What volume pot for a lipstick pickup?

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DartmoorHedgehogDartmoorHedgehog Frets: 925
edited May 2016 in Making & Modding
I've got a lipstick pickup I want to use, but not sure what value volume pot to try.  A quick web search seems to suggest either 250k like with a normal Fender-type single coil or possibly 100k.  I haven't got a spare or either of those values, so I'll have to buy one.  Any reason to go for one or the other, or is it just a case of trying it and seeing how it sounds?  The pickup has a DC resistance of about 8k ohms if that helps at all.
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  • ICBMICBM Frets: 73089
    Danelectro use 100K volume and 1M tone with theirs, and supposedly this is part of their unique sound - but I've replaced them with 250Ks before and didn't notice a lot of difference. If you wanted to hedge your bets you could go for 250K volume and 500K tone, that would give you a fairly similar tone overall to the 100K/1M I think.

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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29190
    Depends a bit on the lipstick - the Kent Armstrong ones are quite dark so benefit from a 500k.
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  • DartmoorHedgehogDartmoorHedgehog Frets: 925
    edited May 2016
    Thanks folks.  @Sporky, that's what I was wondering, bit of guesswork and trial-and-error needed I suppose.  Presumably with both controls full up it makes no difference what size the pots are anyway.  I rarely use tone anyway (may not even bother fitting one), but do use volume a fair bit so need that to work reasonably well.
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29190
    The pot value does still matter at full volume, because then you've basically got the pot's impedance to ground from the signal line, which will load the pickup.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • Sporky said:
    The pot value does still matter at full volume, because then you've basically got the pot's impedance to ground from the signal line, which will load the pickup.
    Ah OK, hadn't thought of that.  So anything from 100k to 500k then...  in the absence of any spare ones to test (annoyingly - thought I had some but can't find them) perhaps @ICBM's suggestion of going for 250k as a compromise is the best bet.
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