all done!" at the end of each job, instead of "Err... could you get me the last backup tape please". :-)  However, if my employers believed in such a thing as proper training, I wouldn't be on a music forum asking for tips.
    Donald Trump needs kicking out of a helicopter

    Offset "(Emp) - a little heavy on the hyperbole."
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  • MyrandaMyranda Frets: 2940
    Emp_Fab said:
    Unfortunately that's not an option.  We're being paid to do roughly 30-odd of them.  They wish to give us large monies, I wish to be able to say "There you go, all done!" at the end of each job, instead of "Err... could you get me the last backup tape please". :-)  However, if my employers believed in such a thing as proper training, I wouldn't be on a music forum asking for tips.
    You know... that might be the wisest thing you've said in a very long time.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • bertiebertie Frets: 13581
    edited November 2013
    Emp_Fab said:
    We're being paid to do roughly 30-odd of them.  .
    and you dont know how to do it ?   dont work for HP / EDS do you ?    LOL

      fuck me Id like to see the risk assessment 

    just because you don't, doesn't mean you can't
     just because you do, doesn't mean you should.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • MyrandaMyranda Frets: 2940
    bertie said:
    Emp_Fab said:
    We're being paid to do roughly 30-odd of them.  .
    and you dont know how to do it ?   dont work for HP / EDS do you ?    LOL

      fuck me Id like to see the risk assessment 

    You know it was HP networking stuff that my friend's school had huge problems with - they paid a company to install the HP gear, but that company didn't tell them that while they're Cisco specialists they had no clue about the HP stuff :D

    I wonder if that company were based somewhere in Wales... 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Emp_FabEmp_Fab Frets: 24732
    edited November 2013
    bertie said:  fuck me Id like to see the risk assessment 
    Risk assessment ???


    bertie said:
    and you dont know how to do it ?

    That makes two of us then. :-)

    I do know how to do it... I'm just having a small bit of bother with it actually working at the end of it :-)
    Donald Trump needs kicking out of a helicopter

    Offset "(Emp) - a little heavy on the hyperbole."
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 17948
    tFB Trader
    hywelg said:

    Getting somewhat fed up with people whinging about now being able to use Outlook.
    Not compulsory surely? Did you mean 'not' ?
    Ooops yes. 

    Outlook doesn't support CalDAV despite it being the number one requested feature for about the last five years to ensure the Exchange lock in. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • bertiebertie Frets: 13581
    Emp_Fab said:
    I do know how to do it... 
    so you dont work for EDS then......................  
    just because you don't, doesn't mean you can't
     just because you do, doesn't mean you should.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • guitargeek62guitargeek62 Frets: 4267
    edited November 2013
    bertie said:
    Once upon a time not long ago, you couldnt go 2003 - 2010 as Dan implies, was that because of  how it uses W2008 schema extensions not available in 2003 ?  not sure,  I do know you can now.
    Afaik you still need a 2008 swing server to do it. You certainly do to bring 2003 up to 2013 at least, and I'm 95% sure the same was true for 2010.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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