Ride London

DougCodaDougCoda Frets: 642
Not sure if this is appropriate..if it isn't, please let me know and I'll take it down...I'm fundraising for what I think is a good cause...
Bottom line is this.....I'm a pretty keen cyclist/bike rider.....Audi diver /Daily Mail reader annoyer and I'm getting on 50 this year....I've got a Ride London place and I'm riding and raising money for or Asthma UK. 
My wife  really struggles with Asthma, she's got it bad,really bloody scary at times and of course being a Yorkshire girl she just gets on with it while I run around panicking..
So... here's my pitch...
It's my big 50 this year and I thought...what better way to celebrate than to go on a nice big bike ride so I'm doing the ride London/Surrey on the 31st of July to have some fun and raise some money for a charity that means a lot to me and my family..

My lovely wife has asthma and I've seen first hand how debilitating it is living with it and how scary a serious attack can be. I can't imagine the feeling of not being able to breathe when it gets bad and having to go through life with  inhalers, a nebuliser and a stack of steroids just to get through the day.

Page is here... any sort of contribution is welcome  http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/DougalClunie  

If you're on Strava ... I'm Dougal C ....

Thanks .....

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  • NiteflyNitefly Frets: 4952
    edited June 2016
    Donation made, Doug - my grandson suffers from asthma, so I'm happy to donate to research.

    Good luck with the bike ride!

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • speshul91speshul91 Frets: 1397
    Once I clear my overdraft I'll chop in mate. I had horrible asthma as a kid and my father in law struggles with it too.
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  • DougCodaDougCoda Frets: 642
    Many thanks....
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • jonevejoneve Frets: 1492
    Best of luck mate. I did a 100miler through the Mendip Hills a few years ago, and it's no easy feat, even if you're a regular rider! Hopefully the weather for the Ride London this year is better than last years! 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • BowksBowks Frets: 436
    @joneve, it was 2014 that was the stinker. 2015 was glorious weather, I even stopped for an ice cream at the top of Box Hill :-)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • jonevejoneve Frets: 1492
    Bowks said:
    @joneve, it was 2014 that was the stinker. 2015 was glorious weather, I even stopped for an ice cream at the top of Box Hill :-)
    Ah yes, sorry! Getting my years mixed up :) 

    Either way, I hope it's good so that they don't have to cut the route short again. You signed up again this year? I'm going to apply next year I think.
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  • BowksBowks Frets: 436
    Yes, I'm in for another year. I am woefully behind on my training though, not helped by medical issues (currently an infection in my right leg, caused by an insect bite)
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  • RickydRickyd Frets: 149
    A little bit more put into the pot, good luck.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • DougCodaDougCoda Frets: 642
    Thanks for all the donations...I've a bit of bad news though..on June 9th out on a ride I was taken out by a cat...ran into my front wheel(right into the spokes) as I was spinning along at about 35 kmh....the result...very broken collarbone,smashed up body and front wheel... Hospital, morphine, codeine and an operation to plate it the next day...
    I think possibly the drugs were affecting my mind...I thought I'd be able to do the ride as it the time of the accident I would have breezed it....but after they wore off and I realised how battered I was I've had to admit that it's not going to happen...I've spoken to Asthma UK and they'll hold the place and sponsorship until next year..
    Meanwhile I'm easing back into work after a few rather uncomfortable weeks.....an absolute p**ser to be honest and I was planning on hitting some hilly stuff in Mallorca on holiday in a couple of weeks...looks like the pool, sea, tapas and beer will be calling instead...
    Be back on the bike late July and in training for next year...rather gingerly at first..
    If anyone has a spare campagnolo shamal ultra mega g3 front wheel please get in touch..mine is wrecked!

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • NiteflyNitefly Frets: 4952
    Ouch - sounds painful!  Where's the plate - on your collarbone?  Will you trip the X-ray machines at the airport?  What about the cat?

    Seriously, though, get well soon!
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  • Yow.

    Sorry to hear that Doug. Hope you're fully recovered asap.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • DougCodaDougCoda Frets: 642
    Metal plate on the left clavicle with pins in it., and a nasty scar .....
    And now I set off alarms at airports...Luton to Amsterdam and back at the weekend for a Gibson dealer event, that definitley set them off..
    Namm will be fun..but I'm up and almost running...
    The cat ran off according to the lady who was driving behind me..I can't imagine it was very well....mind you it was a Hatfield cat so it may have come tooled up...

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