This week I am making...

What's Hot
...a letter rack from sweet chestnut. I am on a hand-tools-only woodworking course.

Monday - sharpening, then sharpening some more
Tuesday - sharpening, then planing
Today - sharpening, then through-dovetail joints
Tomorrow - sharpening, then mortice & tenon joints
Friday - sharpening, then half-blind dovetail joints, then finishing

It is fortunate that I like sharpening. There's quite a lot of measuring and marking-out as well.

Thus far it turns out that I was right to think that some things are more easily and/or quickly done with a plane or chisel than with a CNC machine. Some things are definitely not.
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  • Adam_MDAdam_MD Frets: 3421
    I'd love to do a course like that I've not done a lot of woodwork and really enjoyed the bits I have done.
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29191
    I've done a few now; two guitar building courses, a box making one, a wood turning one and now this. All good. Part of it is having someone experienced there to break the things down into individual tasks, and to cast an eye over what you've done and point out what needs attention.

    This week I am at Peter Sefton's -

    The previous ones (apart from the guitars) were at Axminster Tools - also very good, but I think Mr Sefton just has the edge.
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  • Marktigere1Marktigere1 Frets: 101
    What is the current suggested sharpening method?

    I use Waterstones and I'm not happy until I can shave my forearm.
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  • I'd love to get back into doing some woodworking. There's one of those 'Shed Clubs' near me. A place where owld fellers can meet and get the chance to do some woodwork. I'm going to see if they will let me make a kit guitar.
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29191
    We've looked at a load of methods. Mr Sefton recommends Turner for grinding and Scary Sharp for sharpening. Which is nice, 'cos that's what I already have.
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29191
    Gah. Tormek,not turning.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • Marktigere1Marktigere1 Frets: 101
    I looked at the scary sharp method but it looked expensive.

    But then I come from an oil stone 'Tis the only way' background and found Waterstones to be my favourite.


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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29191
    I think - not done the calculations - that Scary Sharp is probably cheaper than a set of good oil or water stones and requires much less upkeep, but the ongoing costs (honing fluid and the papers) will be a bit higher? You need three bits of glass (you can do it with one bigger one but having three gives more flexibility) at about £12 each, a decent honing guide at say £40, a bottle of honing fluid at £8 and then the papers. About a ton all in with enough paper to last you a good while. For me it's just less faff and produces (as far as I could see) tools that are just as sharp in pretty much the same time.

    That said, saying "which sharpening system is best" seems to be the ultimate troll post on any related forum. I reckon find a method that works for you and get on with it.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • Marktigere1Marktigere1 Frets: 101
    edited April 2016
    Sporky said:
    That said, saying "which sharpening system is best" seems to be the ultimate troll post on any related forum. I reckon find a method that works for you and get on with it.
    Totally agree with this sentiment.

    I use combination waterstones which work out relatively cheap and produce razor sharp tools which I could not do with traditional oil stones.  I also find water a much easier liquid to use in the wife's kitchen than oil  ;)
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29191
    Though one thing I'll say in favour of Tormek is that you can do scissors on it.

    As long as you don't mind the horrifying screaming noises they make during the process. I'm not joking. Nothing else does it, but scissors... eeek. I wear earplugs and ear defenders for that because it really is upsetting. Chisels, planer bladers, plane irons, turning tools, knives, all good. But scissors make a noise like Be'elzebub tearing through reality's thin partitions to take your soul.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29191
    I got it finished - a bit of tearout on two edges where I went a bit awry with the plane.

    On the downside Lady BMcH took the opportunity to crunch both ankles so after a 3 hour drive home we then had to wait two hours for an ambulance, then another 5 hours in A&E. One broken foot bone, one torn ligament, a quarter of a canister of Entonox. Luckily one of the neighbours took Sprocket in for the night but we weren't home until about 4am.

    At some point I'll post photos. Of the letter rack, that is. Lady BMcH's finely turned ankles are not for public display.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • Marktigere1Marktigere1 Frets: 101
    Sporky said:

    On the downside Lady BMcH took the opportunity to crunch both ankles so after a 3 hour drive home we then had to wait two hours for an ambulance, then another 5 hours in A&E. One broken foot bone, one torn ligament, a quarter of a canister of Entonox. Luckily one of the neighbours took Sprocket in for the night but we weren't home until about 4am.
    As someone who has ripped ankle ligaments, Lady BMcH has my upmost sympathy.

    I have never sharpened a pair of scissors before. If Lady Tigere1 finds out I could, my wood working career may be over ;)
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29191
    edited April 2016
    And (finally) this is what I made. Not too bad for my first all-hand-tools effort, I think. Once the wax has gone on the gaps will probably be invisible.

    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • Andyjr1515Andyjr1515 Frets: 3128
    Those are neat (in all senses of the word) joints in the end picture @Sporky  I haven't got to the confidence level to try butt-joint dovetails yet....frightened myself to death with my first neck dovetail...and there's only one joint to position right there!

    Great stuff...
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29191

    It was a good confidence builder too - it turns out that it's not mad-tricky provided you so each thing in order. The half-blind dovetails are the scariest, but once you get started they're fairly straightforward.

    Also my planes work really, really nicely now.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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