How Much???

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RichardjRichardj Frets: 1538
I've just seen online that the England football team have earned, or been paid, £170M this week.

Presumably that covers support staff etc. too, but even so..........  For what exactly?

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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 33984
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  • What did you expect???

    Top class comedy acts aren't cheap nowadays.

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  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    Jesus, this old shit again. Right, football at the highest level is watched by millions (billions?) of people, that creates a shitload of money in advertising revenue, the players quite rightly get a chunk of the money that they create-regardless if they have an off day. Do they do better or more important work than doctors, soldiers and teachers? Do they bollocks, but until teaching becomes a worldwide spectator sport then they'll have to stick to their respective wages. It's also a job that's open to everybody, whether from a slum in Brazil or a suburb of London, no one cares what school you went to or who your dad is. If you're good enough that billions of people will watch you kick a ball around a patch of grass on tv and 70,000 people will pay £70 to sit in a stadium to watch you, you're gonna get paid. Who else should get the cash?

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:



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  • lloyd said:
    Who else should get the cash?

    Obviously, it should be used to top-up bankers' bonuses.

    Surprised you had to ask!

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  • RichardjRichardj Frets: 1538
    You are of course right @lloyd, just a bit of a slap given their not even piss poor performance.

    Kind of says to me 'just turn up and be paid' rather than earning the money.  Maybe if they had any conscience they should donate it to a worthier cause.
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  • RocknRollDaveRocknRollDave Frets: 6603
    Their personal sponsorship deals might not be as lucrative next year

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  • And if we vote out of The Euros, that £170m could be spent on the NHS.
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29171
    Dang it - that's 4 days' EU contributions!
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    Richardj said:
    You are of course right @lloyd, just a bit of a slap given their not even piss poor performance.

    Kind of says to me 'just turn up and be paid' rather than earning the money.  Maybe if they had any conscience they should donate it to a worthier cause.

    If anyone thinks that pro sportsmen don't give a shit then they're crazy. If nothing else you have your own personal ego to play for, but they do it for more than that. To become an international footballer, fuck it, to play at any kind of level that you get paid you have to work your bollocks off and sacrifice a hell of a lot. My mate was an excellent footballer, played in many teams with a current Wales international and had stints at Man City through age grades-he hit 17 and went on holiday with us, tole drugs, got pissed smoked etc-all the things young lads might do on their first lads holiday and he kinda never got it back, he'd be drinking on weekends and whatnot-couldn't keep up and quit. He's no regrets, got a great job now and reckons he might have been able to play lower league football but wasn't prepared to put the graft it. Thing is us musicians will say you're not paying us to play the 2 hour set-you're paying for the years of practice to get that good-same with footballers.

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:



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  • monofinmonofin Frets: 1118
    Didn't Ian Wright always refuse his fee because he considered playing for England an honour?

    Not totally sure if that's true or not
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  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    monofin said:
    Didn't Ian Wright always refuse his fee because he considered playing for England an honour?

    Not totally sure if that's true or not

    Yeah there was a rumour, doubt it's true'd be better off donating your match fee, rather than refuse it. Could be a shout for the players actually, might garner some respect, but would probably be slammed for a cynical ploy. Damned if you do damned if you don't. I feel for the players, anyone slamming them for being shit is contributing to the atmosphere of pressure the teams feel when they go out to tournaments, ie part of the problem-a very small one but part of it they are. Take a look at the welcome home the Irish lads got. Different expectations but the media and certain sections of fans would do well to take note of it.

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:



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  • monofinmonofin Frets: 1118
    Expectation is the killer.
    Look at Wales, whatever happens on Friday they'll be welcomed home as heroes - quite rightly
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  • I reckon they should do the right thing and donate the whole lot to charity. They did FUCK ALL to deserve that.
    Winning 1 match out of 4 is pathetic.
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  • As far as I've been made aware by those at work who follow kickball, their International wages are donated to charity.

    littlegreenman < My tunes here...
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